global warming

Stories 741 - 760 | << Prev   Next >>

Bush Climate Plan 'Too Bad'
 Bush Climate Plan 'Too Bad' 

Bush Climate Plan 'Too Bad'

Only carbon caps will turn industry green

(Newser) - President Bush's new climate change policy announced yesterday is "too little, too slow, too late," writes Bryan Walsh of Time. Bush outlined a plan to gradually rein in the growth of US greenhouse gas emissions by 2025—but rejected mandatory international carbon emissions caps unless they also bind...

Bush to Unveil Greenhouse Gas Goals

Ready with targets, no specifics, ahead of Paris talks

(Newser) - President Bush is expected to propose intermediate goals for reducing greenhouse gas emissions today on the eve of climate change negotiations in Paris. The goals won't include proposed legislation or specifics on changes needed to reach the targets, reports the Washington Post. He will also reiterate his opposition to mandatory...

Melting Empties Chile Lake
 Melting Empties Chile Lake 

Melting Empties Chile Lake

Initial swelling causes 'river tsunami'; global warming blamed

(Newser) - Melting ice in a remote Chilean lake caused it to swell and suddenly empty, creating a “river tsunami,” the AP reports. Water from a melting glacier filled the lake and tunneled through the ice, emptying into a nearby river.

Going Greener Won't Cut Much* Into Bottom Line: Study

*If governments are smart with policies

(Newser) - Cutting greenhouse-gas emissions will put a dent in the world's bottom line, but the damage could be minimal with the right economic policies, the International Monetary Fund forecasts. A 60% reduction of 2002 emission levels will reduce global growth by 2.6% come 2040, but the world's economy would still...

States Sue EPA for 'Foot Dragging' on Warming

Coalition aims to force agency to take action on global warming

(Newser) - States, cities and environmental groups have teamed up to take on the federal government over global warming, the New York Times reports. The 18-state coalition is aiming to force the EPA to take action in the wake of last year's Supreme Court ruling that the agency should limit vehicle emissions...

Gore Launches $300M Climate Campaign

Celebrity 'odd couples' come together to raise global warming awareness

(Newser) - Al Gore is putting his money where his Inconvenient Truth is and pairing celebrity odd couples to push his global warming message in a $300-million ad campaign that launches Wednesday, reports CBS. "Nancy Pelosi and Newt Gingrich, two people who don't agree on very much at all," Gore...

World Will Dim Lights Tomorrow for Earth Hour

Cities will power off to call attention to global warming

(Newser) - Cities across the world will dim their lights  tomorrow night—temporarily darkening major landmarks such as the Golden Gate Bridge, Sydney’s Opera House and Chicago's Wrigley Field—in an effort to raise awareness about energy conservation and climate change. Phoenix, Atlanta, and a dozen other US cities will join...

Antarctic Ice Chunk Collapses
 Antarctic Ice Chunk Collapses 

Antarctic Ice Chunk Collapses

Sudden break fuels climate change concerns

(Newser) - A mammoth chunk of ice has collapsed in Antarctica, leaving an ice shelf the size of Connecticut "hanging by a thread" and providing more evidence of global warming, scientists say. The sudden collapse of the 160-square-mile piece of ice threatens the Wilkins ice shelf, which has been in place...

Season Springs Forward as Climate Warms Up

Bees are buzzing, trees are flowering, and biologists are worrying

(Newser) - Today is officially the first day of spring, but spring has been gradually shifting into winter, the AP reports. Signs of spring—trees flowering, animals coming out of hibernation—are coming earlier every year. The shifting season has biologists seriously worried. "The alarm clock that all the plants and...

Old Arctic Ice Melting Away
 Old Arctic Ice Melting Away 

Old Arctic Ice Melting Away

Formations older than 1 year see heavy declines

(Newser) - The Arctic's oldest, thickest ice is melting and may undermine the entire Arctic ice cap, NASA satellite photos show. Some 965,300 square miles of perennial ice, more than a year old, has melted over the past year—a 50% decrease. Losses of older, hardier frost are even greater: Three...

