John McCain

Stories 1241 - 1260 | << Prev   Next >>

McCain Won't Rule Out Pro-Choice VP
McCain Won't Rule Out Pro-Choice VP

McCain Won't Rule Out Pro-Choice VP

(Newser) - John McCain would consider a run for the White House with a pro-choice veep at his side, ABC News reports. When asked about Tom Ridge, McCain told the Weekly Standard that the former Homeland Security chief shouldn’t be “ruled out” for the No. 2 job because he supports...

Obama, McCain Woo CEOs to Shore Up Economic Cred

Candidates try to make up for their lacking economic records

(Newser) - John McCain and Barack Obama are doggedly courting CEOs of leading businesses in an effort to win voters' economic confidence, the Wall Street Journal reports. Each candidate has already lined up a corps of "poster CEOs," including the FedEx chairman, who is supporting McCain, and Warren Buffet, who...

Alaska Turning Purple as Election Nears

Obama leads in poll; Democrat hasn't taken state since 1964

(Newser) - The cold, snowy tundras of Alaska may transform into a battleground this November as Barack Obama and John McCain vie for the Land of the Midnight Sun's three electoral votes. Alaska hasn't gone blue since 1964, when LBJ won in a landslide, but an Anchorage-based poll currently has Obama leading...

Race Scholars Weigh Job Woes &mdash;Their Own
Race Scholars Weigh Job Woes —Their Own

Race Scholars Weigh Job Woes —Their Own

Obama win could make field inconsequential, or more vital than ever

(Newser) - Barack Obama's historic run for the White House is dividing scholars of race in America, writes Jonathan Tilove, who covers race for Newhouse News Service. Some see a black president as an antidote to racism, but others view a potential Obama presidency as an empty symbol with few practical implications....

McCain Says US Must Check Russian Aggression
McCain Says
US Must Check
Russian Aggression

McCain Says US Must Check Russian Aggression

'Today we are all Georgians', he writes

(Newser) - The US and its allies must aggressively pressure Russia to take its troops out of Georgia including the breakaway province of South Ossetia, declares John McCain in the Wall Street Journal. "This small democracy, far away from our shores, is an inspiration to all those who cherish our deepest...

Campaign Hazards: Cindy Sprains Wrist Shaking Hands

Supporter exacerbates existing condition

(Newser) - Cindy McCain ended up with a mild wrist sprain today after an overeager supporter shook her hand with a little too much vigor at a fundraiser, the Washington Post reports. McCain ended up in a Michigan hospital for X-rays and is now wearing an arm sling that should cut down...

Candidates Go Head to Head in Message War
Candidates Go Head to Head in Message War

Candidates Go Head to Head in Message War

Obama offers policy details, McCain a 'maverick' record

(Newser) - Neither presidential hopeful can boast a significant lead three months before the election, leading both sides to ramp up their political ad machines. While McCain paints Obama as a "pop star" spouting empty rhetoric, Obama frames McCain as another Bush lackey. Salon asked a leading political analyst to assess...

Polls Indicate Landslide Election Unlikely

Obama lacking the late-summer numbers for a blowout

(Newser) - Despite a persistent surge of enthusiasm from supporters, current polls indicate that Barack Obama's numbers lack the telltale signs of a November landslide, Politico reports. In five out of the six postwar landslides—a victory of 10% or more—the winner was ahead by at least 10% at the end...

McCain Strikes Out on Renewable Energy
McCain Strikes Out on Renewable Energy

McCain Strikes Out on Renewable Energy

Candidate features wind turbines in ads but again skips vital energy vote

(Newser) - John McCain's tough talk on energy has been undercut by his failure to vote on a vital renewable energy bill, Thomas L. Friedman writes in the New York Times. The bill, which has failed yet again to pass, would have extended tax credits for wind and solar projects, but McCain's...

War Highlights McCain's Stance on Russia

Candidate has taken a hard line, calling for increased isolation

(Newser) - The past several days of intense combat in Georgia have underscored John McCain’s longrunning hardline stance against Vladimir Putin’s Russia, the New York Times reports. In an aspect of the candidate's track record that has received relatively little attention, McCain has called for Russia’s expulsion from the...

