presidential campaign

Stories 261 - 277 | << Prev 

Edwards Gains on Clinton, Passes Obama

In New Hampshire poll, it's suddenly a three-way race

(Newser) - John Edwards pushed past Barack and sliced into Hillary's comfortable lead in the latest New Hampshire poll, putting all three cadidates in a statistical dead heat. Clinton dropped from 35% of likely Democratic voters in February  to 27%. Edwards rose from 16% to 21%, and Obama lost a point, from...

Obama as Jesus Stirs Some Ire
Obama as Jesus
Stirs Some Ire

Obama as Jesus Stirs Some Ire

Christ sculpture draws protest, but Barack turns the other cheek

(Newser) - Another sculpture of Jesus is stirring protest this Holy Week—this time a work portraying Barack Obama as the savior. The Art Institute of Chicago has gotten a flood of angry calls over the piece in an exhibition of student work, close on the heels of the chocolate Christ brouhaha...

Hillary Triples War Chest Record
Hillary Triples War Chest Record

Hillary Triples War Chest Record

White House campaign nets $36 million

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton proved her fund raising prowess by nearly tripling the previous record for the first quarter of a presidential campaign, amassing $26 million in donations.   Some $10 million appears to have been raised in the final 1 1/2 weeks of the quarter, the Washington Post reports, when...

Thompson Joins Race for 2008
Thompson Joins Race for 2008

Thompson Joins Race for 2008

Claims he's the only real conservative in the GOP field

(Newser) - Former governor and Bush cabinet member Tommy Thompson announced  for president yesterday, staking a claim to the territory to the right of the other GOP contenders. "I am the reliable conservative, my record shows that,"  said the one-time secretary of Health and Human Services and four-term governor...

Jesse Backs Barack
Jesse Backs Barack

Jesse Backs Barack

Obama picks up key endorsement

(Newser) - Jesse's backing Barack, despite his long friendship with the Clintons, the civil rights veteran told the AP yesterday.  "He's got my vote,"  Jackson said, dismissing suggestions that he might feel obligated to support Hillary. "It's not awkward at all," he said, adding, "I...

GOP Gains in Head-to-Head Matches
GOP Gains in Head-to-Head Matches

GOP Gains in Head-to-Head Matches

Poll sees Clinton KO'd by Giuiliani, McCain; Obama fairs better

(Newser) - The smart money says the 2008 election is the Democrats' to lose,  but a surprising Time poll has the Democratic front runners narrowly losing to the Repubican front runners in hypothetical head-to-head match-ups. Hillary Clinton loses to John McCain 42%-48%, and to Rudy Giuliani 41%-50%. Obama, behind Clinton in...

Rudi Says Judi Could Sit In On Cabinet

Denies she broke up marriage number two, or estranged his son

(Newser) - "I couldn’t have a better adviser,” Rudy Giuliani gushed about his wife, Judith Nathan, on ABC's 20/20. He would encourage Nathan, a registered nurse and the third Mrs. Giuliani, to sit in on the occasional cabinet meeting and consult on policy in his administration, the GOP frontrunner...

Thompson Slides Into Third
Slides Into Third

Thompson Slides Into Third

Sorry, Mitt. In just two weeks the "Law and Order" man has won GOP hearts

(Newser) - "Law and Order" actor and former senator Fred Thompson is in third place among GOP presidential hopefuls in a new USA Today/Gallup poll. Since he announced that he was considering a bid two weeks ago, Thompson's support has skyrocketed to 12 per cent, kicking Mitt Romney to a distant...

Records Reveal Hawkish Hillary
Reveal Hawkish Hillary

Records Reveal Hawkish Hillary

Iraq vote may not have been anomaly

(Newser) - Hillary  may be more hawkish than liberal supporters realize, Michael Crowley concludes after a lengthy look at the senator's history. Many assume she supported the Iraq war to look tough and won’t back down to avoid the label of flip-flopper. But long before 9/11, she was scornful of those...

Blast From Obama's Past
Blast From Obama's Past

Blast From Obama's Past

High school chum, now homeless, hopes for handout

(Newser) - Barack Obama was surprised last week when a buddy from back in the days when he was called Barry got in touch. Keith Kakugawa, recently released from prison for his third drug conviction and living in a car, called the senator's cell phone to ask for help.

Judith Giuliani Reveals Secret Ex-Husband

Which makes six marriages between them, for those keeping score

(Newser) - Rudy turns out to be Judith Giuliani 's third husband, not her second, as  the candidate's spouse (his third) reveals a nearly-five-year starter marriage that had remained a secret to the public and even longtime Giuliani supporters.  

Elizabeth Edwards's Cancer Recurs
Elizabeth Edwards's
Cancer Recurs

Elizabeth Edwards's Cancer Recurs

2008 candidate will continue his campaign

(Newser) - Presidential contender John Edwards and his wife Elizabeth announced today that the breast cancer she battled after the last election cycle has recurred and advanced to Stage IV. The cancer has spread to her bones, a lung, and possibly other organs, her oncologist explained,  and is now inoperable. The...

YouTube Trickster Comes Clean
YouTube Trickster Comes Clean  

YouTube Trickster Comes Clean

(Newser) - An employe of the tech company that handles Barack Obama’s website admits making the notorious “Vote Different” YouTube video portraying Hillary Clinton as Big Brother – now one of the most watched videos on the web. Phil de Vellis writes on The Huffington Post that he created the ...

Kerry-Smearers Eyeing McCain
Kerry-Smearers Eyeing McCain

Kerry-Smearers Eyeing McCain

McCain calls them the "most despicable people I have ever had the misfortune to encounter"

(Newser) - The veterans who helped sink John Kerry's Swift Boat to the White House is prepping for battle with John McCain. "Vietnam Veterans Against John Kerry" founders Jerry Kiley and Ted Sampley have dusted off their 527 forms and created "Vietnam Veterans Against John McCain," to combat the...

Chait: John McCain Is No Luke Skywalker

Candidate has gone over to the dark (read: conservative) side

(Newser) - John McCain liked to portray himself as Luke Skywalker in his 2000 presidential campaign, says LA Times columnist Jonathan Chait, but this time around he resembles a different Jedi: the corrupt Darth Vader. McCain claimed he was an anti-special interests crusader, but the last few years he's gone over to...

Mitt Throws Money at Former Critics
Mitt Throws Money at Former Critics

Mitt Throws Money at Former Critics

Just before announcing, Romney made hefty donations to conservative groups

(Newser) - Mitt Romney has been lining the coffers of conservative groups whose support he'll be seeking in his presidential bid. Late last year, just two months before he announced his candidacy, Romney gave five-figure personal donations to four Massachusetts groups, David Kirkpatrick of the New York Times reports—groups to which...

Is America Ready for &quot;Rudy Rage&quot;?
Is America Ready for
"Rudy Rage"?

Is America Ready for "Rudy Rage"?

Columnist recalls run-ins with thin- skinned former mayor

(Newser) - "Vindictive," "tone-deaf," prone to bouts of "Rudy rage"—that's the Giuliani that hasn't been visible to a national audience in the early days of the former mayor's presidential campaign, writes Jonathan Capeheart in the Washington Post. As a columnist for the New York Daily...

Stories 261 - 277 | << Prev