presidential campaign

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Rudy and Romney Spar Over Illegal Immigration

(Newser) - GOP frontrunners Rudy Giuliani and Mitt Romney are trading heated barbs over immigration, each accusing the other of a weak stance on illegals. Through radio ads and campaign speeches, both candidates are looking to rally the conservative GOP base, the Washington Post reports—though neither man has solid conservative credentials...

Clinton Elated Over White House Dig
Clinton Elated Over White House Dig

Clinton Elated Over White House Dig

Combative campaign ad strikes nerve with Bush, Hillary says

(Newser) - A Bush spokeswoman has slammed a Hillary Clinton campaign ad in which the Senator says that many Americans, including combat troops, are invisible to the president. But the New York Daily News reports that advisers to Clinton are delighted by the shrill reaction, as they increasingly seek to paint their...

The Real Rudy Hasn't Joined the Race Yet

America's Mayor is oddly absent on the campaign trail

(Newser) - Rudy Giuliani holds a nice lead in the pack of GOP presidential candidates, but it's not a result of anything he's doing on the campaign trail, Peter Boyer reports in a profile in the New Yorker. The Rudy who's winning in the polls is America's Mayor, the guy who cleaned...

GOP Straw Poll Finishes Tommy Thompson

Former Wisconsin governor drops out after 6th-place showing

(Newser) - Longshot presidential candidate Tommy Thompson announced yesterday he's dropping out of the race after finishing sixth in Iowa's Republican straw poll. The former Wisconsin governor set a goal for himself of coming in first or second, but he couldn't even beat Libertarian loose cannon Ron Paul. "There's no sense...

Runner-up Huckabee Big Winner in Iowa

Showing could catapult GOP longshot into top echelon

(Newser) - Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee was a surprise winner in Iowa's straw poll yesterday when he came in a strong second, which may have catapulted him into the top tier. He pulled 18.1% of the vote to Mitt Romney’s 31.5%. Huckabee's performance is particularly impressive given that he...

Obama: the Accidental Candidate
Obama: the Accidental Candidate

Obama: the Accidental Candidate

Dem rose with dizzying speed on a cascade of lucky breaks

(Newser) - Barack Obama’s rapid ascent to top-tier presidential candidate was the stuff of lucky break after lucky break, as quiet charisma and other people’s sex scandals catapulted him to the top, the Washington Post reports. It was a chance opening that first took him to Chicago and chance again...

Hillary to Barack: 'Don't Even Do as I Say'

Clinton chided Obama for untabling nukes— like she did last year

(Newser) - A year before Hillary Clinton blasted Barack Obama’s prohibition on nukes against Pakistan, she made one on using them in Iran. The AP reports the frontrunner’s head-shaking rebuke last week—no “president should make any blanket statements” about nuke use—doesn't jibe with her own position last...

Dems Court Rainbow Vote
Dems Court
Rainbow Vote

Dems Court Rainbow Vote

At Forum debate, Hillary's pink; Obama's on the brink; Edwards, Richardson stink

(Newser) - All of the Democrats who appeared at last night’s gay rights forum touted their support of sponsor Human Rights Campaign—but it was Hillary Clinton who aced the tightrope test, according to Time’s Mark Halperin. Hillary managed to oppose gay marriage without playing defense, all the while supplying...

From Whispers, GOP Hopefuls Aim for a Roar

Backchannel back-stabbing on rise ahead of Iowa poll

(Newser) - With second-tier candidates sensing that Saturday's straw poll may be their last, best chance to stay in the race for the Republican presidential nomination, Iowa is abuzz with whispering campaigns, Slate's John Dickerson says. The homegrown negative ads are a major tool for cash-poor politicians with names like Tancredo, Brownback...

Hillary &amp; Barack 'Barely Speak'
Hillary & Barack 'Barely Speak'

Hillary & Barack 'Barely Speak'

Tensions tell on the campaign trail

(Newser) - White House hopefuls Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama are no longer on speaking terms after months of increasingly glacial rivalry on the campaign trail, the Times reports. With another half a year until the first primary, the public tension—the pair carefully avoid contact whenever possible—may bode ill for...

