
Stories 1121 - 1140 | << Prev   Next >>

Resort Offers Trip for Men With Virtual Girlfriends

Japanese guys hang with video game lovers

(Newser) - The Japanese resort town of Atami is so desperate for customers that it’s launched a new promotion aimed at providing the perfect romantic getaway for real-life men—and their video game girlfriends. More than 1,500 men have taken the bait, flying to Atami to recreate the ultimate date...

104-Year-Old Tokyo Woman Found in Backpack

Her son kept her there for nine years, he says

(Newser) - After discovering that Tokyo’s (supposedly) oldest man had been dead for 30 years and its oldest woman is missing , police began a search for other Japanese centenarians—and found one in her son’s backpack. The remains of the 104-year-old woman were stuffed in the pack for nine years,...

China Beats Japan to Become 2nd-Largest Economy

Second-quarter output surpasses Asian rival

(Newser) - In an unprecedented feat for a still-developing country, China has become the world's second-largest economy after edging ahead of Japan. Second-quarter GDP figures show China's output at $1.339 trillion, well ahead of Japan's $1.288 trillion. Because China is already in the habit of outperforming Japan in the later...

Bernanke, Please Heed Your Own Advice
Bernanke, Please Heed
Your Own Advice
paul krugman

Bernanke, Please Heed Your Own Advice

Your dithering is keeping Americans unemployed

(Newser) - If only Ben Bernanke would listen to himself—or at least the self that blasted Japan's government in the '90s for passively allowing the economy to wither, writes Paul Krugman. Back then, he urged Japan to "abandon its excessive caution" and accused economic officials of using flimsy technical excuses...

Japan Should Apologize for Hiroshima

Or for nation's bloody actions leading up to bombing

(Newser) - Japan will commemorate the 65th anniversary of the Hiroshima bombing today, and for the first time, the US ambassador to Japan will be present. The son of the man who dropped the first atomic bomb called that gesture “an unsaid apology” from the Obama administration. But it’s not...

US Joins Hiroshima Memorial Event for First Time
US Joins Hiroshima
Memorial Event for First Time
65 years since a-bomb

US Joins Hiroshima Memorial Event for First Time

Ambassador present as city marks 65 years since atomic bomb

(Newser) - Hiroshima marked the 65th anniversary of its atomic bombing today with an official representative from the US in attendance for the first time. Ambassador John Roos said he hoped this year's event would boost world efforts towards nuclear disarmament, the AP reports. Fellow nuclear powers Britain and France also sent...

Now Tokyo's 'Oldest' Woman Is Missing

Authorities check up on elderly after 'oldest' man found to have died 30 years ago

(Newser) - Authorities in Tokyo are having trouble keeping track of their oldest citizens. Officials who went to check on the city's oldest woman discovered that she hadn't been seen in decades. Fusa Furuya would be 113 if she's still alive, but her daughter told local authorities that she hasn't seen her...

Gutless Fed Ignores Deflation
 Gutless Fed Ignores Deflation 
Paul Krugman

Gutless Fed Ignores Deflation

Bernanke should, and does, know better

(Newser) - Back in 2002, academic and then-lowly Fed official Ben Bernanke gave a speech explaining that we needn’t worry about falling into a deflation trap like the one that has long gripped Japan, because the Fed had all the tools to stop it. Well, now Bernanke runs the Fed, and...

Japan's Ruling Party Loses Majority
 Ruling Party 
 Loses Majority 

Japan's Ruling Party Loses Majority

Loses grip on upper house, retains more powerful lower house

(Newser) - Japanese media are projecting that the ruling Democrats lost seats in a parliamentary election, dealing a setback to the progressive party's 10-month old government. Public broadcaster NHK predicted that the Democratic Party of Japan won less than 50 contested seats in today's upper house election, down from 54 before the...

China Passes Japan as No. 2 (or Will Soon)

Not everyone agrees on economic milestone

(Newser) - The US is the world's No. 1 economy, but who's No. 2? It depends who you ask. In the English-language version of the People's Daily Online , China declares that its newly revised GDP puts it in second place over Japan. But a slew of other observers, including the Wall Street ...

