
Stories 1041 - 1060 | << Prev   Next >>

Bomb Iran? It&#39;s No Debate at All

 Bomb Iran? 
 It's No Debate at All 
Nicholas Kristof

Bomb Iran? It's No Debate at All

All credible experts agree striking Iran very bad idea, says Kristof

(Newser) - You might think from newspaper editorials and Sunday morning talk shows that a debate was raging over whether Israel should strike Iran's nuclear facilities. In fact, there is not—no credible security expert thinks it is a good idea, writes Nicholas Kristof in the New York Times . “Unless...

Now Banned in Israel: Underweight Models

Models with a BMI below 18.5 can't be used in photo shoots

(Newser) - In a bid to fight the spread of eating disorders, Israel has banned underweight models from local advertising and now requires publications to disclose when they use altered images to make models appear thinner. The law, passed yesterday, appears to be the first legislation of its kind by any government....

Could a Strike on Iran Spark a Nuclear Explosion?

Brian Palmer: Sorry, nuclear weapons don't detonate like that

(Newser) - As pressure mounts for a US or Israeli strike on Iran's nuclear facilities, you may be wondering whether such an attack would trigger a mushroom cloud or cause dangerous materials to leak. Brian Palmer lays those fears mostly to rest in Slate , saying Iran probably hasn't enriched enough...

John Oliver Visits Africa for &#39;Epic&#39; UNESCO Segment
 John Oliver Visits Africa for 
 'Epic' UNESCO Segment 
The Daily Show

John Oliver Visits Africa for 'Epic' UNESCO Segment

He ridicules US decision to cut off funds

(Newser) - The Daily Show made the rare decision to forego a guest last night in favor of a John Oliver piece that, according to Jon Stewart, was "so epic that it could not be contained." Oliver looked into the US move to cut off funding to UNESCO , the UN'...

Is This the Burial Box of Jesus' Brother? Still No Answer

Judge unable to determine whether ossuary once held bones of James

(Newser) - After seven years of hearings about a 2,000-year-old box, an Israeli judge has let an alleged forger off the hook without ruling on whether the burial box once held the bones of James, one of four brothers of Jesus named in the New Testament. The limestone box carries the...

Again, Obama Caves to Israel
 Again, Obama Caves to Israel 

Again, Obama Caves to Israel

Peter Beinart on the US' longstanding trend of rolling over to its ally

(Newser) - President Obama hosted Benjamin Netanyahu last week, and unlike Bibi's last visit—a disaster for Obama—this one went well, with Netanyahu seemingly embracing the president. But that harmony came at the cost of Obama's principles on Israel, says Peter Beinart of Newsweek , in a modified excerpt from...

Middle East Quartet Meets as Gaza Toll Hits 23

Iran condemns Israel's 'war crimes'

(Newser) - With 23 Palestinians now dead in the latest Gaza conflict , the Middle East Quartet is meeting for the first time in six months in New York. Hillary Clinton, UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, and EU diplomat Baroness Ashton will discuss the growing violence after Israeli air...

18 Palestinians Dead in Israeli Strikes

Israel keeps schools closed as citizens huddle in bomb shelters

(Newser) - Gaza and Israel continued to exchange rocket attacks for air strikes this weekend, leaving 18 Palestinians dead, four Israelis wounded, and world leaders weighing in on the latest round of Middle East violence, the Guardian reports. On the Israeli side, schools were kept closed and thousands of civilians spent hours...

Ahmadinejad: We Don't Give a Damn About West's Bombs

Iran's president also takes aim at Israel and its supporters

(Newser) - Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad lashed out at the West today in a televised speech, saying "the Iranian nation will not give a damn for [your] bombs, warships, and planes." Taking an apparent shot at President Obama, he added, "They say all [options] are on the table. Well,...

Israel's Gaza Strike Sets Off New Violence

Palestinians retaliate with nearly 100 rockets

(Newser) - Israel's killing of a militant commander in the Gaza Strip yesterday has led to renewed violence along the border. Palestinians have fired nearly 100 rockets into Israel, wounding at least one civilian seriously, while Israeli airstrikes have killed 14 militants, reports AP . Palestinians said 20 civilians have been injured....

