Hillary Clinton

Read the latest news about former Secretary of State and First Lady Hillary Clinton on Newser.com

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Dems Tussle for 'Super Delegates'
Dems Tussle
for 'Super Delegates'

Dems Tussle for 'Super Delegates'

Convention-goers not bound by state voting are the gold standard

(Newser) - If Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama go neck-and-neck through February 5, "super delegates" may decide the Democratic nominee, reports the LA Times. The goal is 2,025—the number of convention delegates needed to secure the nomination—but the grail is the 796 elected officials who are free to...

Clinton, Obama Camps Throw Elbows on Race

Issue of drugs emerges in SC

(Newser) - The racially charged crossfire between the Clinton and Obama camps continued today, as Bill Clinton said on a radio show he had a "a list of 80 attacks" from the Illinois senator on his wife. Clinton had been asked to respond to a remark made by  BET founder Robert...

McCain Now National GOP Favorite: Poll

Clinton still leads Dems, but Obama doubles 'electability'

(Newser) - A new nationwide poll shows seismic shifts in the standings of presidential hopefuls in the last month, with John McCain, earlier counted out with just 7% support, now leading the GOP race at 33%. The New York Times/CBS poll has Mike Huckabee trailing with 18%, and Rudy Giuliani with 10%....

Clinton Strikes Back Over MLK
Clinton Strikes Back Over MLK

Clinton Strikes Back Over MLK

Obama retaliates, calls criticisms 'flat-out wrong'

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton struck back today in an increasingly aggressive debate over race and war in the Democratic primary contest, Politico reports. On "Meet the Press," Clinton interrupted Tim Russert's questions as she accused Obama of "deliberately distorting her comments" about Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. Obama's campaign...

Clinton/Obama Question Splits Labor Unions

Dems worry base too bitterly divided to unite behind single nominee

(Newser) - Labor unions are the foundation of any Democratic campaign, but that foundation in the '08 race remains clearly split between Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama, the LA Times reports. Both have fervent support among different unions, and tension within the party is running high, raising fears that the base won't...

Obama to SC Blacks: Have Faith
Obama to SC Blacks: Have Faith

Obama to SC Blacks: Have Faith

Dem puts religion over race in primary strategy

(Newser) - Barack Obama is putting religion over race in the Palmetto State, where almost half of Democratic voters are black—a strategy that has worked for President Bush twice, Politico reports. As in Iowa, Obama has held faith forums throughout the state and even stumped in conservative, white churches. Some sneered...

McCain Ties Hillary, Obama Nationally: Poll

Clinton scores highest 'definitely vote for' score; Romney comes in last

(Newser) - Fresh from his New Hampshire primary win, John McCain scored highest today among Republicans against Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama in theoretical head-to-head general election match-ups, according to a CNN poll. McCain drew 48% to Clinton's 50% and Obama's 49% in the survey, putting the three hopefuls in statistical dead...

Clintons Try Easing Racial Flap
Clintons Try Easing Racial Flap

Clintons Try Easing Racial Flap

Bill goes on Sharpton's show, explains 'fairy tale' remark

(Newser) - Bill Clinton was in damage control mode yesterday, going on Al Sharpton’s radio show to clear the air over remarks that some have called racially insensitive. Clinton offended by calling Obama’s campaign a “fairy tale,” but Bill says he was referring to Obama’s statements on...

Why Edwards Still Matters
Why Edwards Still Matters

Why Edwards Still Matters

Barring a miracle, he won't be nominated, but could be huge as spoiler

(Newser) - He may have lost Iowa and New Hampshire, but don’t forget about John Edwards just yet, even if he’s not going to win the nomination, writes the Washington Post’s Dan Balz. Trumped by the celebrity and fundraising might of Clinton and Obama, Edwards will likely have to...

Clinton Unveils $70B Fix for Economy

GOP hopefuls attack plan and each other; Bush mulls tax rebate

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton upstaged her rivals today by proposing $70 billion in emergency spending to help avoid a US recession, Reuters reports. Her plan would include $30 billion for homeowners, $25 billion for families with high energy bills, and another $15 billion aimed at unemployment insurance and alternative energy plans—all...

