
Stories 41 - 60 | << Prev   Next >>

Let's Label Oil Like Calories
 Let's Label Oil Like Calories 

Let's Label Oil Like Calories

US needs to go on an energy diet as prices rise

(Newser) - With oil prices soaring once more, America’s in for a shock. After all, we use more fossil fuels than any other developed country, using them not just in our cars, but to make, power, and transport nearly everything we buy, observes Amanda Little in the New York Times . This...

Regular Portions Really 'Super-Sized'

Think twice before ordering that 12-oz steak

(Newser) - Diet experts have been saying it for years, and now an official study confirms: That “single serving” meal you’re served at a restaurant is actually a double portion—or more. “Eating half of what the restaurant serves is often just about right,” says the nutrition director...

Coming Soon: Calorie Count on Movie Popcorn
 Coming Soon: 
 Calorie Count on 
 Movie Popcorn 
how to ruin a good thing

Coming Soon: Calorie Count on Movie Popcorn

Trains, planes, grocery stores must also post calories

(Newser) - There are some things you just don’t want to know … and the number of calories in that buttery movie popcorn you’re about to enjoy is probably one of them. Chain restaurants are already required to post calorie counts under the new health care law, and the FDA...

8 'Health' Foods That Aren't So Healthy

Vitamin Water packs a lot more than just vitamins

(Newser) - Sure, an apple is a nutrient-filled snack, but so is a chocolate-chip peanut butter energy bar, right? Cracked blows the whistle on eight tasty "health" foods that actually aren't so good for our heath:
  1. Vitamin Water: As if the fact that it's owned by Coca-Cola isn't enough of a

Worst Restaurant Belt-Busters
 Worst Restaurant Belt-Busters 

Worst Restaurant Belt-Busters

Consumer group issues its annual list

(Newser) - The Center for Science in the Public Interest has released its annual list of calorie bombs available at chain restaurants. Among the winners of the "Xtreme Eating Awards":
  • Cheesecake Factory's Pasta Carbonara with Chicken: 2,500 calories and 85 grams of saturated fat.
  • Five Guys Bacon Cheeseburger: 920 calories

America's Unhealthiest Fast Food

Here's a preview of your post-health care reform sticker shock

(Newser) - Thanks to a fun little side clause in the health care reform bill, fast food restaurants are going to have to start posting nutrition information on their menus. The Daily Beast decided to offer a preview of the 40 most shock-inducing items:
  1. Wendy’s Triple Baconator: In a class by

Calorie Counts Go on Menus, Thanks to Health Care Bill

Some 200K chain restaurants will be putting the info in your face

(Newser) - That Caesar salad you're about to eat? It's 800 calories, and that's without the croutons. You may choose to ignore the numbers, but soon it's going to be tough to deny you saw them: A requirement tucked into the health care bill will make calorie counts impossible for thousands of...

Panera Will Post Calorie Counts

Gets the jump on potential calorie posting law

(Newser) - Panera Bread customers around the country soon will be able to tally calories for their smokehouse turkey panini and broccoli cheddar soup with just a glance at the menu board. The firm announced today that it will be the first nationwide chain to voluntarily post calorie information at all of...

Tiny Coke Can Is the New 'Light' Cigarette
Tiny Coke Can
Is the New
'Light' Cigarette

Tiny Coke Can Is the New 'Light' Cigarette

Sneaky 'portion control' advertising blitz a cynical ploy: Saletan

(Newser) - The advertising blitz accompanying the release of Coca-Cola’s new 7.5 ounce “mini can” sounds suspiciously like the original pitch for light cigarettes, William Saletan writes. A company exec says the innovation “supports the idea of moderation and offers people yet another way to enjoy their favorite...