Ex-Mossad Chief Calls Attacking Iran 'Stupid'

Iranian regime is 'rational,' just not 'our rational,' says ex-Israeli intel head

(Newser) - Attacking Iran would be a big mistake, because the regime is rational enough to deal with, according to former Mossad chief Meir Dagan. In an excerpt of an interview with 60 Minutes to air on Sunday and posted online today, the ex-Israeli intelligence head stands by an earlier quote that...

Iran Caught Scrubbing Nuclear Evidence at Parchin

Meanwhile, Israel asks US for weapons

(Newser) - Diplomats from the UN's nuclear agency say they've seen satellite images of Iranian trucks and earth-moving vehicles working at Iran's Parchin site, in what they suspect is an attempt to scrub the area of radioactive traces ahead of the IAEA's visit . Diplomats tell the AP that...

Obama to GOP: Stop 'Casual' Talk About War in Iran

President also announces new housing initiatives

(Newser) - President Obama hammered Republican presidential hopefuls today for their "casual" talk of the possibility of war with Iran. "What is said on the campaign trail—those folks don’t have a lot of responsibilities," Obama said in his first White House press conference since October. "They...

Netanyahu to Obama: No Iran Hit Planned. Yet.

Iran has Israel, US in strained relationship

(Newser) - The US and Israel still don't quite see eye to eye on Iran, but Benjamin Netanyahu's visit to the White House yesterday managed to reassure both sides. American officials emerged saying President Obama's tougher rhetoric had eased pressure on Israel to attack, the Wall Street Journal reports....

Netanyahu to Obama: 'We Are You, and You Are Us'

Iran tensions dominate talks

(Newser) - President Obama and Benjamin Netanyahu tried to project an image of unity today as the president welcomed his Israeli counterpart to the Oval Office. Speaking to reporters before their closed-door meeting, Obama said, "The United States will always have Israel's back," echoing his AIPAC speech. Netanyahu, meanwhile,...

US, Israel Real Threats to Middle East Peace
US, Israel Real Threats
to Middle East Peace
noam chomsky

US, Israel Real Threats to Middle East Peace

Iran's pursuit of nuclear power doesn't seem to bother MIT prof

(Newser) - President Obama isn't the only one worried about the drumbeat toward war with Iran. So is MIT professor Noam Chomsky, who argues that Iran's pursuit of nuclear power—and perhaps weapons—is a defensive posture against the region's two main aggressors, the US and Israel. "Concerns...

Obama Assures AIPAC: 'I Have Israel's Back'

On Iran, president warns of 'loose talk' about war

(Newser) - President Obama followed a speech by Israeli President Shimon Peres at AIPAC today with a blunt assessment about Israel: “There should not be a shred of doubt by now: when the chips are down, I have Israel’s back." He reminded the audience of recent US aid to...

Israel's Peres: Iran 'Will Be Stopped'

Shimon Peres tells AIPAC that Tehran is 'an evil, morally corrupt regime'

(Newser) - Israeli President Shimon Peres took the stage at AIPAC today with Iran squarely in his crosshairs: Speaking just before President Obama, CNN reports that Peres said that while "peace is always our first option ... if we are forced to fight, trust me, we shall prevail." Peres minced no...

Jewish Vote Riding on Obama AIPAC Speech

With Iran, GOP pressuring, Obama needs to shore up Israel position

(Newser) - With Republicans hammering President Obama on Israel, his shaky relationship with Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, and the looming threat of Iran's nuclear program, Obama's AIPAC speech this morning could be a "a pivotal moment" for keeping the Jewish vote heading into this fall's election,...

Obama on Iran: 'I Don't Bluff'

Atlantic interview: US, not Israel, should strike if necessary

(Newser) - President Obama meets with Benjamin Netanyahu on Monday to talk about Iran's nukes, and he's apparently going to lay out a straightforward message: Israel should not attack Iran, but the US will do so if Tehran keeps moving forward with its nuclear program. Those are two main points...

Stories 1041 - 1060 | << Prev   Next >>