presidential campaign

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Bloomberg's Billions Make Instant Player

GOP departure heats up speculation on presidential run

(Newser) - One day after Mike Bloomberg announced he's ditching the GOP, the will-he-or-won't-he titters are building to a roar. The Post reports that Bloomberg is prepared to spend at least half-a-billion dollars on an independent presidential run—ten times what Perot spent in '92—making him the "the billion-dollar elephant...

Romney May Go It Alone in Iowa Straw Poll

Other Republicans pulling out of summer pre-Caucus

(Newser) - Mitt Romney could have a distinct advantage in August's straw poll in Iowa: He could be only one showing up. ABC reports that with GOP frontrunners Giuliani and McCain passing on the Ames poll, the rest of the field may choose to conserve energy and funds, too. Even the media...

Business History Boosts, Bogs Down Romney

Controversial moves shadow onetime buyout specialist

(Newser) - Mitt Romney's business success gives him the resources necessary to run a presidential campaign, but his deal-making background also opens him to criticism. The success of Bain Capital helped Romney built his personal fortune, the Times report, and the fact that he wasn't afraid to cut jobs for the sake...

Democrats Focus Intently on Iraq
Democrats Focus Intently on Iraq

Democrats Focus Intently on Iraq

Debate centers on single issue as frontrunners stake out their territory

(Newser) - The Democratic presidential field already has three leaders, and they're so eager to distinguish themselves by staking out their Iraq stances that the other five candidates can barely get a word in. The Politico looks at last night's debate in New Hampshire and finds Barack Obama, John Edwards, and Hillary...

Thompson to Enter '08 Race
Thompson to Enter '08 Race

Thompson to Enter '08 Race

Actor and ex-senator has GOP royalty in his camp, frontrunners in his sights

(Newser) - Fred Thompson will enter the 2008 presidential race in early July, the Politico reports, bolstered by millions of dollars in contributions and the support of key Republican insiders. The "Law & Order" star and former Tennessee senator, a hard-line conservative, will pitch himself as a steady, consistent presence who...

Barack Backs Universal Health Care
Barack Backs Universal
Health Care

Barack Backs Universal Health Care

Plan resembles Hillary's failed attempt as First Lady

(Newser) - White House applicant Barack Obama has unveiled a health care plan which will offer all Americans coverage comparable to what federal employees get. The Obama Plan would cost upwards of $65 billion a year, which the Senator plans to fund by cancelling Bush tax cuts and increasing efficiency, the Chicago ...

MySpace Opens Up to Donations
MySpace Opens Up to Donations

MySpace Opens Up to Donations

60 million users eying presidential hopefuls will raise News Corp.'s profile

(Newser) - Rupert Murdoch's News Corp. is entering the online political scene in a very significant way with a tool that will allow 60 million MySpace users to donate up to $500 to the presidential candidate of their choice, reports the Financial Times. News Corp. has yet to make a decision, reports...

Hillary Tied to Shady Donor
Hillary Tied to Shady Donor

Hillary Tied to Shady Donor

Lawsuit againt CEO reveals ethically questionable contributions

(Newser) - The CEO of infoUSA, a large consumer information broker, has given Bill and Hillary Clinton almost $3 million over the past four years. But a recent legal dustup between Vinod Gupta and his company's shareholders over extravagant spending and political donations is revealing a relationship with the Clintons that, according...

Hillary Sticks With Iowa Strategy
Hillary Sticks With Iowa Strategy

Hillary Sticks With Iowa Strategy

Candidate overrules senior aide's advice to snub Hawkeye caucus

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton rejected a top adviser's plan to bypass the Iowa caucuses, the New York Times reports, and she'll visit the state this weekend. An internal memo suggested focusing money and time on February 5's 20-state Super Tuesday instead of the January 14 caucuses. All but one of the last...

Supporters Back Condi in '08
Supporters Back Condi in '08

Supporters Back Condi in '08

'We're going to draft her like Eisenhower,' enthusiasts say, despite her demurrals

(Newser) - Condoleeza Rice has a campaign manager and a campaign bus, even though she's not running for president, thanks to Crystal Drueker, a die-hard backer of the secretary of state who won't  take no for an answer. Based out of her mobile home—"The Condi Mobile"—Drueker launched the...

