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Boehner Explains His Decision to Quit

Visit by Pope Francis helped push him to final decision

(Newser) - John Boehner today elaborated on his stunning decision to resign from Congress, saying that while he'd been considering it for a while, he didn't decide for certain until this very morning. He reiterated that he did so to save the House from turmoil, and here, via the Washington ...

5 Takeaways From the Pope's Speech

He hits everything from the death penalty to the state of the family

(Newser) - Pope Francis hit a wide-ranging number of topics in his address to Congress today. Here are five getting attention:
  • Death penalty: He implored Congress to abolish it, reports ThinkProgress . “Every life is sacred, every human person is endowed with an inalienable dignity, and society can only benefit from the

History on Capitol Hill: Francis Speaks to Congress

First pontiff to address Congress gets a warm welcome

(Newser) - Pope Francis summoned US lawmakers today to defend and preserve the dignity of all Americans, introducing himself as "a son of this great continent" as he became the first pontiff in history to address a joint meeting of Congress. Entering a House chamber packed with Supreme Court justices, Cabinet...

What to Expect in Pope's Historic Address to Congress

How far will he go on hot-button issues such as abortion and climate change?

(Newser) - Pope Francis offered up something for both the left ( climate change ) and the right (a call to protect the institution of marriage) in his White House remarks yesterday, reports CNN , so what's in store for his historic address to Congress today? Probably a little more of the...

12 Days Left, and Shutdown Looms Large

Impasse over Planned Parenthood funding remains

(Newser) - Twelve days remain in the fiscal year, and the threat of a second government shutdown in three years remains very much in play. The big problem remains a showdown over funding for Planned Parenthood, with conservative Republicans who are upset about recent undercover videos demanding that the group lose all...

Obama's Iran Deal Now Looks Safe in Congress

Numbers just aren't there for the GOP to override a veto

(Newser) - The numbers are adding up for President Obama on Iran. It now appears that his nuclear deal—which he defended in a letter last week—will make it through Congress because it's "nearly mathematically impossible for GOP leaders to build a veto-proof majority in either the House or...

Obama Interrupts Vacation to Send Letter to Congress

Hopes letter to Democrats will erase lingering doubts about Iran deal

(Newser) - President Obama is hoping to calm concerns among Democrats still undecided or against the Iran nuclear deal. In an Aug. 19 letter to New York Democratic Rep. Jerrold Nadler written in the midst of Obama's vacation on Martha's Vineyard , the president maintains the deal itself cannot be changed,...

Melissa Gilbert Is Running for Congress

'Little House' actress hopes to represent Michigan district

(Newser) - Melissa Gilbert, aka Laura Ingalls, is running for Congress in Michigan, reports ABC News . The 51-year-old former star of Little House on the Prairie announced her bid as a Democrat on a new website , and her focus will be on issues related to women, children, and families. Despite her celebrity...

Obama to Congress: Expect a Mideast War If You Reject Iran Deal

Same people who backed Iraq war oppose deal, he says

(Newser) - President Obama today began his campaign to convince Congress to back his Iran nuclear deal with a major speech in which he characterized the upcoming vote as one about war or peace. If the deal falls through, opponents can expect a likely outcome, he said at American University: “Another...

'Appalled' GOP Wants Planned Parenthood Inquiry

House committee to investigate if PP harvested organs for money

(Newser) - House Republicans have launched a congressional investigation into Planned Parenthood over an undercover video in which an official describes how the organization gives fetal tissue to researchers. Selling fetal parts for a profit is illegal. However, the senior director of medical services tells pro-life activists from the Center for Medical...

Iran Nuke Deal's Next Battle: Congress

Congress will have 60 days to review before making its move

(Newser) - The rigorous negotiation phase is over, but the landmark Iran nuclear deal now faces what the Wall Street Journal calls a "wall of resistance" in Congress. "It's going to be a very hard sell," Mitch McConnell said on Fox News Sunday , raising doubt that any deal...

4 Members of Congress Who Buck Their Party the Most

Susan Collins, Joe Manchin lead in the Senate

(Newser) - Which members of Congress are most likely to vote against their own party majority? The Washington Post rounds up the leaders with data from GovTrack. Here are the top Republicans and Democrats this year in the House and Senate:
  • House Democrat: Collin Peterson of Minnesota, who does so 30% of

Obama's Math Problem: TAA Plus TPA Equals TPP

He headed to Capitol Hill today, a rarity, to speak to Democrats

(Newser) - It's a sign of just how close the vote is and just how important it is to President Obama: He made a rare personal appearance on Capitol Hill today to schmooze Democrats in a bid to save an international trade deal —but it's not at all clear...

Lawmakers&#39; Trip Funded on Sly by Foreign Government
Lawmakers' Trip Funded on Sly by Foreign Government

Lawmakers' Trip Funded on Sly by Foreign Government

Post reveals travel by 10 members of Congress to Azerbaijan oil conference

(Newser) - The Washington Post obtained a confidential ethics report revealing that 10 members of Congress and 32 staffers attended a conference in Baku, Azerbaijan, in 2013 on the dime of the state-owned oil company, SOCAR. The congressional members also received gifts such as rugs valued at up to $10,000. SOCAR...

One of Obama's Biggest Remaining Fights Is With Democrats

Legislation for huge trade deal is introduced in Congress

(Newser) - One of President Obama's biggest goals for his home stretch in office took a big step forward today with a deal struck by leading Republicans and Democrats. It's regarding the Trans-Pacific Partnership, a proposed pact with 11 Pacific Rim nations that the Hill notes would be the biggest...

Rarity: Both Parties Team Up to Pass 'Doc Fix'

Medicare reform comes from Boehner and Pelosi

(Newser) - DC saw the rarest of things today: a substantial piece of legislation that passed the House with broad support in both parties. Called the "doc fix," it's designed to permanently solve a problem regarding the way doctors get paid by Medicare—instead of the annual short-term patches...

Lindsey Graham's Not Alone: Lots of People Don't Email

9% of Americans say they've never sent one before

(Newser) - Lindsey Graham, take heart: Up to 15% of Americans don't use email either and may not go online at all. The South Carolina Republican revealed yesterday during a conversation about Hillary Clinton's emails that he had never sent an email before. "I don't know what that...

You&#39;re Up, Netanyahu
 You're Up, 

You're Up, Netanyahu

Last-minute guide to Bibi's speech to Congress

(Newser) - Benjamin Netanyahu presents his much-debated thoughts on Iran to Congress this morning after what CBS News calls "extensive hand-wringing" and tensions between himself and the White House. Some final context:
  • President Obama's thoughts: While Bibi's appearance isn't "permanently destructive" to US-Israeli relations, "it is

Congress Averts Shutdown of Homeland Security

House, Senate agree to one-week reprieve

(Newser) - Congress passed a one-week bill late tonight to avert a partial shutdown of the Homeland Security Department, as leaders in both political parties quelled a revolt by House conservatives furious that the measure left President Obama's immigration policy intact. The final vote of a long day and night was...

Senate Hits Wall as Dems Block DHS Funding

Mitch McConnell edges toward new plan against immigration order

(Newser) - Funding for Homeland Security teetered closer to the proverbial cliff today as Senate Democrats again stalled a bill to fund the US agency—but a compromise may be in the works. Senators voted nearly down the middle, 47 for and 46 against, on a measure that needed 60 votes to...

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