John McCain

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McCain Disses Spain's PM, One Way or Another
McCain Disses Spain's PM, One Way or Another

McCain Disses Spain's PM, One Way or Another

Will remain chilly ... or confused Zapatero with Latin Americans

(Newser) - John McCain seemed to say Spain’s prime minister is an enemy of the US during an interview with a Spanish-language radio station this week, Time reports. Asked whether, if elected, he would meet with José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero, McCain answered, “I will establish closer relationships with our...

Ignored Campaign Press Corps Gets Lonely

Candidates prefer national cable interviews

(Newser) - Technology and stricter press discipline have shut out campaign reporters, whose narratives traditionally formed Americans’ impressions of the candidates, Politico reports. John McCain hasn’t spoken to the press corps aboard Straight Talk Air in 5 weeks, and Barack Obama will only chat with on-the-plane reporters off the record—yet...

Financial Flip Reveals Yet Another McCain
Financial Flip Reveals Yet Another McCain

Financial Flip Reveals Yet Another McCain

Hasty reprogramming turns candidate into pro-regulation populist

(Newser) - John McCain tried on yet another new personality Tuesday, ranting about “abuses on Wall Street” and promising to “put an end to the greed” with new regulations. Yes, he was suddenly an angry populist, not the guy who’d favored deregulation his entire career, Gail Collins observes in...

Obama Hopes to Find Southern Comfort in Va.

State demographics shifting blue, but Dems haven't won since '64

(Newser) - Barack Obama is seeking to become the first Democrat to win Virginia since LBJ in 1964. He's got a good shot, writes the New York Times: demographic changes favor his party, and Virginia has now elected two Democratic governors and a senator. But John McCain has the support of several...

Obama Back on Top in 2 National Polls

McCain's Palin bounce is over

(Newser) - John McCain’s post-convention bounce seems to be fading a bit, as Barack Obama reclaims the lead in several polls. A new CBS/New York Times poll shows the Democrat up 48%-43% as independents have swung back his way. Also benefiting Obama are concerns about Sarah Palin, whose favorable ratings have...

Poll: Obama, McCain Tied in 5 Key States

Barack gains, Mac seen as 'typical Repub' as economy worries hit

(Newser) - The race for the White House is in a dead heat in some vital swing states, according to a new CNN poll. The poll found John McCain and Barack Obama effectively tied in Florida and Ohio while in North Carolina, Indiana, and Wisconsin—where both contenders are pouring resources—neither...

McCain Tries to be Outsider and Insider at Once
McCain Tries to be Outsider and Insider at Once

McCain Tries to be Outsider and Insider at Once

He promotes his experience, but seeks to be face of change

(Newser) - John McCain embraces and expels Washington like an accordion player belting out a song, writes Glen Johnson. Squeeze in and he touts his vast knowledge of the capital city. Draw out and he casts himself a reformer bent on changing its ways. It's a remarkable dichotomy echoed throughout the Republican...

Candidates Go Hunting (Not Each Other) in Field & Stream

McCain, Obama declare their love for the outdoors in nature mag

(Newser) - Barack Obama and John McCain will talk fishing and hunting in the October issue of Field & Stream magazine. (Coincidentally or not, the cover feature implores readers to “Find Your Bull,” the Swamp notes.) In the interview, both candidates profess to be big fans of the outdoors,...

Hillary Bundler Picks McCain Over 'Elitist' Obama

Lynn Forester de Rothschild to endorse McCain-Palin

(Newser) - Democratic fundraiser and ardent Hillary Clinton supporter Lynn Forester de Rothschild will endorse the McCain-Palin ticket today, Muckety reports. De Rothschild, who worked with the Democratic National Committee, has been a steadfast critic of the Dems’ decision to nominate Barack Obama, whom she called an untrustworthy “elitist” in a...

