
Stories 821 - 840 | << Prev   Next >>

Rep. Weiner Wigs Out on Republicans

 Rep. Weiner 
 Wigs Out on 
'the gentleman will sit!'

Rep. Weiner Wigs Out on Republicans

He blasts them on House floor over aid to 9/11 responders

(Newser) - Anthony Weiner's temper on the House floor has yielded another YouTube moment, this time as he lashed out at Republicans for blocking a measure to provide $7.4 billion in aid to 9/11 responders. As Sam Stein of the Huffington Post explains, the New York congressman was incensed that Republicans...

Surprise: Finance Bill Forces Diversity on Wall Street

Wording makes firms prove 'fair inclusion' of women and minorities

(Newser) - Turns out that hidden inside the massive financial reform bill that was signed into law last week were a few words that appear to give the government new leverage to push Wall Street firms to hire more women and minorities. The bill gives the government the right to terminate contracts...

Obama's Afghan Troop Surge Clears Congress

He gets money for increase of 30,000

(Newser) - The House today sent President Obama a major war-funding increase of $33 billion to pay for his troop surge in Afghanistan, unmoved by the leaking of classified documents that portray a struggling military effort. The House voted 308-114 to approve the spending boost for the additional 30,000 US troops...

Beware Lame-Duck Dems' Dirty Tricks
 Beware Lame-Duck 
 Dems' Dirty Tricks 
Charles Krauthammer

Beware Lame-Duck Dems' Dirty Tricks

With nothing to lose, they could jam through legislation

(Newser) - It's looking more certain by the day that Democrats will lose lots of congressional seats in November, and that's precisely why Republicans have reason to worry, writes Charles Krauthammer. Consider this scenario: Democrats call a lame-duck Congress into session after the midterm elections and pass a slew of controversial measures—...

My That's a Big Cigar You Have, Congressman

Lobbyists may have set up networking group in violation of rules

(Newser) - The Huffington Post is blowing smoke in the eyes of a congressional networking group that the blog contends is backed by lobbyists, possibly in violation of congressional rules. Tough to get your maduro lit when you poke around like that. According to HuffPo: "Lobbyists for major banks, insurers, pharmaceutical...

House Extends Jobless Benefits

Measure now goes to President Obama for his signature

(Newser) - Congress has approved legislation to restore unemployment insurance to people who have been out of work for six months or more, ending a seven-week interruption that caused 2.5 million people to lose benefits averaging about $300 a week. The 272-152 House vote sends the measure to President Obama, who...

Congress Spends $1B on Own Expenses
Congress Spends $1B on Own Expenses

Congress Spends $1B on Own Expenses

Taxpayers pay for coffee, plane tickets, oh, and drapes

(Newser) - Congress spends a whole lot of taxpayer money keeping itself stocked with paperclips. According to figures assembled by the nonpartisan Sunlight Foundation, Congress spent $1,013,162,955 on its own expenses from June 2009 to March 2010. Aol News pored over the findings, and pulled out some choice expenditures....

Bachmann Forms Tea Party Caucus

It poses a tricky question for Republican leaders

(Newser) - Tea Party favorite Michele Bachmann has formed an official Tea Party Caucus in the House of Representatives, a development that forces GOP leaders to answer what Politico terms an "existential question: Are you in or are you out?" For some, like Mike Pence, it's an easy call to join....

Pelosi Calls Robert Gibbs 'Politically Inept'

Speaker slams press chief for saying GOP could retake House

(Newser) - Nancy Pelosi isn't happy with Robert Gibbs' forecast about the midterms. At a House Democratic Caucus meeting this week, she described him as "politically inept" for acknowledging that Republicans could regain the House in November, reports CQ Politics . “It was bad,” said one source. “She was...

Wacky Tea Party Candidate Loses Ala. Runoff

No more 'founding father' call to arms

(Newser) - Decidedly odd Alabama Tea Party candidate Rick Barber has lost his bid for Congress even though his "aw-shucks racism and incoherent rantings" turned him into an internet sensation, notes Gawker. Barber lost the runoff election to his far more traditional GOP rival Martha Roby, who faces Dem Bobby Bright...

