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Dec. 26 Could Be a Rough Day for 12M People
Dec. 26 Could
Be a Rough Day
for 12M People
in case you missed it

Dec. 26 Could Be a Rough Day for 12M People

Jobless aid programs will expire unless Congress moves fast: study

(Newser) - When Todd Anderson lost his job doing landscape design for resorts in the spring, the single dad of four from Mackinaw City, Mich., began selling off his belongings. He squeaks by on the $362 he receives each week in unemployment benefits, reports NPR . But he’s about to lose that,...

Nation's Congress Building Is Set Ablaze

Protesters oppose budget cuts in Guatemala

(Newser) - Hundreds of protesters broke into Guatemala's Congress and burned part of the building Saturday amid growing demonstrations against President Alejandro Giammattei and the legislature for approving a budget that cut educational and health spending, the AP reports. The protest came as about 7,000 people were demonstrating in front...

Biden Assesses Cost of Trump's Stonewalling

'More people may die' if the two teams don't coordinate on pandemic, president-elect says

(Newser) - The Trump administration still isn't cooperating on the transition with President-elect Joe Biden's team, and Biden said Monday that could turn out to be a costly decision. Vaccinating more than 300 million Americans is "a huge, huge, huge undertaking," he said in Delaware, per the the...

Few Are Tapping Their 401(k)s Under COVID Exception

Americans given chance to raid funds without penalty, but not many have opted for it

(Newser) - Earlier this year, Congress gave Americans the chance to raid their own 401(k) funds without penalty amid the pandemic. But the Wall Street Journal reports that few people have actually done so. The nation's biggest 401(k) provider, Fidelity Investments, says 4.6% of people have taken advantage of the...

Trump: 25th Amendment Ploy Is About Biden, Not Me

President accuses Pelosi of plotting to replace Biden with Kamala Harris

(Newser) - House Democrats followed through on their promise to raise the profile of the 25th Amendment on Friday, introducing legislation that would create a 17-member panel to judge a president's fitness for the job. Rep. Jamie Raskin of Maryland, a former professor of constitutional law, reintroduced a version of the...

Mass Layoffs at Airlines: 'It Didn't Have to Be This Way'

Tens of thousands of furloughs at American, United after deadline for Congress deal passes

(Newser) - Nineteen thousand workers at American Airlines and 13,000 at United are getting bad news this week, and they may not be the only ones. The Wall Street Journal reports the two airlines are laying off tens of thousands of employees after Congress was unable to OK a coronavirus relief...

Congresswoman Sues Over Change in Election Day

Rep. Angie Craig doesn't want voting in her race postponed from November to February

(Newser) - Democratic Rep. Angie Craig is seeking a court order requiring that the November election in her Minnesota congressional race be held as scheduled instead of being delayed until February because a third-party candidate died, per the AP . Craig, who is seeking a second term in a competitive suburban and rural...

Report on 737 Max: 'Horrific Culmination' of Missteps

'Grossly insufficient oversight' by FAA and 'lack of transparency' by Boeing cited by House committee

(Newser) - As regulators get closer to OKing recertification for Boeing's beleaguered 737 Max planes, what CNBC calls a "damning" report from a Congressional committee that took a year and a half to complete was released Wednesday, pointing to a series of fails during the development of the aircraft. The...

Pelosi: New Intel Policy on Elections Is 'a Betrayal'

Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe sends a letter to lawmakers

(Newser) - Looks like America's top intelligence officer won't be sending anyone to brief Congress about election security anymore—and Nancy Pelosi is less than pleased, CNN reports. Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe notified lawmakers Friday that his office will no longer brief congressional intelligence committees on the hot-button...

Trump Threatens Executive Action on COVID Relief

Move would likely trigger another court battle; negotiations continue

(Newser) - With a coronavirus relief deal still elusive , President Trump is considering executive orders—he detailed three of them on Wednesday—unless a deal is reached by Friday. "My administration is exploring executive actions to provide protections against eviction" as well as "looking at a term-limited suspension of the...

