foreign policy

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Gingrich in Hot Seat at Tonight's Debate

Will new frontrunner keep his position?

(Newser) - Tonight’s GOP debate in Washington will focus on foreign policy—though, as Politico notes, “foreign policy isn’t going to decide the 2012 presidential race.” The topic just “isn’t where the interest has been for voters or the media,” a strategist tells the Economic ...

President Obama Announces Increased Military Presence in Australia, Insists US Does Not Fear China
 Obama: US Not Afraid of China 

Obama: US Not Afraid of China

President announces increased military presence in Australia

(Newser) - The US and Australia announced a new security agreement today, seen by many as a response to China’s growing power, but President Obama insisted that “the notion that we fear China is mistaken.” Under the agreement, the US military presence will be expanded, with about 250 Marines...

Things to Watch in Tonight's GOP Debate

Focus is on foreign policy

(Newser) - The Republican candidates are back at it tonight in a debate expected to focus on foreign policy. David A. Graham at the Daily Beast has five things to watch, including:
  • Artful dodges: Yeah, the theme is foreign policy, but given weak voter interest, expect the candidates to pivot toward national

Cain Doesn't Realize China Has Nuclear Weapons

He tells PBS China is 'trying to develop nuclear capabilities'

(Newser) - Herman Cain might just be a wee bit misinformed about China. In a quick exchange from his PBS News Hour interview last night, spotted by Raw Story , Cain was asked if China was a military threat. “Yes, they’re a military threat,” he replied. "They’ve indicated...

On Libya, Obama Played It Perfectly
On Libya, Obama
Played It Perfectly

On Libya, Obama Played It Perfectly

He ignored critics who demanded US lead the attacks: David Ignatius

(Newser) - President Obama's "Mr. Cool" approach worked like a charm in Libya, writes David Ignatius. Recall that Obama took heat for doing too much (pushing for military action instead of a mere no-fly zone) and for doing too little (allowing the US to take a back seat to the...

Romney: God Wants US to Lead

He calls for a new 'American Century' in foreign policy speech

(Newser) - Mitt Romney gave his first big foreign policy speech of the campaign today, going strong on American exceptionalism. Full text here . Some parts being highlighted by the Washington Post and Boston Globe :
  • “This century must be an American century. In an American century, America leads the free world and

First Lady’s Africa Trip Re-Ignites Criticism

Africa advocates say White House overlooks troubled continent

(Newser) - Michelle Obama's trip to southern Africa this week is giving new life to criticism that the Obama administration is overlooking the troubled continent, reports the Washington Post . The president has been to sub-Saharan Africa only once since taking office— a 24-hour trip to Ghana in 2009 —and critics...

Finally, Republicans Are Being Republicans Again
Finally, Republicans Are Being Republicans Again
Peggy Noonan

Finally, Republicans Are Being Republicans Again

Peggy Noonan likes the new 'sobriety' about waging war

(Newser) - Republicans should be happy with this week's debate for two reasons, writes Peggy Noonan in the Wall Street Journal . First, nobody showed up from "Crazytown." More importantly, the candidates demonstrated a "new sobriety" on foreign policy. "There were no burly promises of victories around the...

US Needs a Leader in Front, Not &lsquo;Behind&rsquo;
US Needs a Leader in Front, Not ‘Behind’
William Kristol

US Needs a Leader in Front, Not ‘Behind’

William Kristol: Obama's strategy is one of ‘appeasement and decline'

(Newser) - The "leading from behind" theme looks to be emerging as a conservative line of attack against President Obama. The phrase comes from an Obama adviser describing the Libya strategy in a New Yorker piece on foreign policy by Ryan Lizza. (Read it here .) The gist is that Obama...

Peggy Noonan: Obama Has to Give a Major Speech Explaining His Libya Decision

 Time for Your 
 Libya Speech, 
 Mr. President 
Peggy Noonan

Time for Your Libya Speech, Mr. President

Peggy Noonan: Obama has to explain this to the American people

(Newser) - Peggy Noonan is among those scratching their heads over the US decision to flex its muscle in Libya, and she'd like help figuring it out ... from President Obama himself. "I cannot for the life of me see how an American president can launch a serious military action without a...

