John McCain

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Obama Hits Mourdock: 'Rape Is Rape'

Issues Roe v. Wade warning in Leno appearance

(Newser) - President Obama slammed Senate candidate Richard Mourdock's rape comments on the Tonight Show last night. "I don't know how these guys come up with these ideas," Obama said. "Let me make a very simple proposition. Rape is rape. It is a crime." He noted...

Eyes on Debate: &#39;Barn Burner&#39; or No Big Deal?
 Eyes on Debate: 
 'Barn Burner' or 
 No Big Deal? 

Eyes on Debate: 'Barn Burner' or No Big Deal?

GOP plays up (and down) expectations for Obama vs. Romney

(Newser) - The usual suspects descended on the Sunday talk shows today with their eyes firmly fixated on Wednesday's presidential debate, when President Obama and Mitt Romney go mano a mano for the first time. Chris Christie, appearing on no fewer than three shows, minced no words in building up expectations...

Libyans Seize HQ of Islamic Radicals

Ansar al-Sharia forces fall back without a fight

(Newser) - Hundreds of pro-democracy protesters in Benghazi declared victory today after seizing the headquarters of an extremist Muslim group linked to Chris Stevens' death, CNN reports. The demonstrators marched on a building used by the group Ansar al-Sharia, torched a car, and set free 20 or more captives without any reported...

McCain Blames 'Disengaged' White House for Libya Attack

GOP says Obama policies, not video, are root of problem

(Newser) - John McCain today took the Benghazi consulate attack that killed Chris Stevens and laid the blame squarely at the door of 1600 Pennsylvania Ave., blasting the Obama administration's policy of diplomatic "disengagement" as ultimately responsible, reports Politico . "Prior to 9/11, we had a policy of containment. Then...

Palin: Fox Axed My Interviews
 Palin: Fox Axed My Interviews 

Palin: Fox Axed My Interviews

She's disappointed at missing chance to honor McCain

(Newser) - Sarah Palin, star of the 2008 Republican National Convention, wasn't happy when Fox News cut her out of this year's coverage. "I’m sorry Fox canceled all my scheduled interviews tonight," she wrote on her Facebook page yesterday, because with former running mate John McCain speaking...

GOP Salutes Ron Paul in Video
 GOP Salutes Ron Paul in Video 

GOP Salutes Ron Paul in Video

He 'changed the conversation,' says McConnell

(Newser) - It may not be enough to appease supporters of Ron Paul who think he's getting a raw deal at the convention, but Republicans kicked off night No. 2 with a glowing video tribute to him, reports the Wall Street Journal . Sample quote from Mitch McConnell: “Whether people want...

Tonight&#39;s RNC Stars: Paul Ryan, Rand Paul

 RNC Stars: 
 Paul Ryan, 
 Rand Paul 

Tonight's RNC Stars: Paul Ryan, Rand Paul

John McCain, Condoleezza Rice to speak as well

(Newser) - Tonight is Paul Ryan's turn to shine at the Republican National Convention. The VP candidate will deliver his keynote speech at 10pm, and while he'd like to use it to talk policy, the Romney team has convinced him to focus on his immigrant family and small-town values instead,...

White House Mocks McCain's Call to Dump Biden

McCain shouldn't give advice on VPs, spokesman quips

(Newser) - Joe Biden's "put y'all back in chains" comment has sparked plenty of calls—from Republicans including John McCain and Sarah Palin—for President Obama to boot Biden off the ticket and replace him with Hillary Clinton. But the White House insists there will be no such switcheroo,...

Right Cheers, Left Jeers &#39;Extremist&#39; Ryan

 Right Cheers, 
 Left Jeers 
 'Extremist' Ryan 

Right Cheers, Left Jeers 'Extremist' Ryan

'Excellent choice' or 'right-wing idealogue,' depending on who you ask

(Newser) - DC's finest wasted no time reacting to Mitt Romney's choice of Paul Ryan as his runningmate this morning, with Republicans applauding as Democrats immediately pounced on the Wisconsin Republican. Highlights from your Sunday dial, as per Politico :
  • John McCain : Ryan is an "excellent choice," who won'

First Round of RNC Speakers Announced

Haley, Rice, Martinez among Tampa speakers

(Newser) - The first round of speakers for the Republican National Convention has been announced, and it includes plenty of women—but none of them named Palin. Speakers at the Tampa convention will include South Carolina's Nikki Haley and New Mexico's Susana Martinez, the first female governors of their states,...