G20 Leaders Head Home, Vowing to Cut Deficits

Economic powers set goals for reducing public debt

(Newser) - The leaders of the Group of 20 nations wrapped up their 2-day summit today in Toronto, striking an agreement to reduce deficits over the next 3 to 6 years without endangering the global economic rebound. The major economic powers vowed to cut their deficits in half by 2013 and "...

Fans Honor Michael Jackson
 Fans Honor Michael Jackson 

Fans Honor Michael Jackson

Hundreds gather in California, Indiana, Japan, New York

(Newser) - Michael Jackson fans around the world honored the singer today on the first anniversary of his death, the AP reports. About 500 fans gathered at Jackson's mausoleum outside LA for a calm but emotional tribute to the King of Pop. "He's been my idol all my life since I...

Japan Bribes Reps on Whaling Commission
 Japan Bribes 
 Reps on Whaling 

Japan Bribes Reps on Whaling Commission

London 'Times' says it has video of officials who sold votes

(Newser) - Japan is marching toward a repeal of the 24-year-old ban on commercial whaling, momentum it's built largely by greasing the palms of the International Whaling Commission, reports the Times of London in an exclusive investigation. Japan denies impropriety, but the Times says it's got video of officials admitting Japan pays...

Porn Is 3-D TV's Best Hope
 Porn Is 3D TV's Best Hope 

Porn Is 3D TV's Best Hope

Japanese 3D fare could drive sales of new TVs

(Newser) - Years ago, the prevalence of porn on VHS tapes helped secure that format's victory over betamax. Now adult content again may play a decisive role in the evolution of video entertainment, as the promise of immersive sexual entertainment lures new customers to 3D television sets. With porn representing 30% of...

iPad's Newest Use: Surgical Tool

Doctors in Japan use it as a display

(Newser) - That little iPad sure gets around. A video gaining steam from Japan shows a team of doctors using the device as a display tool during surgery. The commentary is in Japanese, and if yours is a little rusty, CrunchGear says the doctor at the end says it was useful.

How to Make Magic With an iPad

Innovative sleight-of-gizmo makes virtual 'real'

(Newser) - Move over, David Blaine: everyone's new favorite illusionist is the iPad, recently put through its mesmerizing paces by innovative Japanese performer Shinya Uchida on the streets of Tokyo. The sleight-of-gizmo on YouTube presents a history of communication with the iPad providing smoke, drink, a cheese appetizer, x-rays, and even a...

Japanese PM Quits Over Okinawa Base

Hatoyama cites failure to move US base as reason for resigning

(Newser) - Japan's Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama is stepping down after just 8 months in office. Hatoyama—whose plunging approval ratings ahead of an election expected to be held in July put him under intense pressure from his Democratic Party of Japan to step down—said he was quitting because of a...

The iPad Goes International
 The iPad Goes International 

The iPad Goes International

'I wanted to touch it as soon as possible!'

(Newser) - Some 1,200 people waited in a half-mile-long line outside Apple's flagship store in Tokyo this morning in anticipation of the international iPad launch. "I wanted to touch it as soon as possible. I felt real excitement when it was finally in my hands," one man tells Reuters...

11 Wacky Vending Machines
 11 Wacky Vending Machines 

11 Wacky Vending Machines

Forget chocolate: You can get gold, pizza, and raw eggs

(Newser) - When you need to find a bar—gold, not chocolate—the Gold to Go vending machine at the Emirates Palace hotel in Abu Dhabi has you covered. It's one of a number of wacky vending options. Travel + Leisure lists 10 more weird things you can get from a machine:...

I, Robot, Now Pronounce You Husband and Wife

Creepy. Creepy. Creepy.

(Newser) - Almost everyone stood when the bride walked down the aisle in her white gown, but not the wedding conductor, because she was bolted to her chair. The nuptials at this ceremony were led by "I-Fairy," a 4-foot-tall seated robot with flashing eyes and plastic pigtails. Today's wedding was...

Stories 1121 - 1140 | << Prev   Next >>