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Palin Memoir a Gift to Booksellers
Palin Memoir a Gift to Booksellers

Palin Memoir a Gift to Booksellers

Going Rogue likely to continue trend of hits from right-wing figures

(Newser) - Sarah Palin’s memoir is expected sell so well that it will singlehandedly boost the fortunes of the ailing book business. The book is already topping preorder lists, and publisher Harper plans an extensive slate of promotional appearances to make full use the former Alaska governor's drawing power. "They...

Gore Vidal: Hillary Would've Been the Better Prez

Onetime supporter bashes Obama, who needs more of Lincoln's 'chill'

(Newser) - Gore Vidal is 83 and uses a wheelchair now, but the legendary American writer hasn't lost any of his strong opinions—not least on Barack Obama, who is doing "dreadfully" and has "f---ed up" health reform. Vidal supported Obama after originally backing Hillary Clinton, but now thinks...

Danielle Steel Aide 'Fesses to $400K Ripoff

Author claims assistant stole $2.7M

(Newser) - A long-time assistant has pleaded guilty to embezzling $400,000 from best-selling romance queen Danielle Steel. Kristy Watts admitted depositing checks for Steel into her own bank account and using the author's credit card points to obtain gifts and airline tickets. Steel, who has written 76 best-selling novels, claims Watts...

Nader: Obama Is 'Weak, Waffling'

(Newser) - In an interview with Time to plug his new book, Ralph Nader doesn't mince words when asked his opinion of President Obama: "Weak. Waffling, wavering, ambiguous, and overwhelmingly concessionary." So does this mean we can expect another Nader run? "It's too early to say. One thing is...

Palin Won't Dine With Journo— Even for $60,000

Ex-governor nixes critical writer's bid in charity auction

(Newser) - A journalist willing to fork over $60,000 for a dinner with Sarah Palin found himself frozen out of a charity auction at the last minute, the Huffington Post reports. Joe McGinnis, a Palin critic who wrote a piece last fall slamming her handling of Alaska's gasline, slipped through the...

On the Waterfront Writer Schulberg Dead at 95

(Newser) - Legendary Hollywood screenwriter Budd Schulberg has died, the New York Times reports. He was 95. Schulberg, who won an Oscar for On the Waterfront in 1955, was the son of a movie mogul and grew up as a Hollywood insider. His 1941 novel What Makes Sammy Run?, a scathing look...

This Is Your Best Shot to Finish a Pynchon Novel
This Is Your Best Shot to Finish
a Pynchon Novel
book review

This Is Your Best Shot to Finish a Pynchon Novel

Author shifts gears, has fun with a stoner detective in the '60s

(Newser) - Thomas Pynchon's back with what appears to be his most accessible novel yet, in the unlikely category of detective fiction. Critics reviewing Inherent Vice say he pulled it off:
  • Laura Miller, Salon: It's "a sun-struck, pot-addled shaggy dog story that fuses the sulky skepticism of Raymond Chandler with the

Loner Author Charts His Own Course
Loner Author Charts His
Own Course

Loner Author Charts His Own Course

Vollmann's new opus is typical—brilliant, but sometimes unreadable

(Newser) - Author William T. Vollmann is an odd bird—“a loner, a bit of a recluse,” Charles McGrath writes in the New York Times, “and a throwback: a wandering, try-anything writer-journalist in the tradition of Steinbeck or Jack London.” And his new book, Imperial, about Southern California,...

Black, Gay Lit Trailblazer E. Lynn Harris Dead at 54

(Newser) - Author E. Lynn Harris, who offered a glimpse into the secret lives of closeted gay black men, died last night at 54, the AP reports. His publicist says the cause is unknown, and that Harris suddenly took ill just days ago. An autopsy will be performed next week. Harris was...

Savaged in Book, McCourt's Hometown Split on Legacy

(Newser) - The Irish town exposed in grisly detail by late son Frank McCourt in Angela’s Ashes isn’t quite sure what to do with its ignominy, the AP reports. A majority of Limerick citizens are proud—“The book was a delight and 80% true,” one historian says—but...

Angela's Ashes Author McCourt Gravely Ill

'He is not expected to live,' brother says

(Newser) - Angela's Ashes author Frank McCourt is battling skin cancer and meningitis and is near death, his brother tells the New York Daily News. McCourt, 78, who won the Pulitzer Prize for his 1996 memoir about growing up in poverty in Ireland, is under hospice care, says his brother Malachy. "...

Judge Backs Salinger, Blocks Catcher Sequel

Novel about Holden Caulfield can't be published in US

(Newser) - Another court triumph for JD Salinger: A federal judge has blocked the US publication of an unauthorized sequel to The Catcher in the Rye. The judge, who had issued a temporary restraining order last month, issued a more permanent injunction against the novel by Swedish author Fredrik Colting, reports the ...

Tale of Wailin' Whalers Nails Bad Writing Contest

Drunken sailors' screaming contest wins 'coveted' Bulwer-Lytton prize

(Newser) - A tale of screaming seafarers has won a Washington man this year's grand prize for terrible writing, AP reports. The Bulwer-Lytton Fiction Contest—named in honor of the British writer who coined "It was a dark and stormy night"—rewards the author who can come up with the...

Weird Facts About Best-Selling Authors

Dan Brown, pop musician? And more.

(Newser) - Summer's here, and that means it's time for beach reading. Mental Floss compiles some surprising facts about the authors most commonly toted along to the shore:
  1. Dan Brown hasn’t spent his whole life pondering Vatican conspiracies: he was also a musician and pop singer. The name of his second

Authors Want Boom Lowered on Book Pirates

Book piracy balloons with growth of e-readers

(Newser) - A surge in book piracy has followed hot on the heels of the growth in ebooks, the New York Times reports. Publishers trying to stamp out unauthorized editions online say the ease with which books can now be copied online make their efforts little more than a game of "...

Calm Down, Your Kids Are Perfectly Safe
Calm Down,
Your Kids Are Perfectly Safe

Calm Down, Your Kids Are Perfectly Safe

Writer/mom says parents worry, hover way too much

(Newser) - With a constant barrage of news stories and TV shows highlighting child abductions and murders, it may seem like a supremely dangerous time to be a kid. But don't believe the media, says Lenore Skenazy, the author of Free-Range Kids. In an interview with Salon, she explains why children today...

'Cult' Writer JG Ballard Dead at 78

(Newser) - British author JG Ballard died this morning "with great sadness" after many years of poor health, his agent said today. The 78-year-old novelist and short story writer was most famous for his semi-autobiographical book Empire of the Sun, later made into a film by Steven Spielberg, and his controversial...

Meghan Gets 6-Figure Deal for Book

(Newser) - Meghan McCain has snagged a book deal thought to be in the high six figures, the New York Observer reports. The 24-year-old chose Hyperion over at least three other publishers. No official word on the subject, but a good bet is the future of the Republican party and how to...

Schindler's List Found in Aussie Library

List of saved Jews that inspired book was buried deep in box of author's papers

(Newser) - A rare copy of one of Oskar Schindler's original lists has been found in an Australian library, Reuters reports. The 13 yellowing pages list hundreds of Jews the German industrialist saved from the gas chambers by employing them in his factories. The list was given to Schindler's List author Thomas...

Two More Crichton Novels to Be Released

Late author left behind pirate yarn, and part of techno-thriller

(Newser) - Michael Crichton fans will have at least two posthumous releases to look forward to, the New York Times reports. The late author left behind a completed 17th-century adventure yarn called Pirate Latitudes that publisher HarperCollins plans to release this November, and the company is seeking an author to finish a...

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