Hillary Clinton Drove President Obama's Decision to Use Military Force on Libya
 Clinton Drove 
 Obama Shift on Libya 

Clinton Drove Obama Shift on Libya

Secretary of State secured Arab buy-in, convinced prez to act

(Newser) - President Obama came late to the decision to authorize military force against Libya , but he did so based on the counsel and efforts of Hillary Clinton, reports the New York Times . The secretary of state was herself against intervention until she secured buy-in from Arab nations; she then joined a...

Yemen President: This Is a Secret US-Israeli Plot

Ally against al-Qaeda is apparently an ally no more

(Newser) - The president of Yemen lashed out at the US and Israel today and accused them of secretly controlling the democratic uprisings in the Arab world, the Los Angeles Times reports. Ali Abdullah Saleh, a key ally of the US in the war on al-Qaeda and the recipient of billions in...

US Better Not Pull Another 'Mubarak'
 US Better Not Pull 
 Another 'Mubarak' 

US Better Not Pull Another 'Mubarak'

JD Gordon: America shouldn't abandon the leaders of Bahrain, Yemen

(Newser) - Here's a dissenting voice on the Mideast unrest: The US blew it in Egypt by turning its back on Hosni Mubarak and shouldn't make the same mistake with the leaders of Bahrain and Yemen, writes retired Navy commander JD Gordon. If anything, those two countries are even more important to...

Tea Party's Blind Spot: Foreign Policy
Tea Party's Blind Spot:
Foreign Policy

Tea Party's Blind Spot: Foreign Policy

Movement can't go on ignoring military spending

(Newser) - The Tea Party will have a big say on GOP policy in the next Congress, but what it doesn't have is any coherent foreign policy, writes Peter Beinart at the Daily Beast. The movement might want to stay true to its ideal of reducing the deficit, scaling back the federal...

Obamas Begin India Visit
 Obamas Begin India Visit 

Obamas Begin India Visit

President puts focus on trade, security

(Newser) - President Obama's 10-day overseas trip is under way, with he and the first lady paying homage today to the victims of the Mumbai terror attacks of 2008. "We visit here to send a very clear message that, in our determination to give our people a future of security and...

Palin Policy Adviser Works for Foreign Governments

Orion Strategies a registered agent for Taiwan, Georgia

(Newser) - The company Sarah Palin is paying for foreign policy advice is also being paid to lobby lawmakers on behalf of Taiwan, Georgia, and Montenegro. Palin's political action committee isn't breaking any laws by hiring Orion Strategies, Reuters notes, but the firm's work on behalf of foreign governments raises questions about...

Clinton: Our Foreign Policy Is Working

 Clinton: Our 
 Foreign Policy 
 Is Working 
'new american moment'

Clinton: Our Foreign Policy Is Working

It's time to seize 'New American Moment'

(Newser) - The Obama administration's approach to foreign policy is beginning to pay important dividends, Hillary Clinton asserted today, in a speech to the Council on Foreign Relations. "We are advancing America's interests," she said. "Today we can say with confidence that this model of American leadership works, and...

Obama's Iran Policy Is a Failure

 Iran Policy 
 Is a Failure 
charles krauthammer

Obama's Iran Policy Is a Failure

Best he can say is Tehran is 'isolated,' which isn't true

(Newser) - Charles Krauthammer continues his President Obama-is-weak crusade with an op-ed ridiculing the administration's stance on Iran. After 16 months of US "groveling" and outreach, Tehran has responded with nothing but "defiance, contempt and an acceleration of its nuclear program." The best Obama can do is repeat over...

This Photo Proves Obama's a Failure
This Photo Proves
Obama's a Failure
charles krauthammer

This Photo Proves Obama's a Failure

Nobody is afraid of the US anymore

(Newser) - It may look like your standard photo op, but the image of Iran's Mahmoud Ahmadinejad raising hands with the leaders of Brazil and Turkey after their deal on nukes is much, much more to Charles Krauthammer. "That picture— a defiant, triumphant take-that-Uncle-Sam—is a crushing verdict on the Obama...

Karzai's the Best We've Got. Deal With It
Karzai's the Best We've
Got. Deal With It
Fareed Zakaria

Karzai's the Best We've Got. Deal With It

We need him to win the Afghanistan war, so grow up and stop undercutting him

(Newser) - Sure, Hamid Karzai is a "vain, mercurial, hypersensitive man" presiding over "a system that is massively corrupt." But the US still should—and must—learn to work with him, Fareed Zakaria writes in the Washington Post . There is no alternative to Karzai, Zakaria argues; if the US...

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