'Daily Show' Reroutes 2008 Trail
'Daily Show' Reroutes 2008 Trail

'Daily Show' Reroutes 2008 Trail

(Newser) - Jon Stewart’s roll call of presidential hopefuls is filling the coffers at Comedy Central as big-name advertisers sign on for “Indecision 2008,” billed as “Something Approximating Election News With Something Approximating Honesty.” High-profile advertisers are flocking to “The Daily Show” and its offshoot, “...

Judy Claims She's Right for Rudy
Judy Claims She's Right
for Rudy

Judy Claims She's Right for Rudy

Ex-mayor's erratic third wife says she's just a political newbie, not a distraction

(Newser) - Politicos say Rudy Giuliani can't win without his wife—but he may not be able to win with her either. Rumors have dogged Judy during her cautious public roll-out: She throws her weight around on the trail, her Louis Vuitton handbag gets its own seat on the campaign jet, and...

Candidates Face Liberal Bloggers
Candidates Face Liberal Bloggers

Candidates Face Liberal Bloggers

(Newser) - Political campaigning took another step into the blogosphere today as Democratic presidential hopefuls vied for the support of the netroots community at the Yearly Kos convention in Chicago. Seven of the eight candidates answered sometimes-testy questions from what the AP called "powerful and polarizing liberal bloggers."

Judi Could Be a Huge Liability for Rudy

Especially if, as Vanity Fair suggests, marriage No. 3 is on the rocks

(Newser) - Rudy Giuliani’s third wife may be the mother of all liabilities for a candidate who’s already toting heavy baggage. Vanity Fair details her foibles and follies in a gossipy expose including the suggestion that the marriage has hit a rough spot. Judi, described as generally insufferable, is also...

Thompson (Already) Falters
Thompson (Already) Falters

Thompson (Already) Falters

Campaign sinking before it starts swimming

(Newser) - Fred Thompson's White House campaign is in trouble before it has even officially begun, according to the Washington Post's campaign diary. Short of money and minus a manager, the unannounced Thompson is tied for last in the polls with the floundering John McCain.

How Obama Can Trump the Experience Card

With judgment, that's how, says Slate

(Newser) - The root of last week's Obama/Clinton spat, writes John Dickerson in Slate, is the Achilles heel of the Obama campaign: She trounces him in experience. Standing next to her seems to make hiim look callow, and she used the opportunity to rub it in. Only 30% of Americans think his...

Harassment Allegation Could Haunt Bloomberg

Mayor still denies he's running for president

(Newser) - A 1997 sexual harassment suit against Michael Bloomberg could become an obstacle if the New York mayor attempts a presidential run, the AP reports. Although the suit was settled in 2000 and has not been a political liability during his term, the allegations that he made bawdy remarks to a...

Crossfire Over Hillary's Cleavage
Over Hillary's Cleavage

Crossfire Over Hillary's Cleavage

Candidate's neckline raises eyebrows, voices. How low can you go?

(Newser) - A senior adviser to Hillary Clinton released a letter yesterday condemning a Washington Post columnist for noting a cleavage-baring outfit the Senator wore in a televised speech last week. In a fundraising flyer, Ann Lewis called Robin Givhan's piece "grossly inappropriate," and urged donors to help fight treatment...

GOP Must Break Mold to Beat Hill

Dem’s success is campaign’s big story, says David Brooks

(Newser) - Hillary is such a surprise campaign juggernaut that her Republican rivals don't stand a chance, says New York Times’ resident conservative David Brooks, unless they muster weapons nobody's seen yet. The senator’s display of experience and confidence has been extraordinary, he writes, and her falling negatives bode well for...

On Tort Reform, It's Thompson vs. Thompson

Former trial lawyer's record on legal issues far from open-and-shut

(Newser) - He's known for being tough on crime. But as a GOP senator, Fred Thompson voted against legislation to shrink attorney fees and limit malpractice payouts, repeatedly clashing with his own party. Thompson, a probable Republican presidential candidate, previously worked as a trial lawyer himself, and once even argued against government...

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