Obama's Approval Hits New Low
 Obama's Approval 
 Hits New Low 

Obama's Approval Hits New Low

But Congress, as ever, is even worse

(Newser) - President Obama’s approval rating dips to a new low in the latest Washington Post-ABC News poll . Just 43% approve of the job the president is doing, while 54% disapprove—including one-third of Democrats. Obama’s supporters aren’t very enthusiastic, either: Twice as many people gave him a strongly...

Senate to Unemployed: Have a Nice Holiday
Senate to Unemployed: Have a Nice Holiday
another gop filibuster

Senate to Unemployed: Have a Nice Holiday

Without extended jobless benefits, that is

(Newser) - More than 1.3 million laid-off workers won't get their unemployment benefits reinstated before Congress goes on a weeklong vacation for Independence Day. For the third time in as many weeks, Senate Republicans last night successfully filibustered a bill to continue providing unemployment checks to people who have been laid...

Boehner: Raise Retirement Age to 70
Boehner: Raise Retirement Age to 70

Boehner: Raise Retirement Age to 70

American people need to know 'we're broke'

(Newser) - House Republican leader John Boehner thinks the retirement age should be raised to 70 for those who still have at least 20 years to go in the work force. "We need to look at the American people and explain to them that we're broke," he tells the Pittsburgh ...

Sen. Robert Byrd Dead at 92
 Sen. Robert Byrd Dead at 92 

Sen. Robert Byrd Dead at 92

West Virginian served in Congress since 1952

(Newser) - West Virginia Sen. Robert Byrd died early this morning at the age of 92. The longest-serving senator in US history, Byrd was a conservative Democrat known for his fiery oratory and his skill at steering federal funds to battle poverty in his home state. Byrd was first elected to the...

She's the Most Powerful Woman in the US

 She's the 
 Most Powerful 
 in the US 
Gail Collins

She's the Most Powerful Woman in the US

Nancy Pelosi is fearless, principled, and effective

(Newser) - Gail Collins today loudly sings the praises of Nancy Pelosi, "a 70-year-old perpetual motion machine" who "combines the high ideals of politics with a sure grasp of the very practical realities." She gets things done, with major legislation on Wall Street and campaign finance rules this week...

Lawmakers Hammer Out New Wall Street Rules

Reach compromise on overhaul, create consumer agency

(Newser) - House and Senate negotiators have completed a sweeping overhaul of banking regulations and aim to send it to President Obama by July 4. Lawmakers finished assembling the bill about dawn. Some highlights:
  • It creates a consumer financial protection bureau to police lending (though not auto dealers).
  • Establishes the so-called "

Obama Asks Congress for $600M Border Security Boost

Calls funds for staffing, fence repairs an 'emergency'

(Newser) - With Arizona's controversial new anti-illegal-immigrant law being blamed on weak federal enforcement, Barack Obama has formally asked Nancy Pelosi for $600 million to beef up security along the US/Mexico border. The president says the request will address “urgent and essential needs” and should be considered an emergency. The money...

GOP Leaders Ordered Barton to Apologize, 'Immediately'

Boehner, Cantor laid down the law

(Newser) - So what prompted Joe Barton's quick retraction of his apology to BP ? A sincere change of heart, maybe. Or it could have been the meeting with House GOP leaders John Boehner and Eric Cantor, who told him, "Apologize, immediately. Or you will lose your (committee) position, immediately,"...

Joe Barton's BP Apology Could Be 'Game-Changing'

Pundits Think Democrats Have a Line of Attack

(Newser) - GOP congressman Joe Barton's apology to BP remains the buzz of the day. See earlier summary here and a video of his statement in the gallery:
  • Greg Sargent, Plum Line : "The challenge for Dems, though, is to elevate the story beyond Barton's ridiculous comments and build a larger narrative

Democrats Gain Favor on Handling of Economy
 Democrats Gain Favor on Handling of Economy
poll offers Dem hope

Democrats Gain Favor on Handling of Economy

Slim margin prefers them to GOP, and wants them to keep control of Congress

(Newser) - There's encouraging news for Democrats battling to retain control of Congress in this fall's elections, with the party holding a slender edge in public trust for shepherding the economy and small gains in those saying their finances are healthy, according to a new poll. The reeling economy remains people's top...

Stories 821 - 840 | << Prev   Next >>