talk show

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Mother Sues Tyra Banks Over Daughter's Appearance

Girl, 15, went on sex addict show

(Newser) - Mommas, don't let your babies grow up to be ... 15-year-old girls who go on Tyra Banks' show to proclaim before the world that they're sex addicts. A Georgia woman is suing Banks for $3 million, claiming her daughter made the appearance without her permission and that the show last year...

Fran Drescher Talk Show: 'The Nanny' Star Snags One-Hour Slot on Fox
 Fran Drescher 
 Gets Talk Show 


Fran Drescher Gets Talk Show

'The Nanny' star snags one-hour slot

(Newser) - Who wouldn’t want to listen to Fran Drescher’s unmistakable nasal drawl for an hour each week? The former Nanny snagged her own talk show, or at least a three-week trial for one, on Fox. The imaginatively-titled Fran Drescher Show premieres Nov. 26, Mediaweek reports. Drescher says it will...

Critics Spit on Spitzer TV Debut

Parker Spitzer 'a load of obnoxious, self-important noise'

(Newser) - Kathleen Parker and Eliot Spitzer's CNN talkfest Parker Spitzer made its debut last night and critics say the program by the former New York governor and Washington Post columnist is as bad as predicted.
  • The pacing, and the whole show, seems weird, complains Max Read at Gawker . Guests, including columnist

GOP Slaps Obama on Mosque
 GOP Slaps Obama on Mosque 

GOP Slaps Obama on Mosque

Issue will haunt in November, says Cornyn

(Newser) - David Petraeus stopped by to say he's not overwhelmed by his 2011 deadline in Afghanistan, but President Obama's stance on the Ground Zero mosque was pretty much the only game on the Sunday shows today. The GOP should keep its paws off the Constitution, DNC chair Tim Kaine said, while...

Obama Returns to The View
 Obama Returns to 
 The View 

Obama Returns to The View

Barbara Walters will greet first sitting president to join ABC chatfest

(Newser) - President Obama will appear on The View on Thursday, and his visit will be only the second-most-anticipated of the day: Co-host Barbara Walters will return to work for the first appearance on the ABC chatfest by a sitting president, reports Broadcasting & Cable . Walters had surgery in May to replace...

Oprah Offers Fergie TV Show
 Oprah Offers Fergie TV Show 

Oprah Offers Fergie TV Show

Talk show queen could save broke duchess

(Newser) - The Duchess of York’s embarrassing scandal, in which she was busted for trying to sell access to Prince Andrew, may have a happy ending: Oprah Winfrey, who gave Sarah Ferguson a venue in which to discuss the mess, is now offering her a talk show of her own. “...

CNN's New Larry King: Piers Morgan

Talent show judge on the verge of $8M deal

(Newser) - The mystery of who will replace Larry King is over—probably: CNN is about to sign Piers Morgan. The former newspaper editor and British talk show host, best known as a judge on Britain’s Got Talent and its American counterpart, is looking to commit to a four-year contract that...

Tori Gets Her Very Own Talk Show

 Tori Gets 
 Her Very Own 
 Talk Show 
kate gosselin must be so jealous

Tori Gets Her Very Own Talk Show

For some reason, ABC creating a show for Spelling

(Newser) - If you just don’t have enough Tori Spelling in your life—and really, how could you? 90210 reruns and her inexplicably popular reality show can only satisfy so much—good news: She’ll soon be hosting a daytime talk show. Yes, ABC is creating the show specifically for Spelling...

Springer to Host Dating Show
 Springer to Host Dating Show 
plus: dr phil gets a sidekick

Springer to Host Dating Show

Kelly Osbourne gets a new TV gig, too

(Newser) - Today's television news: Jerry Springer heads to another trainwreck-of-a-show, while Kelly Osbourne lands a gig trying to help trainwrecks-in-the-making. Springer—who calls himself “the crazy old uncle” that people tell secrets to—will host a dating show where contestants reveal their biggest faults then vie for a date, the...

Shoplifters Brag on Dr. Phil, Go to Jail

Matthew and Nora Eaton probably should have seen this coming

(Newser) - A California couple is probably having second thoughts about discussing their shoplifting habit with Dr. Phil now that they’re going to jail. Matthew and Nora Eaton went on his TV show—ostensibly for help with their shoplifting addiction—in Nov. 2008, and revealed that they made money by selling...