Candidates Get the Economy Wrong: Pundits
Candidates Get the Economy Wrong: Pundits

Candidates Get the Economy Wrong: Pundits

McCain is out of touch and off-message; Obama is reckless

(Newser) - With the economy in trouble, John McCain and Barack Obama have been talking economics. How are they doing?
  • Not very well, says the Wall Street Journal, declaring that the candidates “appear to know more about Mars than they do about financial markets.” Obama’s offering a return to

On Earmarks, McCain Tilting at Windmills

Vetoing all earmarks would bring gridlock, congressmen say

(Newser) - Members of Congress warn that earmarks won’t go away just because John McCain thinks they’re wasteful, Politico reports. On the stump, the would-be president has been threatening to veto any spending bill containing earmarks; such a move would be "an executive branch power grab" that would bring...

Wall Street Meltdown Turns McCain Pro-Regulation

Republican backs off earlier enthusiasm for deregulation

(Newser) - With Wall Street in extremis, John McCain is backing away from a long history as an opponent of financial regulation, reports the Washington Post. The paper cites McCain's record in backing banking deregulation, including the 1999 legislation, sponsored by then-Sen. Phil Gramm, a McCain campaign adviser, that removed the Depression-era...

Clinton Cancels Event After Palin Invited, Too

Hillary calls off appearance at Jewish rally outside UN

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton has canceled an appearance at a New York rally next week after organizers blindsided her by also inviting Sarah Palin. Several American Jewish groups are planning a major demonstration outside the United Nations on Sept. 22 to protest against Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. Clinton aides were furious that...

Dems Again Losing Catholics Over Abortion

Biden doing little good for Obama in Pa., other swing states

(Newser) - Though progressive Catholics have worked hard to convince churchgoers that the Democrats share the church's views on the Iraq war, immigration, and health care, abortion is again turning Catholic voters away from the party, the New York Times reports. As conservative bishops have scolded Catholics like Nancy Pelosi and Joe...

Why Palin Is Mac's 'Meal Ticket'
 Why Palin Is 
 Mac's 'Meal Ticket' 

Why Palin Is Mac's 'Meal Ticket'

The culture of celebrity, evangelical ideals, and small town nostalgia combine to enable Palin's 'outsized' influence

(Newser) - The number of enthusiastic Republicans have doubled in polls since John McCain picked Sarah Palin for his ticket, and Palin figures in slightly more news coverage than her running mate. That might be expected, but she is mentioned 10 times more than  Democratic counterpart Joe Biden. Tim Rutten offers up...

Star-Studded Wallets Come Out for Obama Fundraiser

Dem rakes in $11M as McCain scoffs

(Newser) - Barack Obama pulled down $11 million between two star-studded Hollywood fundraisers last night, in the biggest single-night take of his campaign, reports the Los Angeles Times. The candidate mixed it up with the likes of Steven Spielberg, Chris Rock, and Barbra Streisand —who capped off the night with a...

McCain Fumbles for Right Tone on Economy
McCain Fumbles for Right Tone on Economy

McCain Fumbles for Right Tone on Economy

Seeks to overcome charges he's out of touch, can't see trouble

(Newser) - John McCain struck his latest discordant note on Monday when he described the economy's fundamentals as "strong" even as the financial system shuddered under hammer blows. McCain swiftly backpedaled, calling America's workers its fundamentals, but the issue highlights the candidate's struggle to overcome Democratic charges that he's out of...

Couric Gets Second Big Palin Interview

CBS anchor will talk to her for shows in late September

(Newser) - Second in the broadcast network competition to talk to Sarah Palin: Katie Couric. The CBS anchor will spend two days on the road with her and John McCain, the network said. Couric's interview material will be aired Sept. 29 and 30 on the CBS Evening News and The Early Show....

Fiorina Doesn't Think McCain, Palin Could Be a CEO

(Newser) - Carly Fiorina, former CEO of Hewlett Packard and a top financial adviser of John McCain, found herself backtracking in a hurry today after stating flatly that Sarah Palin—and later, John McCain—could not run a big company, the Boston Globe reports. Asked on a radio station whether she thought...

Interest Groups Rejoining the Fray

As campaign's tones get harsher, parties step up sniping from left and right

(Newser) - As Barack Obama and John McCain drop niceties for harsh politicking, interest groups are seeing a thumbs-up from the candidates to bombard Americans with millions in provocative TV, mail, and Web ads. Groups including unions, MoveOn, the Minutemen, and pro-life BornAliveTruth are planning ads, the New York Times reports, including...

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