Dems, GOP Battle Over New Voters

Issue becomes focus as huge turnout expected

(Newser) - Voter registration has become a hot-button election issue in a year that’s seen millions of new voters, the Wall Street Journal reports. In line with party trends, Democrats are working to register as many people as possible and deploying vote-protection legal experts, while Republicans keep a wary eye on...

Oldsters Not Diggin' Whippersnapper Obama
 Oldsters Not Diggin'
 Whippersnapper Obama

Oldsters Not Diggin' Whippersnapper Obama

Seniors see their worldview in McCain

(Newser) - Barack Obama is facing an unusually pronounced generation gap among voters: though normally apathetic young people are supporting him in droves, those over 65 are leaning heavily toward John McCain—a fact that’s keeping the race tight, the Washington Post reports. And seniors have a loud voice on Election...

Running Mate 'Bounce' Doesn't Climb Very High
Running Mate 'Bounce' Doesn't Climb Very High

Running Mate 'Bounce' Doesn't Climb Very High

Poll surge noticeable but brief: Gallup

(Newser) - Much ink has been spilled over Barack Obama and John McCain’s upcoming VP selections, but a running mate is not a game-changing choice, the Chicago Tribune reports. History suggests the effect on opinion polls will be noticeable but not huge: Gallup shows recent candidates getting an average 5% bump...

McCain, VP Hopeful Ridge Campaign in Pa.

Indepedent/Dem mayor expected to endorse Mac today

(Newser) - Republican vice presidential hopeful Tom Ridge is campaigning with John McCain in Pennsylvania today, CNN reports. McCain and ex-Pennsylvania governor Ridge started the day meeting with employees at a GE plant. Asked what he would do on first taking office, McCain replied, “Call Tom Ridge to Washington from whatever...

Mac's Preferred Contest: Obama as Incumbent
Mac's Preferred Contest: Obama as Incumbent

Mac's Preferred Contest: Obama as Incumbent

Republican can't win if debate is about him or Bush: Dionne

(Newser) - John McCain is doing perhaps the only thing he can to win this race—casting Barack Obama as the incumbent and attacking him, writes E.J. Dionne Jr. in the Washington Post. It makes sense: People are tiring of the heavy coverage of Obama, it seems, and McCain knows that...

Hot Ticket: Jolie's Presidential Endorsement

Undecided and independent, actress-activist wants refugee agenda

(Newser) - With her star power, humanitarian activism, and status as a UN ambassador, Angelina Jolie represents a celebrity endorsement both John McCain and Barack Obama are actively seeking, reports Wilshire & Washington, Variety's politics blog. "I am waiting to see the commitments they will make on issues like international justice,...

'Young Old People' Defend McCain From Age Attacks

'What was the question?' quips one

(Newser) - A group of fit Florida seniors have stepped up to the plate to defend candidate John MCain from criticism that he's too old to competently govern the country. "I think he could do the job in his 90s," said a supporter, one of several men born within days...

As Popularity Plummeted, Bush Began to Get It Right

Candidates shouldn't ignore what 43 got right

(Newser) - Today's Bush administration isn't pursuing all the disastrous policies it was 5 years ago, writes Fareed Zakaria in Newsweek, and unlike Dubya himself, his successor would do well to pay attention to what he's gotten right. Though both John McCain and Barack Obama keep their distance from the deeply unpopular...

Why Have They Lost Their Sense of Humor?
Why Have They Lost Their Sense of Humor?

Why Have They Lost Their Sense of Humor?

Neither campaign can take a joke, Andersen grumbles

(Newser) - Barack Obama and John McCain can both crack a joke, so why can't they take one this election season? From Obama offending McCain with digs about the race card to McCain's laughable anti-Obama ads, serious matters are being laughed off and bad jokes are being taken seriously, Kurt Andersen writes...

Georgia Conflict Offers a Test for US Candidates

Obama urges calm; McCain takes harder line on Russia

(Newser) - The conflict between Russia and Georgia provided one of the first real tests of how the presidential candidates would respond to that infamous 3 a.m. phone call about a world crisis, Politico notes. The upshot: Barack Obama echoed the international consensus, George Bush included, by calling for calm and...

Stories 1241 - 1260 | << Prev   Next >>