gas prices

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Hunt Is On for Florida Oil
 Hunt Is On for Florida Oil 

Hunt Is On for Florida Oil

2006 compromise opened up protected area; others could soon follow

(Newser) - The record-breaking price of oil is shifting public opinion toward lifting a moratorium on new offshore drilling, reports the AP. Four companies acquired rights to explore parcels of land off the Florida coast in March, under a 2006 Congressional compromise that opened up 8.3 million acres off the Panhandle...

Dear God: Please Lower Gas Prices!
Dear God: Please Lower Gas Prices!

Dear God: Please Lower Gas Prices!

Prayer group pleads for divine intervention with ascendant pump costs

(Newser) - Many analysts say there isn't a prayer of gas prices coming down any time soon, but there's a group out there bent on proving them wrong, reports CNS News. The Prayer at the Pump Movement, led by Seventh-Day Adventist Rocky Twyman, has been holding vigils at gas stations across the...

Fires, Spiking Gas Aside, Calif. Tourism Still Sunny

Flocking foreigners capitalize on dollar

(Newser) - Near-continuous wildfires and soaring gas prices don’t seem to have made much of a dent in California’s tourism industry, the San Jose Mercury News reports. California's AAA reports only an 0.8% drop in Fourth of July domestic tourism, and a jump in visitors from abroad more than...

American to Cut 7K Jobs
 American to Cut 7K Jobs 

American to Cut 7K Jobs

Massive layoffs planned in response to rising fuel costs

(Newser) - American Airlines plans to cut as many as 900 flight attendants from its ranks next month as part of nearly 7,000 expected layoffs this year, reports the Dallas Morning News. The job cuts, intended to counter rising fuel expenses, mirror an intended 8% reduction in the airline's worldwide flights....

US Lost 62K Jobs in June
 US Lost 62K Jobs in June 

US Lost 62K Jobs in June

US payrolls suffer sixth straight monthly decline

(Newser) - US employers, battered by rising fuel prices and a stuttering economy, continued to cut payrolls in June, eliminating some 62,000 jobs. It was the sixth straight monthly drop, reports the Wall Street Journal, and nearly 13% more than economists expected. Payrolls have fallen 438,000 so far this year,...

The Good in $4 Gas
 The Good in $4 Gas 

The Good in $4 Gas

Less obesity, traffic, and accidents, for starters

(Newser) - The rest of the world may have thought it would never happen, but energy prices are beginning to change Americans' behavior. Time notes some positive aspects:
  1. Jobs lost to globalization return, because energy costs make international shipping unattractive.
  2. Suburban sprawl is slowing as people choose to live closer to cities.

Where Will Cost of Gas Drive Us?
Where Will Cost of Gas Drive Us?

Where Will Cost of Gas Drive Us?

NYT writers ruminate on what the effects of spiraling prices will be

(Newser) - How does really expensive fuel affect you? The New York Times Op-Ed page asked 10 writers to ruminate on that question, and the responses are all over the map:
  • The lure of staying home could have workers demanding tax changes that benefit telecommuters, thinks Nicole Belson Goluboff.
  • Say goodbye to

Congress Short on Gas, Long on Gasbags
Congress Short on Gas, Long
on Gasbags

Congress Short on Gas, Long on Gasbags

Capitol Hill can't do much but talk—but man, is it talking

(Newser) - There’s nothing much Congress can do about gas prices, writes Dana Milbank in the Washington Post, so in an effort to look busy it's doing what it always does—blaming the other party. Yesterday Capital Hill saw no less than 12 events on energy costs, and every last one...

75% Blame Bush for Faltering Economy

Prez approval rating at all time low

(Newser) - A new poll paints a gloomy picture of a pessimistic America struggling with soaring gas prices and a deteriorating economy—and blaming President Bush. Three of four Americans—including a large number of Republicans—hold the president responsible for the economic downturn, according to a Los Angeles Times/Bloomberg poll. The...

What's Hot? Some Guzzlers Among the Sippers

Sales of hulking vehicles held up by rich, families

(Newser) - Soaring gas prices have predictably driven sales of gas-sipping vehicles such as Honda’s Fit and Toyota’s Scion xB, which have seen increases of 64% and 59% respectively, reports the Wall Street Journal. But guzzlers such as Toyota's Sequoia and Tundra are also selling surprisingly well (29% and 8....

