John McCain

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New Idea: Boycott Russian Olympics Over Snowden

Lindsey Graham offers punishment idea should Moscow offer leaker asylum

(Newser) - Because nothing will show those Russians who's boss like allowing them to win more medals by taking some of the most successful Olympic competitors out of the running, Sen. Lindsey Graham is proposing the US boycott Russia's 2014 Winter Olympics if the country agrees to give Edward Snowden...

Bush to Congress: Fix &#39;Broken&#39; Immigration
 Bush to 
 Fix 'Broken' 

Bush to Congress: Fix 'Broken' Immigration

Plus, McCain on Egypt: It was a coup, yank their aid

(Newser) - George W. Bush thinks Congress might actually be chugging toward doing something about a holdover from his days in office: immigration. "Sometimes, it takes time for some of these complex issues to evolve. And it looks like immigration, you know, has a chance to pass," he said today...

Senators Agree to 'Border Surge,' 700-Mile Fence

Security concessions could open door for more GOP support

(Newser) - How do you get Republicans to sign onto an immigration bill? You build a danged fence —a lot of danged fence. A bipartisan group of senators has agreed to bolster the border security provisions in the Senate's immigration reform bill, in the hopes of winning over more GOP...

Clinton: 'Big Mistake' Not to Act in Syria

Presidents who don't act because of polls risk looking 'like total wuss'

(Newser) - With the body count mounting in Syria, Bill Clinton has joined the chorus calling for American intervention, in what some are seeing as a sharp turn away from the White House. At a closed-to-the-press event on Tuesday night, Clinton sided with John McCain—the Obama administration's biggest critic on...

GOP to Darrell Issa: Calm Down
 GOP to Darrell Issa: Calm Down 

GOP to Darrell Issa: Calm Down

Politico says top Republicans think he's making White House fight personal

(Newser) - When Darrell Issa called White House press secretary Jay Carney a " paid liar " on Sunday, House Republican leadership was aghast. They immediately called Issa's staffers, sources tell Politico , and their message was simple: Tell your boss to calm down. The staff agreed that the remark was out...

French Paper Reports Chemical Attacks in Syria Firsthand

'Le Monde' describes chemical attacks in gritty detail

(Newser) - When Obama last spoke about the use of chemical weapons in Syria, he said he wanted to avoid "rushing to judgement" because "we don't know how they were used, when they were used, who used them." Well, here's some detail: Journalists from French newspaper Le ...

Apple CEO on Tax Shelters: 'I'm Not an Unfair Person'

Defends practices, company's contributions to US economy

(Newser) - Tim Cook is on Capitol Hill today to answer criticism that Apple uses overly creative—but legal—accounting practices to avoid paying billions in taxes . The highlights amount to Cook defending the company's practices, while critics such as Carl Levin and John McCain accuse it of shirking its tax...

Obama's Secret Weapon: This Guy?!

John McCain burying the hatchet with the president

(Newser) - Someone send the devil a sweater, because suddenly, John McCain and President Obama are getting along. Last week, McCain sat down with his 2008 rival for a private Oval Office strategy session, the latest in a string of such discussions. "Ever since the election, we've had conversations and...

McCain's New Crusade: 'A La Carte' Cable TV

Arizona Republican wants consumers to be able to pick their channels

(Newser) - John McCain is taking on a new foe: the cable TV industry. The Arizona senator is pushing a bill that would pressure cable and satellite providers to offer channels "a la carte," allowing customers to pick which channels they get and pay for instead of buying by the...

McCain: Obama&#39;s &#39;Red Line&#39; Written in &#39;Disappearing Ink&#39;
McCain: Obama's 'Red Line' Written in 'Disappearing Ink'

McCain: Obama's 'Red Line' Written in 'Disappearing Ink'

Blasts White House for giving Assad 'green light'

(Newser) - John McCain blasted President Obama's handling of Syria today, reports the National Review , slamming his "red line" on chemical weapons as having been "written in disappearing ink.” The red line, he told Fox News, was really "a green light to Bashar al-Assad to do anything...

