New Orleans

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Nurses, Prosecutors Joust Over Post-Katrina Testimony

Caregivers accused in deaths of elderly patients

(Newser) - The aftermath of Hurricane Katrina continues to unfold in the courts, where prosecutors have offered to drop second-degree murder charges against two nurses in exchange for their testimony about the deaths of four patients. The motions may be a sign that the case against the nurses is weak, the Times-Picayune ...

Cop in Katrina Brutality Case Kills Himself

Trial for beating of unarmed man was set for next month

(Newser) - Former New Orleans police officer Lance Schilling, set to be tried next month for the caught-on-camera beating of an unarmed man just after Hurricane Katrina, died yesterday of an apparently self-inflicted gunshot wound to the face. He and his partner were charged with beating a 64-year-old retired schoolteacher who had...

Feds Beef Up Presence in New Orleans

Surge in violent crime endangers post-Katrina rebound

(Newser) - Violent crime is such a pressing problem in New Orleans that the federal government is shoring up the local criminal justice system, USA Today reports. Crime was up 107% in the first quarter of 2007 over the previous year, a jump the NOPD attributes to population growth—but the increased...

NRA Targets Post-Katrina Gun Seizures

13 states pass laws barring cops from confiscating firearms in emergencies

(Newser) - After New Orleans cops confiscated guns in the wake of Katrina, 13 states have barred officials from seizing firearms in emergencies. NRA types were livid over the post-hurricane gun grab, which they vowed would not be repeated. “You don't go and abuse good citizens because of a concern for...

New Fad in New Orleans: Guns
New Fad in New Orleans: Guns

New Fad in New Orleans: Guns

Citizens arm themselves against crime wave

(Newser) - Violent crime is storming post-Katrina New Orleans with almost the force of the 2005 hurricane, Time reports. The city has America's highest murder rate, and weapons sales are skyrocketing as citizens take to arming themselves.  "They're not gun aficionados," a gun shop owner says of the recent...

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