global warming

Stories 561 - 580 | << Prev   Next >>

Merkel Addresses Congress, Wants Climate Pact

German chancellor speaks to joint session

(Newser) - German Chancellor Angela Merkel marked the 20th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall by exhorting the world in a speech to Congress to "tear down the walls of today" and reach a deal to combat global warming. Merkel, frequently interrupted by robust applause, also reiterated her country's...

NASA Mission Monitors Polar Ice

Antarctica jet filling in for dying satellite

(Newser) - NASA has begun a mission much closer to home than usual. The agency is flying a DC-8 over Antarctica to track melting glaciers and any subsequent rise in sea levels. Operation Ice Bridge is designed to buttress the work of a fading satellite, ICESat, which is just about spent after...

Freakonomics Guys Freak Out Climate Acolytes
Freakonomics Guys Freak Out Climate Acolytes
Bret Stephens

Freakonomics Guys Freak Out Climate Acolytes

The Church of Gore doesn't want to hear simple solutions

(Newser) - Wouldn't it be great to make global warming disappear with a helium balloon, a few miles of garden hose, and a stream of sulfur dioxide? “Maybe, but not if you’re Al Gore or one of his little helpers,” writes Bret Stephens in the Wall Street Journal. Steven...

Pets' Carbon Pawprint Cause for Alarm

Fido, Fluffy fetch bad news for environment

(Newser) - Forget the gas guzzler—it's Fluffy and Fido who are delivering a carbon blow to the global environment. That's the odd warning from a pair of New Zealand professors who claim the carbon pawprint of a large dog delivers twice the impact of a Toyota Land Cruiser driven 6,000...

Feds Pitch Polar Bear Habitat

Critics complain move doesn't address main threats

(Newser) - The federal government has proposed designating 200,000 square miles of land, sea, and ice in northern Alaska as a critical habitat for polar bears. The move is "one step in the right direction to help this species stave off extinction," said an Interior Department official. He acknowledged,...

Fewer Americans Believe in Global Warming
 Fewer Americans 
 Believe in Global Warming 

Fewer Americans Believe in Global Warming

Those seeing evidence of it dropped from 71%-57% in 18 months

(Newser) - The percentage of Americans who think there’s serious evidence of global warming has dropped precipitously in the past 18 months—from 71% to 57%, the Pew Research Center finds. Numbers were down across the political spectrum—Democrat, independent, Republican—but the drop was most pronounced among independents, to 53%...

Limbaugh Compares NYT Reporter to 'Jihad Guys'

Tells Times' Revkin to 'go kill yourself'

(Newser) - Rush Limbaugh really outdid himself yesterday, comparing New York Times environmental reporter Andy Revkin to a terrorist and urging him to commit suicide. Well, that’s not entirely fair. Actually, Limbaugh compared all “militant environmentalists” to “the jihad guys,” who, in Limbaugh’s telling, “convince these...

West Eases Off Carbon Demands for China, India

Copenhagen deal closer, but 2050 goal less likely

(Newser) - Industrialized nations backed away from long-term carbon cut demands on developing nations yesterday, in the hopes of reaching a deal at December's Copenhagen summit. The US and EU have pushed for a 50% reduction in global carbon emissions by 2050, but China and India refused to sign up, wary of...

5 Years Until Climate Disaster, Warns WWF
 5 Years Until Climate 
 Disaster, Warns WWF 

5 Years Until Climate Disaster, Warns WWF

Checking global warming requires 'green revolution'

(Newser) - Disastrous climate change is inevitable unless the world begins cutting carbon emissions within the next five years, the World Wildlife Fund warns in a new report. Ahead of December's clutch Copenhagen summit, meant to forge a successor to the Kyoto Protocol, the fund repeats that global temperature rises could stay...

Maldives Leaders Meet Underwater on Climate

Stop climate change or we're sunk, they say

(Newser) - Members of the Maldives' Cabinet donned scuba gear and used hand signals today at an underwater meeting staged to highlight the threat of global warming to the lowest-lying nation on earth. President Mohammed Nasheed and 13 other government officials submerged and took their seats at a table on the sea...

