
Stories 601 - 620 | << Prev   Next >>

House Rejects Payroll Tax Deal

Republicans call for talks with Senate to hammer out longer deal

(Newser) - Congress finds itself in a familiar place this afternoon on a key piece of legislation: stuck in partisan gridlock. The House voted 229-193 to reject the two-month extension of the payroll tax cut that cleared the Senate , reports Politico . Instead, House Republicans called for a House-Senate conference to hammer out...

Boehner Cancels Payroll Vote
 Boehner Cancels Payroll Vote 

Boehner Cancels Payroll Vote

House Republicans revolt, call for conference committee

(Newser) - House Republicans didn’t hold their expected vote on the Senate’s two-month payroll tax cut extension last night, a hairpin turn so abrupt that Politico ’s story on it is headlined, “Has John Boehner Lost Control?” The House had planned to vote down the Senate bill and...

Lawmakers Give Inside Info to Big Investors—Legally

Brokerage firms arrange meetings with legislators

(Newser) - Congressmen aren’t the only ones trading on their inside info . A lucrative practice has sprung up in Washington, in which hedge funds and other investors pay handsomely for private meetings with top lawmakers or their aides, who give them an early scoop on market-moving news, the Wall Street Journal...

House Won't Pass 2-Month Payroll Tax Cut: Boehner

Will instead call for quick talks on one-year extension

(Newser) - The House will reject a Senate-approved plan to extend the payroll tax cut for two months, John Boehner said at a news conference today. The House's plan: to call for immediate negotiations on a yearlong extension that could create "certainty for people who are trying to create jobs,...

Senate Easily Approves Payroll Tax Cut

It also passes $1T budget bill

(Newser) - No last-minute surprises in the Senate: The chamber easily passed legislation this morning that will keep the payroll tax cut in place for another two months, reports Politico . The framework of the deal, which also extends jobless benefits, had been ironed out last night . It sailed through today on a...

House Passes $1T Budget Bill
 House Passes $1T Budget Bill 

House Passes $1T Budget Bill

In a 296-121 vote

(Newser) - The House has passed a $1 trillion-plus catchall spending bill paying for day-to-day budgets of 10 Cabinet departments, averting a government shutdown. The 296-121 vote to approve the measure represented a rare moment of bipartisanship in a polarized Capitol. The vote sends the measure to the Senate, which is expected...

Deal Averts Government Shutdown

Congress forges $1T spending deal

(Newser) - The spirit of Christmas, or at least the spirit of competence, appears to have reached Capitol Hill. Lawmakers have set aside their differences to forge a $1 trillion spending bill for federal agencies that will avert a government shutdown this weekend, the Washington Post reports. The bill—heralded by a...

Looks Like Congress Will Avoid That Shutdown

... at least based on the latest rhetoric

(Newser) - The gist of the articles coming out of Washington this evening suggests that lawmakers will manage to strike a spending deal before tomorrow's midnight deadline to avoid a shutdown. Also looking up are prospects for deals to extend the payroll tax cuts and jobless benefits, say the Washington Post...

Congress Passes Wrong Pipeline Bill

House sends along wrong version, Senate passes without noticing

(Newser) - It was a rare moment of bicameral, bipartisan compromise—and also a complete screw-up. The House and Senate hurriedly passed a pipeline safety bill on Tuesday, but not the one they thought they were passing, Politico reports. Thanks to a "clerical error," the House wound up passing an...

Dems Drop Millionaire Tax, GOP Unveils Spending Bill

House in a hurry to wrap things up for Christmas

(Newser) - In an effort to reach a compromise in one of the two year-end battles facing Congress, Democrats have decided to drop their demand for a surtax on millionaires to finance payroll tax cuts. Without a deal, 160 million workers will face an automatic Social Security tax increase on Jan. 1,...

Democrats May Offer New Payroll Tax Proposal

They might back away from demand for tax on millionaires

(Newser) - Democrats may jettison their demand for higher taxes on millionaires as part of legislation to extend payroll tax cuts for most Americans, officials said today. The move comes as President Obama and Congress struggled to clear critical year-end bills without triggering a partial government shutdown. Republicans, too, signaled an eagerness...

Lobbyists More Ethical Than Congress

 More Ethical 
 Than Congress 
poll numbers

Lobbyists More Ethical Than Congress

A record 64% rate Congress members' honesty as 'low' or 'very low'

(Newser) - A whopping 64% of Americans think Congress members have "low" or "very low" levels of honesty and ethical standards, a number that could not be matched even by lobbyists, car salespeople, or telemarketers. In fact, only one other group has ever received a score that high for the...

Congress (Gasp!) Poised to Pass Spending Bill

Appropriations 'the last bastion of getting something done around here': rep

(Newser) - Looks like Congress is finally getting something done with minimal angst. A $1 trillion spending bill to last through September is set to be revealed today, barring any last-minute controversy. The process has been a more simplified one thanks to the fact that the overall spending level was set at...

Another New Low for Congress
 Another New Low for Congress 
gallup poll

Another New Low for Congress

Not many want to see members reelected: Gallup poll

(Newser) - Another day, another record low for Congress: Just 20% of respondents in the latest Gallup poll believe most members should be reelected. And a record high, too: The poll also finds that 76% don't believe most representatives should be reelected. That's the highest number since Gallup started asking...

Congress&#39; Productivity Plunges
 Congress' Productivity Plunges 

Congress' Productivity Plunges

Hill approving fewer bills, fewer laws being signed

(Newser) - Non-election years are typically productive times for Congress, but not this year. As of last week, the House had passed 326 bills, its fewest in the last 10 non-election years, while the Senate had green-lit 368, its lowest total since 1995, the Washington Post observes. (For comparison, the House passed...

Obama Pushes Payroll Tax Cut Amid GOP Split

President puts pressure on Congress to act

(Newser) - President Obama wants voters to get involved in the debate over extending the reduced payroll tax, and he's asking them to tell members of Congress to keep the cut in place. "Let your members of Congress know where you stand," Obama said today in his weekly radio...

House Panel Subpoenas Corzine

He is expected to testify on Capitol Hill next week over MF Global

(Newser) - A congressional panel has subpoenaed Jon Corzine to testify next week about his role leading MF Global, the brokerage firm that collapsed five weeks ago after a disastrous bet on European debt. Thursday's hearing will be a rare moment in Washington. Congressional historians and Capitol Hill insiders cannot recall...

Check Out Barney's Best Videos on YouTube

From ribbing Newt Gingrich to battling Bill O'Reilly

(Newser) - With Barney Frank retiring from Congress , "It’s about to get a little dumber, and a lot duller" on Capitol Hill, Ezra Klein writes in the Washington Post . Need any proof of Frank's chutzpah? YouTube is rife with videos that display his sharp wit and natural toughness. Whether...

Colin Powell: Tea Party Candidates Can't Win

But Dems, GOP also too partisan, he tells Christiane Amanpour

(Newser) - Colin Powell took aim at Tea Party candidates, Democrats, and Republicans alike today in a plea for compromise on Capitol Hill. Speaking on Christiane Amanpour, the former Bush secretary of state said Tea Party contenders are too hard-line to win next year's presidential election: "The Tea Party point...

Gingrich: Super Committee Failure 'Good for America'

Liberal bloggers pretty happy about it, too

(Newser) - Newt Gingrich certainly isn’t mourning the super committee’s super failure , calling it “good for America” this morning, Politico reports. Gingrich, a longtime critic of the panel, said the “gridlock” in Washington is “partly the president's fault, it's partly the Congress' fault, but it'...

Stories 601 - 620 | << Prev   Next >>