Cheney Calls Palin VP Pick 'a Mistake'

So Mitt Romney should choose better, presumably

(Newser) - Dick Cheney's advice to Mitt Romney: Don't go with another Caribou Barbie. In an ABC News interview, the former VP said John McCain's decision to run with Sarah Palin was simply "a mistake." He added that "the test to get on that small list...

Cue the Debate on Gun Control
 Cue the Debate on Gun Control 

Cue the Debate on Gun Control

Colorado massacre dominates Sunday talk shows

(Newser) - The Dark Knight massacre ripped through the Sunday talk shows today, echoing the resurgent national conversation about gun control in the wake of the tragedy. The players and their thoughts, as per Politico :
  • Colo. Gov. John Hickenlooper : “This guy is a terrorist. He wasn’t a terrorist in the

McCain Defends Clinton Aide Huma Abedin

He says GOP attacks on Muslim deputy are 'sinister'

(Newser) - John McCain took on a group of fellow Republicans on the Senate floor today, blasting them for their ill-founded attacks against Deputy Secretary of State Huma Abedin. Michele Bachmann and four other House Republicans have demanded Abedin be investigated for distant alleged ties to the Muslim Brotherhood. "To say...

Romney's Wealth Worried McCain Camp in '08

But Steve Schmidt says he wasn't passed over for VP because of taxes

(Newser) - Part of the reason John McCain passed over Mitt Romney was because of his vast wealth, top McCain strategist Steve Schmidt tells the Huffington Post . "Sen. McCain got caught flat-footed answering questions about how many houses he owned," Schmidt recalls. "We knew it would be a big...

Reid, McCain: Feds Need to Regulate Boxing Industry

Senators move to create US Boxing Commission

(Newser) - Former amateur boxers John McCain and Harry Reid have teamed up to bring federal oversight to the sport. The senators have introduced legislation to create a United States Boxing Commission that would oversee boxing matches around the country and fight conflicts of interest in the sport, reports Politico . The move...

John McCain Livid Over Popcorn Subsidy

Trying to kill pork project of strangely silent Nebraska senators

(Newser) - Nebraska's two senators have been quiet—you might even say sneaky—about inserting a provision to help popcorn growers into the new farm bill. Both are on the Agriculture Committee, and they slid a provision into the bill saying that the Agriculture secretary "may" consider revenue insurance subsidies...

NYT Scribe Defends White House Leaks

David Axelrod denies leaks came from White House

(Newser) - The public's right to know about the president and his policies outweigh secrecy and security issues, says David Sanger, the New York Times reporter behind one of two much-criticized articles on the White House's approach to national security, reports the LA Times . Sen. John McCain has repeatedly attacked...

McCain: Classified Info Was Leaked to Boost Obama

He seeks Senate probe of New York Times stories

(Newser) - John McCain has accused the White House of deliberately leaking information that could jeopardize national security in order to "paint a portrait of the president of the United States as a strong leader on national security issues." The senator, the ranking Republican on the Armed Services Committee, has...

More US-Pakistan Woes: Peeved Senators, Drone Strike

Strike kills 10, aid gets threatened over Shakil Afridi's sentence

(Newser) - The sun still is not shining on US-Pakistan relations. A US drone strike targeting suspected militants in northwest Pakistan killed 10 today, a move that will likely further inflame tensions between the two countries, reports Reuters . Pakistan has demanded an end to the strikes, which it considers a violation of...

Romney&#39;s Likely VP Pick: &#39;Incredibly Boring White Guy&#39;
Romney's Likely VP Pick:
'Incredibly Boring White Guy'
inside his strategy

Romney's Likely VP Pick: 'Incredibly Boring White Guy'

Campaign aims to do the opposite of McCain

(Newser) - Team Romney’s rule of thumb: Do the opposite of everything John McCain did in 2008, or so reports Politico in a look at the campaign's strategy. The approach applies broadly, say advisers—focus hugely on the economy, fully engage in fundraising, integrate early with the Republican National Committee—...

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