ESPN Suspends Kornheiser for Ripping Anchor's Outfit

Called Hannah Storm's get-up 'horrifying'

(Newser) - A week after he said ESPN anchor Hannah Storm “looks like she has sausage casing wrapping around her upper body,” Tony Kornheiser was suspended today from his gig hosting the channel’s Pardon the Interruption shout-fest. That remark was just part of a critique Kornheiser made during his...

Colbert Arrives, Buries Hatchet With Canada
 Colbert Arrives, Buries 
 Hatchet With Canada 

Colbert Arrives, Buries Hatchet With Canada

Pokes fun at Vancouver weather in taping Report

(Newser) - Comedian Stephen Colbert put his faux feud with Canada to rest today, taping his show in a Vancouver park to cheers from hundreds of locals. “This was a welcome that we could not have imagined … I take back everything I ever said about Canada,” said Colbert, who’...

The View Brings Politics to Daytime TV

Goodbye, celebrity gossip, recipes—hello, health care, gay marriage

(Newser) - The View is bringing politics to the daytime talk show, once the realm of cooking tips and fashion advice. Discussion of topics like health care is "one of the reasons I watch it," an audience member tells the Los Angeles Times . "When they do the fashion stuff,...

Brownie's Pick? Um, Not New Orleans
 Brownie's Pick? 
 Um, Not 
 New Orleans 


Brownie's Pick? Um, Not New Orleans

Michael 'heckuva job, Brownie' Brown says he just follows Colts

(Newser) - The Indianapolis Colts have perhaps taken over as public enemy No. 1 in New Orleans ahead of tomorrow’s Super Bowl matchup with the Saints, but that’s not stopping Michael Brown from trying to get the crown back. Brown, whose handling of Hurricane Katrina as head of the FEMA...

Next for Katie Couric: Pay Cut or New Job?

 Next for Katie Couric: 
 Pay Cut or New Job? 
CBS Future Iffy

Next for Katie Couric: Pay Cut or New Job?

Her contract up next year, Couric is sure to face a pay cut or worse

(Newser) - With reports of a 150-person layoff at her network on Monday and just about a year left on her contract, Katie Couric's future is uncertain. Her bosses at CBS have given no indication whether they plan to keep her, but even if they do, "I would be flabbergasted if...

Oprah Winfrey Channel to Have New Show About Her Old Show

When her OWN network debuts, get ready for a double dose of Oprah

(Newser) - Leave it to Oprah Winfrey to find a creative way out of a contract dilemma: Instead of starring in another talk show on her new network, she'll star in a reality show about her talk show. The Oprah Winfrey Network debuts in January 2011, but until her syndicated talk show...

Sarah Palin Is Giving Glenn Beck Fits at Fox

She's a hit with the bosses, and he thinks she's eying his slot

(Newser) - Sarah Palin, “the new flavor of the month at Fox,” is gunning for Glenn Beck’s coveted 5pm slot. At least that’s what he seems to think, insiders tell Rob Shuter at PopEater . “All the bosses love her,” one source spills. “She's an incredibly...

Stop Sunday 'Coffee Hour,' Start Fact-Checking

Sunday shows should put guests 'at a maximum disadvantage'

(Newser) - How do we give Sunday morning shows some bite when they’d prefer to stick to the role of “amiable, risk-free coffee hour”? One media expert suggests a midweek online fact check of what was said over the weekend—but why wait ‘til Wednesday? asks Jason Linkins...

Tyra Banks a 'Brutal' Boss
 Tyra Banks 
 a 'Brutal' Boss 

Tyra Banks a 'Brutal' Boss

As 'The Tyra Banks Show' ends, the gossip starts flying

(Newser) - The death knell has barely finished tolling for The Tyra Banks Show, and her former employees are already dishing on her diva-like behavior as a boss. “She and the higher-ups on the production staff could be extremely brutal,” one source tells the New York Daily News , adding that...

Kate Gosselin Loses Talk Show Gig

After divorce from Jon, reality show star deemed too controversial

(Newser) - Looks like Kate Gosselin will have to come up with another way to stay in the spotlight: Sources say the reality show mom has been booted from an upcoming talk show for being too controversial. Gosselin shot the pilot, a show geared toward working moms, with Paula Deen and two...

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