John McCain

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Romney Unveils First TV Ad
 Romney Unveils First TV Ad 

Romney Unveils First TV Ad

Obama campaign blasts 'deceitful' attack ad

(Newser) - Mitt Romney has rolled out the first TV ad of his 2012 campaign—and he has John McCain to thank for its most effective line. The ad begins with images of President Obama on the stump in 2008, saying: "I am confident that we can steer ourselves out of...

McCain Predicts 'Fed-Up Party'

He may be most prominent politician so far to float the idea

(Newser) - Some have called for a third political party, and you can add John McCain to the list of people who think one will emerge. He first brought up the possibility last year, but yesterday his forecast got even sharper. "Unless both parties change, then I think that it'...

Sunday Talk Shows: Hillary Clinton Calls Moammar Gadhafi's Death a 'Great Relief'
  Hillary Clinton: 
 Gadhafi Death a 
 'Great Relief' 

Hillary Clinton: Gadhafi Death a 'Great Relief'

Plus, John McCain, Michele Bachmann, Lindsey Graham, and Mitch McConnell

(Newser) - Add Hillary Clinton to the list of people not exactly choking back tears over Moammar Gadhafi's death: The secretary of state today said that while "no one wants to see any human being" meet such a grisly end, "I know what a great relief it was to...

Joe Biden 2016: VP Refuses to Run Out Presidential Run
 Biden: I'm 'Not 
 Closing Door' 
 on 2016 

Biden: I'm 'Not Closing Door' on 2016

But says, 'let's get the president re-elected' first

(Newser) - As if we weren't knee-deep enough in the 2012 race, CNN's Candy Crowley decided to plunge straight into speculation about 2016 today, asking Joe Biden about his post-Obama political ambitions in an interview that's getting some notice. "I'm not closing that door," Biden said...

Herman Cain Takes Heat Over 9-9-9 Plan
 Cain Takes 
 Heat Over 
 9-9-9 Plan 


Cain Takes Heat Over 9-9-9 Plan

Says he's killing invisible taxes with a visible one

(Newser) - Sudden GOP frontrunner Herman Cain defended his 9-9-9 tax plan on the talk show circuit today, shooting back at critics who say it would jack taxes for the poor, middle class, and elderly. "There are invisible taxes that are built into everything we buy," said Cain, adding...

McCain Parody Driven Offline by Meghan

'Highly offensive to a reasonable person,' says lawyer

(Newser) - A parody of the Valley Girl-speak of Meghan McCain's "political" writing sounds, gee, so much like Meghan McCain that she's threatening to sue. "Firstly in the first place, some people had a question about my very obvious statement, 'I don’t necessarily agree that Rick...

Most Popular National Politician Today Is ...

Hillary Clinton, as 'buyer's remorse' plagues a third of the country

(Newser) - The most popular politician nationwide is the one that got away: Hillary Clinton. Nearly two-thirds of the country sees the secretary of state favorably, and a third are battling what Bloomberg terms “buyer’s remorse” over not electing her president. Just over a year ago, only a quarter of...

4,000 US Troops May Stay in Iraq
 3K US Troops May Stay in Iraq 

3K US Troops May Stay in Iraq

Total pullout deadline apparently off

(Newser) - The last US troops in Iraq could be there for a long time. Defense Secretary Leon Panetta wants to leave 3,000 service members beyond the pullout deadline promised by President Obama. No final decision has been made and discussions are continuing with the Iraqis, an administrative source tells CNN...

McCain Pushed to Arm Gadhafi, WikiLeaks Reveals

Cable details 2009 meeting

(Newser) - John McCain may be talking tough about Libya these days, but back in 2009 he promised Muatassim Gadhafi—Moammar’s fifth son and his national security adviser—that he’d do what he could to help Libya obtain military supplies, particularly new aircraft, a cable released by WikiLeaks reveals. McCain...

Romney Quadrupling Size of Beach Mansion

Life's a beach: 6,500-square-foot pad 'not nearly big enough'

(Newser) - When the going gets tough some of the tough apparently quadruple the size of their mansions. That's what Mitt Romney is doing with his $12 million palatial California beachfront pad. He plans to bulldoze the 3,000-square-foot mansion and replace it with an 11,000-square-foot home. The Romneys want...