Gang of 8 Ready to Lift Lid on Sweeping Immigration Plan

Senators will file bipartisan legislation today

(Newser) - The biggest overhaul of American immigration laws in decades will be filed today, though the bipartisan group of eight senators who crafted it have canceled a scheduled press conference because of the Boston Marathon bombing . The bill provides a 13-year path to US citizenship for 11 million immigrants in the...

If Gun Control Fails, Blame McCain, Not 'Extremists'

Alex Pareene thinks we're seeing a vivid illustration of why the Senate is broken

(Newser) - Washington elites are no doubt applauding Joe Manchin and Pat Toomey for attempting to forge a gun control deal . That such tense negotiations are necessary, even though most Americans and at least 51 senators support comprehensive background checks, "isn't considered particularly distressing or embarrassing," observes Alex Pareene...

Conn. Gov: NRA&#39;s LaPierre Is a &#39;Clown&#39;
 Conn. Gov: NRA's 
 LaPierre Is a 'Clown' 

Conn. Gov: NRA's LaPierre Is a 'Clown'

Plus: John McCain doesn't understand GOP threat to filibuster gun control

(Newser) - Dannel Malloy, Connecticut's governor and recent signer of its new round of gun control , wasted no time in firing back at the NRA and Wayne LaPierre on CNN today, saying, "Wayne reminds me of the clowns at the circus. They get the most attention, and that’s what...

McCain, Graham Slam Paul's 'Ridiculous' Filibuster

Republican senators call it a cheap political stunt

(Newser) - Rand Paul may be winning praise for his Senate filibuster , but two of his Republican colleagues hated it. John McCain and Lindsey Graham took to the Senate floor themselves today to criticize the talk-a-thon, with McCain calling it "ridiculous" and Graham arguing that it "cheapened" the debate on...

Hagel Nomination Clears Filibuster

Senate will vote to confirm in a matter of hours

(Newser) - The Senate has voted 71-27 to end debate on Chuck Hagel's nomination for secretary of Defense, paving the way for his all-but-guaranteed confirmation later this afternoon. Republicans had been filibustering Hagel's nomination, with the last vote to end debate on Feb. 14 falling just short of the 60-vote...

Dems, GOP Duke It Out Over Sequester
 Dems, GOP 
 Duke It Out 
 Over Sequester 


Dems, GOP Duke It Out Over Sequester

Everybody hates it, but no solid ideas how to avoid it

(Newser) - With five days to go before a little thing called the sequester kicks in, there are a lot of fingers being pointed at and from both sides of the aisle. A look around the Sunday talk show dial, as per Politico :
  • Virginia Sen. Tim Kaine : "We laid a plan

Arizona Heckler to McCain: 'Where's the Dang Fence?'

Town hall gets testy over immigration

(Newser) - John McCain took a lot of heat at a pair of town hall meetings yesterday over his new push for immigration reform, with many angry Arizona residents telling him in turn that illegal immigrants should never become citizens, the AP reports. "Cut off their welfare and their stuff and...

Chuck Hagel Confirmation No Sure Thing: Hill Insiders

Reid looks to head off filibuster threat

(Newser) - The Obama administration has voiced confidence that Chuck Hagel will be confirmed as defense secretary, but congressional sources aren't so sure, they tell CNN . After declaring he wouldn't support a filibuster , John McCain now appears to be waffling on the issue: Before committing, he wants to know more...

Pentagon Leaders: We Wanted to Arm Syria Rebels

Panetta, Dempsey suggest military disagrees with White House decision

(Newser) - The response seemed to catch even questioner John McCain off guard, notes the Washington Post : When he asked Leon Panetta and Joint Chiefs chairman Martin Dempsey whether they supported a plan last summer to arm Syrian rebels, this exchange followed:
  • "We did," said Panetta.
  • “You did support

McCain: Let's Not Filibuster Chuck Hagel

Defense nominee nears confirmation

(Newser) - John McCain wasn't easy on Chuck Hagel during the defense secretary nominee's confirmation hearing—but it looks as though he and other Republicans are letting up. (After all, the two were friends before falling out.) McCain says he opposes a filibuster of Hagel's confirmation and will...

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