Ehud Olmert

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Report on Lebanon War Slams Olmert
Report on Lebanon War Slams Olmert

Report on Lebanon War Slams Olmert

Israeli cabinet member resigns, urges embattled PM to follow

(Newser) - Israel’s investigation into last summer’s bungled war in Lebanon has produced a firestorm of  criticism directed at Ehud Olmert, who is now fighting for his political survival. The Winograd Commission’s initial report accused the prime minister of “supreme and comprehensive personal responsibility” for the war’s...

Olmert Braces For Possible Summer Ouster

Report critical of Lebanon war may doom Israeli PM

(Newser) - Ehud Olmert may be forced out of office to avoid dragging the Kadima party down with him, Haaretz reports. Quoting a senior party official, the newspaper says the Israeli Prime Minister may resign this summer as part of the fallout from a government report on the run-up to and conduct...

Israel Begs to Differ With Pelosi Statement

PM's office distances itself from speaker's promise of talks

(Newser) - The Israeli PM is backing off from Nancy Pelosi's suggestion yesterday that an Israeli-Syrian summit is in the offing. Pelosi told reporters that she had conveyed to  Syria's Bashar al-Assad a message that Ehud Olmert was "ready to engage in peace talks." Olmert's office quickly responded that it...

Pelosi Says Syria Is Ready for Peace Talks

House Speaker ends US boycott and meets with Syrian president

(Newser) - House Speaker Nancy Pelosi says Syria is ready to resume peace talks with Israel, based on her meeting with President Bashar al-Assad, the BBC reports. Flying in the face of Bush's Syrian boycott, Pelosi and a congressional delegation are in Damascus meeting with top leaders. Bush said the visit undermined...

Olmert Offers Talks With Arab Leaders

Cites Saudi peace plan as positive step

(Newser) - Ehud Olmert says he's keen for multilateral talks with Arab leaders, after a Saudi summit last week produced the outlines of a peace plan, Haaretz reports. "The readiness to accept Israel as a fact and to debate the terms of a future solution is a step that I...

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