McCain: Gadhafi Has &#39;Days or Hours&#39;
 Has 'Days 
 or Hours'

McCain: Gadhafi Has 'Days or Hours'

And Jon Huntsman isn't sure Michele Bachmann's ideas originate on planet Earth

(Newser) - Moammar Gadhafi's gig is up, according to John McCain , who today told Face the Nation that Libyan rebels' victory is "a matter of hours, if not days." "I believe that it's nearing the end," McCain said, who cautioned about the difficulties in transitioning to...

Angry Experts: Don't Call Hobbits Tea Partiers

John McCain's insults irritate Tolkien scholars

(Newser) - Not so fast, John McCain. Insults linking the Tea Party to hobbits are making some Middle-earth experts as irritable as Saruman. McCain might have derided unrealistic demands by "Tea Party hobbits" during the debt-ceiling debate , but he was exposing his lack of knowledge about the height-challenged creatures, they say....

Dean: What&#39;s the Tea Party Smoking?
 Dean: What's 
 the Tea Party 

Dean: What's the Tea Party Smoking?

GOP blames Obama, Dems blame Tea Party for S&P downgrade

(Newser) - If nothing else, the S&P downgrade made for a lively August Sunday on the talk show circuit, with anyone who is anyone booking an appearance to sling some blame for the US' brand new AA+ rating . The Democrats pointed directly at the Tea Party and its refusal to raise...

John McCain Blasts 'Tea Party Hobbits'

Skewers hard right, saying vote against GOP plan would help Obama

(Newser) - Is it the return of the long-lost Maverick? John McCain came out swinging at both the left and the right yesterday, calling Harry Reid's debt plan "full of smoke and mirrors," but reserving his harshest language for conservatives, reports the LA Times . Reading from a Wall Street ...

McCain: Bachmann Reminds Me of ... Obama

Her refusal to lift the debt ceiling is misguided, he says

(Newser) - This probably hurts more than any Jon Stewart video : John McCain compares Michele Bachmann to President Obama of all people in an interview with the National Review . “There are Republicans who are committed, like Michele Bachmann, to vote against raising the debt limit under any circumstances,” he says....

Graham: Afghanistan Drawdown May Kill Momentum

(Newser) - Lindsey Graham is not a fan of President Obama's plan to withdraw 30,000 troops from Afghanistan, telling a Chris Wallace-less Fox News Sunday that "He may have undercut the momentum we achieved in the last year. Things were moving in the right direction." Graham fretted that...

Washington Loves War

 Washington Loves War 
Joe Scarborough

Washington Loves War

Conservatives can stand up against that without being 'isolationists': Scarborough

(Newser) - There are some ugly truths about Washington that persist no matter which party is in power: Spending always increases, Wall Street donors always get taken care of, and, maybe most troublesome, “the city’s political gears are always greased for war,” writes Joe Scarborough for Politico . Obama has...

Arizona Sheriff: Mexican Smugglers Set Fire

His comments back John McCain; he's not referring to big Wallow Fire

(Newser) - An Arizona sheriff has backed up John McCain and blamed Mexican drug smugglers for starting at least one of the state's raging wildfires. Cochise County Sheriff Larry Dever wasn't referring to the enormous Wallow Fire but to a smaller one called the Monument Fire that has burned up...

Kerry, McCain Proposal Backs US in Libya

Senators fight back against growing opposition

(Newser) - With congressional opposition to US involvement in Libya mounting, Johns Kerry and McCain are offering their support to the mission. They've introduced a resolution backing American engagement in the NATO effort for a year. But the senators don’t support the use of US ground troops in the country,...

McCain: Illegals Behind Some Arizona Wildfires

He says there is 'substantial evidence' of this ... but doesn't share the evidence

(Newser) - John McCain knows exactly who to blame for a number of the fires that have blazed through his state: illegal immigrants. At a press conference yesterday, McCain explained that "there is substantial evidence that some of these fires have been caused by people who have crossed our border illegally....

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