12 Food Trends That Need to Die
 12 Food Trends 
 That Need to Die 

12 Food Trends That Need to Die

Calorie counts are a bummer, and unisex bathrooms are embarrassing

(Newser) - Why must everything, from burgers to pizza to Vietnamese street sandwiches, have a high-end gourmet version? Those three things should die, along with 9 other food trends that bug Esquire:
  1. Faux speakeasies: spots with no phone number, sign
  2. "Farm to table": idea is fine, but the expression must die

Sure, We Read the Calorie Charts—Then Eat More

Customers say they seek guidance from signs, but receipts tell a different story

(Newser) - A new study casts doubt on the effectiveness of calorie-counting charts in fast-food restaurants. Half of those surveyed in New York City say they noticed the charts, and about 28% say the information influenced their orders for the better. But a look at overall customer receipts shows people are ordering...

College Calorie Info Could Be Backfiring

From anorexics to obese students, information can spur 'disordered eating'

(Newser) - Colleges that bombard students with calorie counts and similar information to discourage overeating—and the dreaded "freshman 15" pounds—may be causing bigger diet problems instead, reports Newsweek. Many schools are rethinking their strategy in the wake of rising numbers of eating disorders, and a growing sense that a...

New Chocolate Has 90% Fewer Calories, Doesn't Melt

(Newser) - A mistake in the labs of the world's largest chocolate producer inadvertently led researchers to the ultimate in confectionery: a recipe that's not only heat-resistant, but that contains 90% fewer calories than normal chocolate. Food engineers fooling around at Barry Callebaut, which makes products for Nestlé and Cadbury, ended up...

Monkey Lesson: Eat Less, Live Longer

(Newser) - A landmark study of rhesus monkeys suggests one way to live to a ripe old age in good health: Eat less. A lot less. Monkeys on a strict diet over the past 20 years—as in, a whopping 30% fewer calories than normal—have proven to be a healthier bunch...

Sorry, Exercise Doesn't Boost Metabolism

Research busts myth that workouts keep burning fat hours later

(Newser) - You went for a half-hour run this afternoon, so it’s OK to have that extra slice of cake tonight, right? That’s actually wrong, say scientists, and they’re just as surprised about it as you. The now-debunked assumption was that exercise leaves the body with more power to...

Inhaler Gives Chocolate Taste, With No Calories

(Newser) - A Harvard prof has created a device that allows people to guiltlessly inhale chocolate, the Telegraph reports. Called Le Whif, the inhaler delivers the taste of chocolate without any calories. “Eating was tending toward breathing,” David Edwards said, “so, with a mix of culinary art and aerosol...

Body's Own 'Brown Fat' May Help Shed Weight

(Newser) - Scientists have found a potential new tool to help people lose weight—an unusual form of fat found inside the body. A new batch of studies shows that adults have stores of so-called brown fat, which actually burns calories and generates heat, the New York Times reports. Scientists have...

Cut Calories for a Sharper Mind
 Cut Calories for a Sharper Mind 

Cut Calories for a Sharper Mind

Study finds that restricted eating leads to better memory in older adults

(Newser) - It's been shown in rats and monkeys, and now the first human study looking at the effects of calorie restriction on memory also confirms that eating less can improve your brain. A German research team gave 50 older adults a diet with normal nutrients but 30% fewer calories, and found...

Joy of Cooking a Fatty Read
 Joy of Cooking a Fatty Read  

Joy of Cooking a Fatty Read

(Newser) - The venerable Joy of Cooking has kept up with America's expanding waistlines by porking out itself, reports the LA Times. A look at 18 classic recipes from seven editions found calories per serving swelled 63% in all but one recipe between 1936 and 2006. Example: beef stroganoff required 3 tablespoons...

Calorie Counting Makes a Comeback

Get ready for sticker shock, as nutrition info hits menus

(Newser) - Thanks to new laws, calorie counting is back in vogue and bigger than ever, writes the New York Times. After decades of diets that focused on the balance of fat, protein, and carbs, “More and more, people are looking at calories in, and calories out,” a doc tells...

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