Mahmoud Ahmadinejad

Stories 321 - 340 | << Prev   Next >>

Iran Prez Lashes Out at Bush, Israel

He says Tehran's Mideast foe 'would not dare attack'

(Newser) - Iran President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad took aim against two familiar foes with strong rhetoric today, BBC reports. He accused President Bush of "sowing seeds of division" during his Mideast trip and warned Israel not to threaten Tehran. "The Zionist regime would not dare attack," he said after Israel...

Iran's Power Structure Baffles
Iran's Power Structure Baffles

Iran's Power Structure Baffles

Clergy, bureaucrats, assorted elites wrestle for control

(Newser) - Since Iran’s autocratic shah fell in 1979, the question “Who runs Iran?” has stumped Western analysts. “Who doesn’t?” may be easier to grasp, reports the Los Angeles Times. Iran’s government has morphed into a free-for-all that includes the Shiite Muslim clergy, an entrenched bureaucracy, and...

Iran's Prez Under Fire for Rising Inflation

Even Ahmadinejad's own party finds fault with his policies

(Newser) - Skyrocketing inflation in Iran is sparking criticism of President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad—even from within his own conservative party, the AP reports. Prices for food and homes have surged in recent months. Ahmadinejad, who ran in 2005 on promises to use oil revenue to boost the economy, blames his predecessors for...

Iran Plans 19 Nuke Plants
Iran Plans 19 Nuke Plants

Iran Plans 19 Nuke Plants

Rejects calls to drop uranium enrichment

(Newser) - Iran has dismissed calls to drop uranium enrichment and plans 19 new nuclear power plants, Reuters reports. "US officials have talked of negotiations" on the condition that Iran stop the enrichment, "but we do not accept any preconditions for talks," Iran's Foreign Minister said today. The UN...

Gulf Arabs Enjoy Iranian Thaw
Gulf Arabs Enjoy Iranian Thaw

Gulf Arabs Enjoy Iranian Thaw

Tehran gets trade partners; Arabs get peace of mind

(Newser) - Relations between the Sunni states in the Persian Gulf and the Shias in Iran were chilly before Mahmoud Ahmadinejad came to power in 2005, and they became even frostier afterward. But  now the worm is beginning to turn—and former rivals are making nice. Burdened with UN sanctions and needing...

Iran Cracks Down on the 'Un-Islamic'

Fear of regime change drives new policing of women's dress, media

(Newser) - Iran is engaged in its most serious crackdown on "un-Islamic" behavior in years, the Christian Science Monitor reports, with masked police rounding up and humiliating everyone from drug dealers to immodestly dressed women. But the impulse for the crackdown isn't Islamic conservatism, the paper concludes; it's a fear of...

Iran Prez: US Hurts World Peace
Iran Prez: US Hurts World Peace

Iran Prez: US Hurts World Peace

'Unilateralism' tarnishes American prestige, Ahmadinejad writes

(Newser) - Writing in Newsweek, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad says the US has forsaken its “proper role in eliminating tyranny and violence” in the international arena, instead acting unilaterally to disrupt a peaceful world. Ahmadinejad says Iran has every right to develop nuclear fuel “for peaceful purposes,” and the...

Iran Flip Shows US Intelligence Turnaround

Tougher procedures born of Iraq failure result in nuke reversal

(Newser) - In reversing its 2005 finding that Iran was pursuing nuclear weapons, the US intelligence community is putting into practice changes adopted after crucial failures in the run-up to the Iraq war. The original used weak sourcing and less than rigorous fact-gathering, critics say. “I think people should take comfort...

Ahmadinejad Offers to Safeguard US Elections

Iranian prez is sure Bush won't win again

(Newser) - Mahmoud Ahmadinejad yesterday offered to oversee the 2008 US presidential elections, saying he’s convinced that, given a free poll, Americans won’t re-elect George W. Bush. That Bush isn’t constitutionally allowed to run seemed lost on the Iranian president—as was the irony that his own government opposes...

Ahmadinejad Gets a Blog, Hilarity Ensues

Iranian prez finds unexpectedly critical audience online

(Newser) - When Mahmoud Ahmadinejad started his blog, he thought circumventing the media would let him present his message unadulterated to fawning supporters, free from opposition catcalls. What he found instead was a hypercritical audience typical of the online realm, the Guardian reports. Iranians, among others, are mercilessly flaming their president, criticizing...

