
Stories 541 - 560 | << Prev   Next >>

Rangel Win Finally Official
 Rangel Win Finally Official 

Rangel Win Finally Official

Rival concedes 13 days after Democratic primary

(Newser) - State Sen. Adriano Espaillat has conceded to Charles Rangel for a second and final time in the Democratic primary in New York's 13th congressional district. The result had been up in the air since the June 26 vote while batches of uncounted votes were tallied. "Everybody from Nancy...

Sen. Susan Collins Nearing 5,000th Consecutive Vote

Maine Republican has never missed a vote

(Newser) - Congress is less popular than waterboarding , but one senator's work ethic should meet with approval: Sen. Susan Collins is just three votes away from scoring an unbroken streak of 5,000 votes, the AP reports. The Republican from Maine has not missed a single vote since taking office in...

Charles Rangel Race Still Up in the Air

State Sen. Adriano Espaillat has a shot to upend congressman

(Newser) - Charles Rangel's primary re-election isn't quite so decided after all. In a weird twist, the longtime Democratic congressman is facing days or even weeks of uncertainty after officials said 32 precincts had not counted their votes and more than 3,000 affidavit and absentee ballots hadn't been...

Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr. on Leave for 'Exhaustion'

Blagojevich probe still investigating him

(Newser) - Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr, the 47-year-old son of the famous civil rights leader, has been on medical leave for two weeks and is undergoing treatment for exhaustion, the Chicago Tribune reports. “At the request of the family, we’re not saying where he is," said a rep, who...

Congress Riddled With Insider Trading
 Riddled With 
 Insider Trading 


Congress Riddled With Insider Trading

Study find 1-in-8 Congress trades pose potential conflict of interest

(Newser) - The Washington Post has pored over the 45,000 stock transactions made by members of Congress between 2007 and 2010, in a mammoth investigation into just how bad the government's insider trading problem is. The result—130 members of Congress or their families bought and sold up to $218...

Anti-Incumbent Fever May Give Dems a Shot at House

Unlikely, says Silver, but House hard to analyze

(Newser) - Stats guru Nate Silver may have President Obama slightly favored to win re-election in November, and the battle for Senate in a tossup, but what does he think about the House? In his latest blog post in the New York Times , Silver calls Republicans "reasonably clear favorites" to keep...

Lawmaker: Why No Hearings on Radical Christians, Too?

Texas Democrat Al Green questions Peter King's hearings on Muslims

(Newser) - Peter King's latest hearings on the radicalization of American Muslims are under way, and a Democratic lawmaker used his allotted time to wonder why there are no hearings on radical Christians as well. Texas' Al Green, the grandson of a Christian minister, said in his five-minute speech that he...

Time to Upgrade Trade With Russia
 Time to 
 Trade With 
hillary clinton

Time to Upgrade Trade With Russia

Hillary Clinton: Congress must ditch outdated amendment

(Newser) - With Russia finally due to enter the World Trade Organization, Hillary Clinton is urging the US to take a hard look at its own trade policy. A 1970s law currently prevents us from normal trade with Moscow, but at this point, that legislation is hurting only us. The Jackson-Vanik amendment...

Weather Service Needs $36M to Avoid Furloughs

5K employees could be put on leave for 13 days this summer

(Newser) - The National Weather service plans to furlough as many as 5,000 employees for 13 days between July and September if a $36 million hole in its budget is not filled. The Weather Service is asking Congress for the money, asserting that the unpaid leave of employees will endanger critical...

Fed Will Help If Economy Craters: Bernanke

But it's unclear what action it would take

(Newser) - The Federal Reserve is prepared to take further steps to lift the economy if it weakens, Ben Bernanke said today—but he didn't signal any imminent action in testimony before a congressional panel. Bernanke said the European debt crisis poses significant risks to US financial markets. He noted that...

Senate Republicans Block Equal Pay Bill

Democrats hope to score points in November

(Newser) - Senate Republicans today blocked a Democratic bill calling for equal pay in the workplace. As expected, the bill failed along party lines, 52-47, short of the required 60-vote threshold. But for majority Democrats, passage wasn't the point. The debate itself was aimed at putting Republicans on the defensive on...

GOP Owns This Crappy Economy

 GOP Owns 
 This Crappy 
paul krugman

GOP Owns This Crappy Economy

Paul Krugman: Republican dream has already failed

(Newser) - Yes, the president's a Democrat—but it's the Republicans who own this economy, writes Paul Krugman in the New York Times . They hammer President Obama's spending, when in fact spending is dropping faster than it has since just after the Korean War. That means "the Republican...

Congress Speaks Like a Bunch of 10th-Graders

It's dropped a grade since 2005: analysis

(Newser) - Didn't do so great on that last vocabulary test? That's OK, there's a place in Congress for you. The current class of congressmembers speaks at a 10.6 grade level—down almost a full grade from 2005's 11.5 grade level on the Flesch-Kincaid scale. According...

Right-Wing Super PACs Outspending Liberals 4-1

They're playing big role in congressional races

(Newser) - Super PACs aren't just reshaping the presidential race , they are also transforming congressional campaigns. And in those races, conservative interest groups are outspending their liberal rivals by a four-to-one margin, reports the Washington Post . So far, conservative groups have plowed $20 million into House and Senate races, and with...

Partisan Showdown Looms Over Domestic Violence Bill

House passes its version of renewal bill despite veto threat

(Newser) - The Violence Against Women Act, which provides funding to protect women from domestic violence and passed Congress easily in its prior two reauthorizations, is headed for Congress' latest partisan showdown. The House passed its version of the bill by a 222-205 vote yesterday over a veto threat from the White...

Boehner Kicks Off New Fight Over Debt

He won't agree to raising ceiling without spending cuts to offset

(Newser) - Remember the nasty fight in DC last summer over the national debt ceiling? Get ready for round two this fall. John Boehner launched the first volley today, demanding at a fiscal summit that any increase in the ceiling be offset by spending cuts, reports the Hill . "When the time...

Student Loan Rate Hike Is Overhyped
Student Loan Rate Hike Is Overhyped

Student Loan Rate Hike Is Overhyped

Congress is screwing college students in much bigger ways

(Newser) - Congress is up in arms over how to keep rates on Stafford student loans from doubling in July, but Mark Kantrowitz and Lynn Shaughgnessy have a question: Who cares? "The partisan posturing is a distraction from far more pressing issues that face students," the college experts write in...

In Epic Statement, Lugar Rips Foe, Congress

Calls opponent Richard Mourdock an 'unrelenting partisan'

(Newser) - Dick Lugar isn't going quietly into the sunset. The newly deposed Indiana senator has released a scathing 1,425-word statement lambasting his party, his opponent, and Congress in general, Politico reports. Lugar says he wants opponent Richard Mourdock to win because he wants to see a GOP majority for...

Obama to Congress: Here's Your 'To-Do List'

Items include bringing jobs back to US, tax credits for small business

(Newser) - Because Congress loves being bossed around like nothing else, President Obama will today unveil a "to-do list" of priorities, which have historically had bipartisan support, and which he says will "help restore middle class security." "At this make-or-break moment for the middle class, we need to...

Chinese Dissident Calls Congress: I Need Help

Chen Guangcheng phones in to committee hearing on Capitol Hill

(Newser) - A congressional hearing called today to discuss the plight of blind Chinese dissident Chen Guangcheng got a first-hand perspective: Chen himself called in from his hospital bed in Beijing to ask for US help in leaving the country, reports Reuters . "I want to come to the US to rest,...

Stories 541 - 560 | << Prev   Next >>