
Stories 461 - 480 | << Prev   Next >>

Obama Budget Leaves GOP With 'No Excuses'

Ezra Klein: White House aims to expose Republican 'intransigence'

(Newser) - President Obama's budget proposal is the latest move in his administration's "systematic" effort to expose flimsy GOP excuses for government inaction, writes Ezra Klein in the Washington Post . Republicans had complained that Obama didn't extend a hand to them; now, he's constantly meeting with them....

Obama Sends $3.8T Budget to Congress
 Obama Sends 
 $3.8T Budget 
 to Congress 

Obama Sends $3.8T Budget to Congress

Seeks 'grand bargain' with cuts, taxes that rile both Dems, GOP

(Newser) - President Obama's budget plan for fiscal year 2014 is en route to Congress. Seeking to slash the deficit, it contains a mix of tax hikes on the wealthy and cuts to government programs—including entitlements—that is upsetting both sides of the aisle, the AP reports. "I have...

GOP Quaking in Its Boots Over Sanford's Chances

Women dislike him, and he's playing defense already

(Newser) - Yesterday, Politico was calling Elizabeth Colbert Busch the underdog in South Carolina's special congressional election; today, the site seems to have changed its tune . It's reporting that Republicans are concerned Mark Sanford's candidacy could cost them a safe seat in a district Mitt Romney took by 18...

Mark Sanford Wins Runoff, Faces Colbert's Sister Next

They'll vie for congressional seat in South Carolina

(Newser) - Well, this could be fun. Mark Sanford has easily won the Republican runoff for a congressional seat in South Carolina, reports AP . Which means, of course, that the former governor and congressman will face Elizabeth Colbert Busch, sister of Stephen Colbert, in the general election five weeks from now. Sanford...

Congress Is So Awful Because It Needs a Raise

Daniel Schuman: If we want good lawmakers, we need to pay them more

(Newser) - File this one at the opposite end of the spectrum as "throw the bums out." Daniel Schuman argues at Slate that we need to give Congress a hefty raise. The workload is way up thanks to slashed staffing levels, while salaries are way down relative to previous decades....

Claire McCaskill Backs Gay Marriage

'History will agree with my children,' says Missouri Democrat

(Newser) - The latest top politician to endorse gay marriage is Missouri Sen. Claire McCaskill, Politico reports. The swing-state Democrat offered up a statement yesterday on her Tumblr page: "I have come to the conclusion that our government should not limit the right to marry based on who you love,"...

No Shutdown: House Passes Stopgap Spending Bill

Government has money through September

(Newser) - The House today passed a stopgap spending bill to keep the government functioning through the end of September, sidestepping any threat of a government shutdown. The bipartisan vote in the Republican-controlled House follows approval earlier this week in the Democrat-controlled Senate and sends the measure to President Obama to be...

Senate OKs Bill to Keep Government Running

But those White House tours are still a no-go

(Newser) - The Senate approved legislation today to lock in $85 billion in broad federal spending cuts and simultaneously avoid a government shutdown next week. If the House goes along, as expected, that means the across-the-board cuts set in motion by a failed earlier deficit-cutting effort and vigorously decried by President Obama...

Menendez Facing Grand Jury Probe

Investigation centers on ties to Salomon Melgen

(Newser) - Sen. Robert Menendez is facing a federal grand jury probe amid continuing questions over his relationship with friend and donor Salomon Melgen, insiders tell the Washington Post . Interviews and records show the New Jersey Democrat pushed the Dominican government to follow through on a port security contract with Melgen; Menendez'...

Obama Approval Slips Down to 50%
 Obama Approval 
 Slips Down to 50% 

new poll

Obama Approval Slips Down to 50%

Loses big edge over GOP on economy

(Newser) - Before his second inauguration, President Obama enjoyed a 55% approval rating—but thanks to concerns over the economy, the figure has dropped again to 50%, a Washington Post-ABC News poll finds. Following Obama's reelection, Americans trusted him over congressional Republicans on the economy by 18 points; now the gap...

Ryan's New Budget Axes ObamaCare, $5T in Spending

Would balance over 10 years

(Newser) - Paul Ryan is unveiling his latest budget proposal, and this time, he says, it'll balance in 10 years—half the time he claimed for his previous budget, NPR notes, because he's including new revenue from the fiscal cliff deal. As promised, the new plan calls for repealing ObamaCare,...

Stewart: Sequester Is Like Sexy Choking

Congress screws up, but 'we're the ones blacking out'

(Newser) - Jon Stewart last night took Washington to task over sequestration—which pundits once assured us would never happen. "It's as likely as Dennis Rodman being our chief envoy to North Korea ," Stewart quipped on the Daily Show . The sequester, he says, is a bit like autoerotic asphyxiation:...

Sequester Time: Obama Signs Order

Automatic spending cuts of $85B start going into effect

(Newser) - The sequester is here. President Obama has signed an order authorizing the government to begin cutting $85 billion from federal accounts, officially enacting across-the-board reductions that he opposed but failed to avert. This morning's last-minute talks to avert the mess fell through . Obama had insisted on replacing the cuts,...

Sequester Talks Yield ... Zilch

Obama warns of 'dumb, arbitrary' cuts as GOP rejects tax increases

(Newser) - No sequester kumbaya. President Obama and congressional leaders met for an hour this morning and made zero progress on striking a deal to avoid the automatic budget cuts, reports Politico . Their respective statements afterward tell the story:
  • Obama: "Let's be clear: None of this is necessary," he

Forget Europe: US May OK Horse Meat Plant

It hasn't been processed here in 6 years

(Newser) - What timing: With Europe trying to rein in a horse meat scandal , the US may give the green light to a horse slaughtering plant in New Mexico. The facility, which would produce horse meat that's safe to eat, could get Agriculture Department approval within the next two months, the...

Sequester Cuts Look Certain as Senate Bills Fail

Last-minute measures had little chance of success

(Newser) - In case you were expecting a sequester miracle: Two separate measures to stem the crisis before tomorrow's deadline failed in the Senate today, as expected . One was from Democrats and the other from Republicans, but both were doomed even before the votes. They were placed in consideration as a...

Senate Makes Limp Efforts to Duck Sequester

But 'it's going to happen' despite votes: Rep.

(Newser) - Today, the Senate will vote on two plans that could potentially avert the sequester—but passage doesn't seem likely, USA Today reports. The Democrats' plan, which focuses on a minimum 30% tax on millionaires as well as defense and farm cuts, lacks the 60 votes it would need to...

Woodward: White House Said I'd 'Regret' Sequester Stance

Calls Obama's approach 'madness'

(Newser) - Bob Woodward's standoff with the White House is heating up: Now the journalist says a top administration official warned him to stop blaming President Obama for the sequester, Business Insider reports. In an email, "it was said very clearly: You will regret doing this," Woodward told CNN...

Boehner to Congress: Dress Up, Slobs

Lawmakers spotted in jeans at work

(Newser) - Just to solidify your sinking perception that Congress is a lot like first grade, John Boehner is yelling at his membership about violating the House dress code: "Members should wear appropriate business attire during all sittings of the House, however brief your appearance on the floor might be. You...

Why Congress Is Cool With Sequester: Its Salaries Are Safe

It's just the staffers who face cuts: Roger Simon

(Newser) - We shouldn't be too worried about the sequester—after all, Congress doesn't exactly seem to be recoiling at the thought. And Roger Simon has a theory on why: Lawmakers' own salaries aren't getting cut, he explains at Politico . Sure, their staffers are facing furloughs that amount to...

Stories 461 - 480 | << Prev   Next >>