
Stories 261 - 280 | << Prev   Next >>

GOP Rep Used Public Funds to Settle Harassment Claim

Sources say Farenthold paid ex-communications director $84K

(Newser) - A Texas Republican paid $84,000 of taxpayer money to settle a sexual harassment claim against him in 2015, NBC News reports. Lauren Greene says Rep. Blake Farenthold told a staffer he had "sexual fantasies" and "wet dreams" about her while she was working as his communications director....

Report: $100K in Taxpayer Funds Settled Misconduct Claim

Congress paid it out quietly in Eric Massa case

(Newser) - People who argue that Congress needs to be a lot more transparent about sexual harassment cases may have a new Exhibit A—the Eric Massa case. Sources tell ABC News that the Congressional Office of Compliance quietly paid around $100,000 in taxpayer funds to settle sexual harassment claims against...

With Congress Back, GOP Has 6 Potential Problems
With Congress Back, GOP
Has 6 Potential Problems
the rundown

With Congress Back, GOP Has 6 Potential Problems

Half-a-dozen Republican senators are wavering on tax reform, enough to kill it

(Newser) - Congress returned to work on Monday after the holiday break, and the stretch between now and Christmas promises to be a chaotic one. The main issue is that Republicans want to have their tax-overhaul plan on President Trump's desk before the year is out. That would be dicey enough...

One US Representative Is Worth More than $476M

Jared Polis tops list of wealthiest members of Congress

(Newser) - Most members of Congress are millionaires, but which ones are the millionaire-iest? That's the question 24/7 Wall St. set out to answer, compiling a list of the 25 wealthiest members of Congress based on data from the nonprofit Center for Responsive Politics' Eighteen of the lawmakers on...

Report: Rep Paid $27K to Keep Sex Misconduct Claim Quiet

Woman says she was fired for rejecting John Conyers' advances

(Newser) - The latest allegation of sleazy behavior on Capitol Hill involves Rep. John Conyers, the longest-serving member of the House. According to BuzzFeed , the Michigan Democrat's office paid $27,000 in 2015 to settle a sexual misconduct complaint from a woman who said she was fired for rejecting his advances....

New Allegations of Sex Misconduct, This Time in Congress

Current and former female lawmakers, including Mary Bono, reveal past instances of harassment

(Newser) - For years, GOP Rep. Mary Bono endured increasingly suggestive comments from a fellow House lawmaker. But when the congressman approached her on the House floor and told her he'd been thinking about her in the shower, she confronted the man, who she said still serves in Congress, telling him...

Tax Plan Out Thursday May Have an Unusual Name

Trump reportedly pushing for 'Cut, Cut, Cut Act' as key details remain unresolved

(Newser) - Congressional Republicans say they will release their big tax plan Thursday, but they're still reportedly working on fundamental details regarding the numbers. ABC News , meanwhile, reports that another odd but important detail remains up in the air: what to call the thing. The report says Paul Ryan reached out...

&#39;I&#39;m Back&#39;: Steve Scalise Returns to Congress
'I'm Back': Steve Scalise
Returns to Congress

'I'm Back': Steve Scalise Returns to Congress

It's the first time since the congressman was shot over the summer

(Newser) - To bipartisan hugs, tears, and a roaring standing ovation, a hobbling House Republican Whip Steve Scalise returned to the House on Thursday, more than three months after a gunman sprayed fire at a baseball practice and left the lawmaker fighting for his life . Scalise limped into the chamber on crutches...

Critics Worry Over Safety If 'Self Drive Act' Passes

States wouldn't hold sway over design, construction of autonomous vehicles

(Newser) - As Uber, Waymo, and other Silicon Valley companies duke it out on the autonomous-vehicle scene, a House vote Wednesday will determine how and when those vehicles hit US roads. The Mercury News reports on the ballot-casting for the so-called "Self Drive Act," which spells out what role states...

McCain to Congress: We're Not Trump's 'Subordinates'

'We answer to the American people,' senator says in call for compromise

(Newser) - Despite the troubling instances of white supremacy recently on display in the US, John McCain reminds us that we still remain a country with "shared values [that] define us more than our differences." And in an op-ed for the Washington Post , the Arizona senator implores the American people...