Soros to Invest $1B to Develop Clean Energy

He's also creating advisory group for policy-makers

(Newser) - George Soros is putting his vast resources—or at least $1 billion of them—behind his passion for the environment. Soros plans to invest that amount into developing technology to create clean energy. He's also starting an organization called the Climate Policy Initiative, which will be based in San Francisco,...

Apple Quits US Chamber, Slams Climate Stance

Computer giant goes with outward flow over lobbyist's climate position

(Newser) - Apple has joined a growing list of companies to ditch the US Chamber of Commerce over its skeptical view of climate change. “We strongly object to the Chamber’s recent comments” calling for a “Scopes Monkey Trial for the 21st century” to expose climate change fallacies, says a...

Acid Ocean Will Dissolve Sea Creatures' Shells

Researchers uncover another devastating impact of global warming

(Newser) - Waters around the North Pole are absorbing so much carbon dioxide that acid in the ocean will soon begin dissolving sea creatures' shells, scientists warn. By 2018 10% of the Arctic Ocean will be corrosive, spelling potential disaster for the food chain as crustaceans begin to die off, reports the...

Let's Pay People Not to Cut Down Trees
Let's Pay People 
Not to Cut Down Trees 


Let's Pay People Not to Cut Down Trees

A deal could curb greenhouse gas emissions by 18%

(Newser) - Deforestation releases carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, so how about paying people to keep trees standing? A pilot project in Brazil has paid families to do just that, and aroused the interest of world leaders who plan to negotiate a climate deal in Copenhagen in December, the Economist reports. But...

Venice Struggles to Stay Afloat
 Venice Struggles to Stay Afloat 

Venice Struggles to Stay Afloat

Billion-dollar floodgates may fail to stave off rising tides

(Newser) - Not only is Venice sinking, but the $6-billion floodgates designed to protect it may not do the job, NPR reports. Critics say that the 78 half-built mobile gates, designed to block off seawater when it rises, may fail to fend off sea levels heightened by climate change. And even if...

Gizmos' Energy Draw Alarms Experts

Electronic gadgets consume 15% of household energy

(Newser) - All around the house, electronic gadgets are blinking, buzzing, computing—and drawing on an immense amount of energy, the New York Times reports. Worldwide, they take up 15% of household power, and will likely consume three times as much by 2029, making it harder to combat global warming. Two hundred...

Obama at the UN: Eloquence Is Not Enough
Obama at the UN: 
Eloquence Is Not Enough

Obama at the UN: Eloquence Is Not Enough

The president may face tough questions on N. Korea, Iran, and climate change

(Newser) - President Obama will get a respite from America’s rancorous political scene when he appears at the United Nations next week, but he may find international squabbles just as heated, Economist writes. An enthusiastic multilateralist, Obama is loved by leaders around the world. But topics like North Korea, Iran, and...

Melting Ice Opens Arctic to Trade, But US Lags

Climate change opens north to shipping, tourism, resource development

(Newser) - Climate change is melting away the main barrier to business in the Arctic—ice—but the US lags behind other countries seeking to exploit the region, the Anchorage Daily News reports. As receding ice opens the area to shipping, resource exploitation, and tourism, it's Russia and Canada who have established...

French Wines Wither Under Climate Change

Industry pushes President Sarkozy for carbon emission cut

(Newser) - A warming world has French winemakers sweating more than a little, experts tell the Financial Times. “Current research suggests that by the end of the 21st century, one summer out of two will be at least as hot as 2003,” the year of a record-breaking heat wave that...

Climate Change Reverses 8 Millennia of Arctic Cooling

Temps, up 2.2 F Since 1900, Would Be 2.5 Degrees Cooler Without Greenhouse Gases

(Newser) - Summer temperatures in the Arctic have climbed 2.2°F since 1900 despite an 8,000-year cooling trend, the Guardian reports. For the past few thousand years, the orbit of the Earth and the changing tilt of its axis has put the Arctic 630,000 miles further from the sun...

Stories 561 - 580 | << Prev   Next >>