McCain Curses Out Colleague —Again

Outburst at fellow Republican raises pesky temper issue

(Newser) - John McCain raised the temper issue again by getting into a shouting match with GOP Sen. John Cornyn yesterday, the LA Times reports. The candidate and Cornyn had a dust-up just off the Senate floor over details of a compromise on immigration legislation. Cornyn accused McCain of being too busy...

Richardson Makes It Official
Richardson Makes It Official

Richardson Makes It Official

New Mexico governor joins 2008 race, touting his record, Latino ties

(Newser) - Bill Richardson has officially joined the throng of Democrats running for president, and become the first Latino to seek his party's nomination. The New Mexico governor made his announcement, in Spanish and English, in LA last night, touting his record as governor of a divided state and his proximity to...

McCain Misses 42nd Straight Senate Vote

Why vote on Iraq if you could be campaigning in New York?

(Newser) - John McCain missed his 42nd straight Senate roll call yesterday, marking a whopping five weeks in a row that he hasn't showed up to be counted. If he misses the next three votes, he will have been AWOL for 50% of the votes in the 110th Congress, the Washington Post...

YouTube to Co-Host Debate
YouTube to Co-Host Debate

YouTube to Co-Host Debate

Viral video site goes from embarrassing candidates to sponsoring debates

(Newser) - YouTube, the viral-video nemesis of many a gaffe-prone political candidate, will co-sponsor a Democratic presidential debate July 23rd in Charleston, South Carolina. CNN is the television partner for the debate, which will be the first of six, the DNC announced yesterday. 

Bloomberg Run Gains Credibility
Run Gains

Bloomberg Run Gains Credibility

$1 billion set aside for a campaign can't hurt

(Newser) - The New York mayor is looking more and more like presidential material, reports the NY Observer. What started as speculation fueled by Bloomberg's own aides has become the buzz of a conference of mayors in New York this week. And why not? The Washington Times reports that he's ready to...

Debate Torture for GOP Hopefuls
Debate Torture for GOP Hopefuls

Debate Torture for GOP Hopefuls

Front-runners clash over interrogation techniques, conservative credibility

(Newser) - Ten Republican presidential candidates mixed it up in an often boisterous and contentious debate last night at the University of South Carolina. John McCain, Rudy Giuliani and Mitt Romney, in particular, clashed on the war in Iraq, abortion rights, immigration, each other's conservative credentials and the use of torture in...

Hagel Weighs Running as Independent
Hagel Weighs Running as Independent

Hagel Weighs Running as Independent

Senator flirts with White House run, New York mayor

(Newser) - Republican gadfly Chuck Hagel hinted yesterday at an independent bid for the White House, saying "the system needs to be shaken up." The Nebraska senator used the "Face the Nation" pulpit to vent his continuing frustration with the GOP, particularly on Iraq. The lifelong Republican also expressed...

Drudge Reports, Candidates Cower
Drudge Reports, Candidates Cower

Drudge Reports, Candidates Cower

Salon explores the web-based underbelly of the '08 campaign

(Newser) - What do a $400 haircut, a hawkish rendition of a Beach Boys tune, and a decade-old donation to Planned Parenthood have in common? They're all results of an "opposition research game" that's pitting presidential campaign teams against each other in a contest to leak dirt to blogs and news...

Rudy Tries Candor On Tough Issues
Rudy Tries Candor On
Tough Issues

Rudy Tries Candor On Tough Issues

'I should honestly tell you the things I can evolve on, and the things I can’t'

(Newser) - Rudy Giuliani chose Houston Baptist College to debut his new, more candid campaign today, telling a conservative crowd that he supports abortion rights, some restrictions on gun ownership, and gay civil unions, though not same-sex marraige. Giuliani appealed to the audience to be open to a GOP candidate who may...

Michelle Obama Picks Campaign Trail Over Career Track

Candidate's wife is no stay-at-home mom

(Newser) - Michelle Obama is putting her career on hold for her husband's campaign. The Princeton- and Harvard-educated lawyer has been phasing out her work as a vice president at the University of Chicago Hospitals and will be unemployed for the first time in her adult life. "It's a bit disconcerting,...

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