'You Guys Are Next': Reps Receive Threats After Shooting

'In the past we’ve always sort of just sucked it up'

(Newser) - Both Republican and Democratic lawmakers report an increase in threats following Wednesday's shooting at a GOP baseball practice in Virginia. Republican Rep. Claudia Tenney of New York tells CNN she received an email with the subject line "One down, 216 to go." The body of the email...

Antonio Sabato Jr. Sets Sights on Congress Seat

Republican 'Melrose Place' star will take on Rep. Julia Brownley in California

(Newser) - First Ronald Reagan, then Arnold Schwarzenegger, and now … Antonio Sabato Jr. The political bug has bitten yet another Hollywood alum, with the 45-year-old filing paperwork Monday with the Federal Election Commission announcing his run for Congress against Democratic Rep. Julia Brownley in California, per the Los Angeles Times . GOP...

Spending Deal Denies Trump Money for His Wall

But he'll get more money for the military

(Newser) - Top Capitol Hill negotiators have reached a hard-won agreement on a huge $1 trillion-plus spending bill that would fund the day-to-day operations of virtually every federal agency through September. Aides to lawmakers involved in the talks announced the agreement after weeks of negotiations, reports the AP . Details were still to...

Syria: US Strike Killed 6, Caused 'Significant' Damage

Congress is split, but not along party lines

(Newser) - President Trump's decision to strike a Syrian airbase in retaliation for a chemical attack on civilians has bipartisan support—and bipartisan opposition. House Speaker Paul Ryan and Sens. John McCain and Marco Rubio were joined by Democrats, including House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, in voicing their support for what...

2 Numbers Should Scare Trump, Republicans
2 Numbers Should Scare
Trump, Republicans

2 Numbers Should Scare Trump, Republicans

Cook report: Approval ratings among GOP, independents suggest midterm trouble

(Newser) - The non-partisan Cook Political Report has a sober warning for President Trump and Republicans: If things stay on their current track, the midterm elections in 2018 could be "disastrous" for them. The forecast has two numbers to watch: Trump's approval ratings among Republicans (currently 85% at Gallup) and...

Cards Against Humanity Creator Rails Against Congress

But his plan, and others', to strike back over web privacy may fall flat—at least for now

(Newser) - Congress has decided Americans' web browsing history isn't private , so Americans are now trying to turn the tables on Congress. Per the Washington Post , hundreds of thousands of dollars have been raised via various crowdfunding efforts—including more than $73,000 by Supernatural star Misha Collins and more than...

Trump Budget &#39;Won&#39;t Survive Congress&#39;
Even GOP Lawmakers Say
Trump Budget Has No Chance

Even GOP Lawmakers Say Trump Budget Has No Chance

Cuts labeled 'draconian, careless'

(Newser) - President Trump's first budget proposal appears to have little chance of getting past the people who actually control federal spending. The sweeping spending cutbacks were denounced as extreme Thursday even by Trump's Republican allies in Congress. The cuts to domestic programs are "draconian, careless, and counterproductive,"...

350K Sign Petition to Nix Health Subsidies for Congress

Daniel Jimenez says politicians should have same offerings as American people

(Newser) - What's good for the goose should be good for the governmental gander. That's the position of Daniel Jimenez, a 30-year-old from Portland, Ore., who thinks that in the wake of the GOP's recently introduced American Health Care Act , members of Congress should have to pick from the...

Trump Speech Hailed as 'Presidential,' 'Statesmanlike'

It's being called his best address yet

(Newser) - President Trump might soften his stance on his media "enemies" after seeing their takes on his address to a joint session of Congress on Tuesday night. Trump has won praise for what is being widely described as his most presidential moment yet, an optimistic speech that used lofty rhetoric...

12 Big Lines From Trump&#39;s Speech
12 Big Lines From
Trump's Speech
address to congress

12 Big Lines From Trump's Speech

A 'new chapter in American greatness'

(Newser) - President Trump made his first address to Congress Tuesday night with a speech that began by condemning the recent wave of anti-Semitism around the US, moved on to his accomplishments, and laid out a broad agenda toward a new "American greatness." A full transcript is here . Some of...

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