Energy Prices Hammer Suburban Housing Market

Reversing trend, buyers look to stay near city center

(Newser) - The soaring cost of energy has started the buck the half-century-old trend of migration to suburbs and exurbs, the New York Times reports. The cost of reaching a far-off home, let alone heating and cooling it, is becoming untenable for many. From Atlanta and Philadelphia to San Francisco and Minneapolis,...

GOP Going 'Green,' With Oil on the Side

Party's newly crafted policy backs renewable energy—plus drilling

(Newser) - An elite group of Republican senators met yesterday to craft an energy policy which the GOP claims is greener than the Democrats' plan, and more likely to control gas prices. Republicans will emphasize conservation—along with more nuclear plants and oil drilling—and have dubbed Barack Obama's opposition to increased...

Yanks Flood Mexico for Cheap Gas

50% surge in sales south of border

(Newser) - Soaring gas prices have Californians and Texans racing for the border and braving drug cartel violence to save some $20 per tank filling up in Mexico. American pumps have passed the $4 mark, but Mexican gas is still just $2.66 a gallon thanks to subsidies intended for poor Mexicans....

GM, After 16% Sales Dive, Eases Finance Options

No-interest loans, for up to 6 years, on models including pickups and SUVs

(Newser) - General Motors is offering no-interest financing for up to 6 years on a selection of its 2008 automobiles in an effort to boost US sales, which plummeted 16% in May, Bloomberg reports. Soaring gas prices have hurt sales across the board, and falling trade-in values and general tightening of purse-strings...

It's the End of the World as We Know It—and He Feels Fine

Gas prices closing the open frontier, finally

(Newser) - The soaring cost of travel is forcing a fundamental change in the identity of America, writes Bill McKibben in the Washington Post: "The frontier of endless mobility that we've known our entire lives is closing." And that's not necessarily a bad thing, because sprawl has "eroded our...

Oil-Addicted Bush Must Kick the Habit
Oil-Addicted Bush
Must Kick the Habit

Oil-Addicted Bush Must Kick the Habit

High fuel prices offer chance to change our ways

(Newser) - The American thirst for oil is like a drug addiction, and George Bush wants another hit, writes Thomas Friedman in the New York Times. Bush’s irresponsible energy plan involves getting a little more oil from Saudi Arabia to keep prices low, and then drilling in Alaska—simply prolonging our...

Goodbye, RV: Hello, Real Travel
 Goodbye, RV: Hello, Real Travel 

Goodbye, RV: Hello, Real Travel

Garrison Keillor applauds the death of his least favorite vehicle

(Newser) - With gas prices up and on the rise, your Winnebago may soon be stuck in park—but the fall of car culture's ugliest offender will force us to reconnect with better pastimes, writes Garrison Keillor in the Chicago Tribune. “Banjo sales will pick up,” Keillor writes. “The...

Fuel Costs Bump Up Budget Airfares
Fuel Costs Bump Up Budget Airfares

Fuel Costs Bump Up Budget Airfares

Discount carriers forced to dump discounts or go bust

(Newser) - Rock-bottom airfares are going the way of the zeppelin as fuel prices continue their climb into the stratosphere, the New York Times reports. Some budget carriers have gone bust. Others have hiked fares and begun to woo more business travelers, blurring the line between big carriers and discount operations. Southwest...

At Last, US Gas Consumption Starts to Fall

High prices, economic crash cause first decline in 17 years

(Newser) - The price of gasoline quadrupled over the last decade, but Americans responded by driving more and more in ever-larger gas guzzlers as if nothing had changed. But $4 gas combined with an economic black hole may have finally gotten the message across, reports the New York Times, as American gasoline...

Consumer Mood More Downbeat Than Economy
Consumer Mood More Downbeat Than Economy

Consumer Mood More Downbeat Than Economy

Pessimism could lead to real recession

(Newser) - The economy, statistically speaking, is sluggish, but hardly Great Depression-like—though American consumers seem to disagree, the Washington Post reports. They're paying more for everything from gasoline to grapefruit, are watching the value of their homes decline and fear their jobs may be disappearing—which, policy-makers worry, could breed behaviors...

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