Greenback Assaulted at OPEC meeting
Greenback Assaulted at
OPEC meeting

Greenback Assaulted at OPEC meeting

Dollar a 'worthless piece of paper,' Iran's president says

(Newser) - Calling it a "small and worthless piece of paper,” Iran’s president today urged OPEC's members to drop the depreciating US dollar as its official currency. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad blamed President Bush for the dollar’s decline and its adverse effects. The comments highlight mounting tension among OPEC members,...

Iran Prez: Go Ahead Make My Day
Iran Prez:
Go Ahead
Make My Day

Iran Prez: Go Ahead Make My Day

We're ready for a US attack, warns Ahmadinejad

(Newser) - Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad yesterday warned that his nation is fully prepared to respond if attacked, but downplayed the possibility of a war with the US. "We have made all preparations, and if there is any suspicion, then we are ready," he said during a visit to Bahrain....

Iran Prepared for Large-Scale Nuclear Fuel Output: UN

Report likely to raise debate on sanctions

(Newser) - Iran is able to produce nuclear fuel on an industrial scale, with 3,000 centrifuges capable of enriching uranium, a UN watchdog agency said today in a report sure to fuel diplomatic wrangling over sanctions. In praising Iran’s openness but demanding more, the International Atomic Energy Agency provided ammunition...

Iranian Official Says Gays Merit Death Penalty

Confirms quiet policy of torture, execution for homosexuals

(Newser) - Tehran is sanctioning the execution and perhaps torture of homosexuals, reports the London Times, and an Iranian politician confirmed the policy at a meeting with British MPs. Quizzed about the hanging of two boys accused of homosexual activity, a member of Iran's energy committee responded that gays should be killed—...

Iran Nuke Claim Raises Fears of Israeli Strike

Tehran's alleged 3K enrichment centrifuges heightens tensions

(Newser) - President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad announced yesterday that Iran has 3,000 working centrifuges for uranium enrichment—enough, experts say, to make a nuclear bomb within a year. But what worries Washington more, the Times of London reports, is whether Israel will launch a preemptive airstrike. US military sources say Tehran's announcement...

Mideast War to Defeat Dems? Worked Once, Could Again

Frank Rich: Iran bluster really about '08 election

(Newser) - Bush's rumblings about bombing Iran look like a strategic dead end: With the military stretched thin and Iraq a debacle, what does a lame-duck president stand to gain from a full-scale regional war? The answer, Frank Rich argues in his New York Times column, is a proven election-year tactic of...

With New US Sanctions, Iran Looks East

China poised to become Tehran's biggest trading partner

(Newser) - As Iran is increasingly squeezed by new US sanctions and pressure from the UN, the country looks east for new economic alliances. China is about to overtake Germany as Iran's largest trading partner, and with oil prices skyrocketing, it looks as though Iran will be able to weather the storm...

Iran's Nuclear Negotiator Quits
Iran's Nuclear Negotiator Quits

Iran's Nuclear Negotiator Quits

(Newser) - Iran's chief nuclear negotiator has resigned, the Iranian government said today, in a move seen as signaling a hardening of Tehran's nuclear stance. Ali Larijani  was said to be more committed to finding a diplomatic resolution to Iran's nuclear standoff with the West than Iranian President  Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. He was...

Bush: Iran Risks 'World War III'
 Bush: Iran Risks 'World War III'

Bush: Iran Risks 'World War III'

Outspoken response to a warning from Russia

(Newser) - In a cantankerous press conference today, President Bush warned that Iran risks starting World War III if it develops nuclear weapons. His remarks came as reporters sought his reaction to Vladimir Putin's comments, after meeting with Mahmoud Ahmadinejad yesterday, that the West should not only rule out military action against...

Putin on War With Iran: Don't Even Think About It

Russian president backs Iran at regional summit

(Newser) - Russian President Vladimir Putin's visit to Tehran continued yesterday with a regional summit and a not-so-veiled warning against American action in Iran. A day after dismissing reports of an assassination plot against him during the trip, Putin met with leaders from Iran and other nations on the Caspian Sea. "...

Stories 321 - 340 | << Prev   Next >>