'Emperors of the New Economy' Grilled at Antitrust Hearing

'Simply put, they have too much power'

(Newser) - The CEOs of Amazon, Apple, Facebook, and Google were sworn in remotely Wednesday for a historic antitrust hearing before House lawmakers. Rep. David Cicilline, chairman of the House Judiciary antitrust subcommittee, used his opening statement to accuse the tech giants of damaging the economy through excessive dominance, the New York ...

Big Tech CEOs Head to Congress for Historic Hearing

Apple, Amazon, Facebook, Google on the defense over rising power

(Newser) - Chief executives of Facebook, Google, Apple, and Amazon are set to testify remotely before Congress on Wednesday as part of a hearing focusing on the size and power of the world's leading tech companies, following a yearlong investigation by the House judiciary’s antitrust subcommittee. Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg...

AOC Says &#39;What for Too Long Has Gone Unsaid&#39;
AOC Went Where Few
Female Politicians Go

AOC Went Where Few Female Politicians Go

And that signals 'a shift in our politics'

(Newser) - "Having a daughter does not make a man decent. Having a wife does not make a decent man. Treating people with dignity and respect makes a decent man." That was just part of New York Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's response to Florida Rep. Ted Yoho's defense/apology on...

Republicans Ditch Key Trump Demand in New Aid Package

Payroll tax cut won't be in 'base bill'

(Newser) - Republicans have jettisoned one of President Trump's key demands even before the start of negotiations with Democrats over the next coronavirus stimulus package. Senate Republicans, who are planning to unveil the package Thursday, decided not to include the payroll tax cut the president has been calling for, the Washington ...

AOC Rejects 'Apology' from GOP Congressman

She says Yoho is 'refusing responsibility' for 'verbal assault' on Capitol steps

(Newser) - Republican Rep. Ted Yoho apologized Wednesday for the "abrupt manner" of his "conversation" with Democratic Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Monday—but said he cannot apologize for his "passion." In prepared comments read from the House floor, Yoho denied using "offensive, name-calling words" during the confrontation...

GOP Lawmaker, AOC Have Testy Exchange

Ted Yoho denies he lobbed a particularly nasty insult at Ocasio-Cortez

(Newser) - An exchange on the steps of the Capitol between Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, a New York Democrat, and Ted Yoho, a Florida Republican, was in the headlines Tuesday. A reporter from the Hill writes that Yoho confronted AOC over a recent assertion that poverty and unemployment were big drivers of a...

Congress to Consider 2nd Stimulus Check, Jobless Aid

House and Senate are back in session with unemployment benefits about to expire

(Newser) - Congress returns to session on Monday, and one issue will be dominating the headlines on that front in the coming days: a second round of aid for COVID-19. As NPR notes, supplemental unemployment benefits of $600 per week that Congress approved four months ago for tens of millions of Americans...

House Dems Slam 'Alarming' WH Response on CDC Chief Testimony

Robert Redfield reportedly blocked by White House from testifying next week on school reopenings

(Newser) - CDC Director Robert Redfield was apparently in the queue to speak before Congress at a public hearing next week on the reopening of schools during the pandemic, but reports now say he's been blocked by the White House from doing so. Politico and USA Today report that Redfield had...

Dozens of US Diplomats Fell Ill. Then, an 'Extraordinary Step'

Officials at embassy in Riyadh contacted Congress when State Department failed to respond: 'NYT'

(Newser) - Diplomats in the midst of a coronavirus outbreak inside the US Embassy in Saudi Arabia went outside official channels to reach out to Congress last month, fearing their health was in jeopardy. Dozens had fallen ill following a birthday barbecue, and a Sudanese driver for the diplomats had died, the...

Newcomer Declares Victory in AOC-Like Stunner
Newcomer Declares Victory
in AOC-Like Stunner
the rundown

Newcomer Declares Victory in AOC-Like Stunner

Jamaal Bowman says he has ousted longtime Congressman Eliot Engel in New York City

(Newser) - The race hasn't been officially called, but it appears that longtime New York City Congressman Eliot Engel is being ousted by a political novice in the mold of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. The newcomer is Jamaal Bowman, a 44-year-old middle school principal and progressive, who declared victory in the Democratic primary...

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