Blair Pitches Global Climate Pact

Warns change will be irreversible if something isn't done now

(Newser) - Former British prime minister Tony Blair will seek to privately broker a new international agreement to cut carbon emissions by 50% before 2050 that would include China, India and the US, reports the Guardian. Blair has been working on the project with climate change experts since he left office last...

Climate Change Could Snarl Travel Plans in Future

Driving and flying is about to get more unpleasant

(Newser) - As if the notion of heat waves and rising sea levels weren't bad enough, climate change also has the potential to royally screw up your travel plans. A new report shows that increased flooding in coastal areas could put a serious kink in road and rail travel, not to mention...

Mackey Defends Iditarod Crown
 Mackey Defends Iditarod Crown 

Mackey Defends Iditarod Crown

'They're the best dogs, hands-down,' winner says of Alaskan canine team

(Newser) - Lance Mackey won his second consecutive Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race today, crossing the finish line in Nome, Alaska, after 1,100 miles over 9½ days, the AP reports—despite unseasonably warm weather and occasionally quarrelsome dogs. "I don't know exactly how to explain it," said Mackey, a...

Ice Melt Imperils Baby Seals
Ice Melt Imperils Baby Seals

Ice Melt Imperils Baby Seals

Climate change does a number on Baltic population

(Newser) - They’re cute, they’re endangered, and they’re some of global warming’s first casualties. Baby seals throughout the Baltic Sea are dying, Der Spiegel reports, as rising temperatures melt the protective dens they rely on to survive. “The situation is dramatic,” said one environmental activist. “...

EU Steels for Global Warming Conflict With Russians

Climate change will multiply trouble: report

(Newser) - The already-fraught relationship between Europe and Russia is bound to get worse in the next few decades. That's the sobering conclusion of a new European Union report on global warming and international politics, which concludes that climate change will act as a "threat multiplier," exacerbating today's problems and...

Sea of Plastic Dooms Oceans, Expert Says

Pacific pollution—as big as Africa—is too deep and broad to fix

(Newser) - A noted oceanographer says the aquatic pollution in the Pacific Ocean is too significant to be cleaned up. “We are damned to a future of pollution by plastic,” Charles Moore said after showing that the amount of Pacific plastic has ballooned fivefold in the last 10 years. A...

'Doomsday' Seed Vault to Open
'Doomsday' Seed Vault to Open

'Doomsday' Seed Vault to Open

Norwegian project will house all known crop species

(Newser) - The North Pole is no Fertile Crescent, but it will house collections of the world's crop seeds in a doomsday vault that will open tomorrow, AFP reports. The vault, built on Norwegian territory, contains three cold chambers that can hold a total of 4.5 million seed samples—twice the...

Arctic Melt Busies Coast Guard
Arctic Melt Busies Coast Guard

Arctic Melt Busies Coast Guard

Shoreline exposed by global warming needs patrolling

(Newser) - Global warming affects some unexpected entities, and one is the US Coast Guard, which is dealing with increased maritime traffic above the Arctic Circle. As retreating ice exposes more coastline, officials are evaluating future needs, the Military Times reports. Says the commander of the district that includes Alaska, "Until...

Alaska Against Polar Bear's Protection

State could lose $26 billion gas pipeline if species is called threatened

(Newser) - Alaska is opposing calls to save its polar bear population, fearing the state would have to protect dwindling sea ice and give up a multibillion-dollar gas project, the AP reports. Calls to save the bears have been "subverted by the lawyers for the extreme environmental organizations and the liberal...

Balmy, With a Chance of Pythons
Balmy, With a Chance of Pythons

Balmy, With a Chance of Pythons

Dumped American pets thriving in wild on global warming

(Newser) - Burmese pythons could rapidly establish a stranglehold on the southern US due in part to snake-loving global warming, according to a new government report. With climate change and more pet owners releasing unwanted snakes into the wild, the adaptable serpent could soon call home any area from Northern California through...

Stories 741 - 760 | << Prev   Next >>