Invoking King May Backfire for Clinton in SC

Influential congressman reconsiders neutral stance in primary

(Newser) - The highest-ranking African American in Congress, Rep. Jim Clyburn, is reconsidering his neutrality in South Carolina’s Democratic primary after comments by Hillary Clinton he perceived as “denigrating” Martin Luther King. Competing with Barack Obama over the legacies of JFK and MLK, Clinton said: “King’s dream began...

Dems Vie for Stars' Support
Dems Vie for Stars' Support

Dems Vie for Stars' Support

Obama, Clinton seek star power, cash

(Newser) - Democratic frontrunners Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton are actively recruiting an army of Hollywood stars to help on the campaign trail. The LA Times runs down the supporting casts: Besides Oprah Winfrey, Obama has the support of George Clooney, Scarlett Johansson, Will Smith, Jennifer Aniston, and Halle Berry. Clinton's star...

Did Race Cost Obama NH?
Did Race Cost Obama NH?

Did Race Cost Obama NH?

Poll expert thinks poor whites voted against him because he's black

(Newser) - Polls predicting a Barack Obama win in New Hampshire were way off, and the head of the Pew Research Center thinks race and class were part of the reason. In his years as a pollster, he has found that poorer, less-educated white people are less likely to agree to answer...

Economists Say Recession Risk Rising

Cumulative troubles mounting; most see a Dem in the White House

(Newser) - The odds of a recession hitting the US are rising as the cumulative effects of soaring energy costs, a flailing job market, and a dogged housing slump put the brakes on the economy, predicts a panel of economists in the Wall Street Journal today. Those economic woes, they say, are...

She Got Out of Jail Free
She Got Out
of Jail Free

She Got Out of Jail Free

Times scribe: Clinton got 'sympathy vote' from women who recognized her vulnerability

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton had a “horrendous week” in the lead-up to Tuesday's New Hampshire primary—and won not on merit, but on a “sympathy vote” from women who saw themselves in her, exhausted and “overdosed on multitasking.” The New York Times’ Gail Collins argues that women recognized...

At Last, a Win for Romney: $5M in 1 Day

Clinton, McCain seeing millions in post-NH fund-raising bounces

(Newser) - Mitt Romney bagged $5 million in donations yesterday, and aides called the more than 10,000 contributions a “solid affirmation of support” for the second-place New Hampshire finisher, the Boston Herald reports. The candidate said the donation bonanza showed “a continued belief” that he’s the only Republican...

Bookies Pay Out on Longshot Clinton Bets

At 100-to-1, Hillary's victory startles political gambling websites

(Newser) - Clinton supporters of an apolitical kind had reason to celebrate after her surprise win in New Hampshire: bettors on a Hillary victory reaped huge payoffs after her odds dropped to a low of 100-to-1. Bloomberg reports that the Dublin-based Intrade had made an Obama result a near certainty, leaving contrarians...

Democrats Rush to Silver State
Democrats Rush to Silver State

Democrats Rush to Silver State

Nevada's Jan. 19 caucus being recast as Obama-Clinton tiebreaker

(Newser) - With the Democratic race tied at a victory apiece for Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama, a new front-runner will be crowned in Nevada's Jan. 19 caucus—and both campaigns are charging in. Health care, the foreclosure crisis and the environment are big issues; both teams are running Spanish-language radio spots...

4 Takes on the Clinton Win
4 Takes on the Clinton Win

4 Takes on the Clinton Win

Ink barely dry on NH results, scribes start in on meaning

(Newser) - What's the take on the Clinton upset, the morning after? Four responses from across the spectrum:
  • Obama-supporting rightie Andrew Sullivan says a media pile-on on Hillary Clinton sparked “voter backlash.” He’s partly “crushed,” but also excited that the candidates will now fight “a long

Are Pollsters the Biggest Losers in NH?

How much should we blame predictors for getting it wrong?

(Newser) - The New Hampshire primary was the biggest high-profile poll upset in memory, says Talking Points Memo’s Josh Marshall—but don’t jump too far down pollsters’ throats. Marshall has a hunch the polls weren’t “wrong,” but rather couldn’t capture a “late swing,” a...

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