immigration reform

Stories 141 - 160 | << Prev   Next >>

McCain 'Wobbling' Leftward Again on Immigration
McCain 'Wobbling' Leftward Again on Immigration

McCain 'Wobbling' Leftward Again on Immigration

He's talking up reform, backing away from promises that won him the nomination

(Newser) - By John McCain’s own admission, his embrace of immigration reform nearly sunk his candidacy in the early primaries, writes Byron York in the Hill. But after saving his hide with a swing to the right and a pledge to "secure the border first" (a “legitimate flip-flop,”...

Cash-Strapped Businesses Battle Immigration Crackdown

Some states now responding to employers' need for low-cost labor

(Newser) - As state and federal authorities crack down on illegal immigration, businesses are fighting back, the New York Times reports. Employers, stung by aggressive new measures that would revoke the licenses of those found to have hired illegals, say their very existence is threatened. A few states are responding to the...

Thousands Rally for Immigrant Rights

Activists call for end to deportations, better access to health care

(Newser) - Immigrants and activists took to the streets by the thousands across the US today to put immigration reform back on the election agenda, the AP reports. In Chicago, 15,000 called for an end to deportations and better access to education, and big rallies also took place  in DC, Miami,...

Arizona Drafts Own Worker Bills
 Arizona Drafts Own Worker Bills 

Arizona Drafts Own Worker Bills

State aims to make temporary labor faster, easier; measure could be national model

(Newser) - Arizona is working on its own guest-worker program, hoping to supply state farmers with labor—and serve as a model for the rest of the country in the process, the Christian Science Monitor reports. But though top lawmakers are behind the measure, getting permission from the federal government—whose own...

Mexican Prez Predicts Friendlier US

Foresees better times for immigrants under new administration

(Newser) - Mexican President Felipe Calderon expects the next US administration to bring a “broader and more comprehensive view” to immigration, providing immigrants a path to legalization, he told the Los Angeles Times. For Calderon, Super Tuesday was heartening. “The most radical and anti-immigrant candidates have been left behind,”...

Tweaks May Boost Guest Worker Pool
Tweaks May Boost Guest Worker Pool

Tweaks May Boost Guest Worker Pool

Bush plan to ease visa requirements draws fire from both sides of debate

(Newser) - With immigration reform having failed in Congress, the Bush administration is today unveiling a plan aimed at boosting the US guest-worker program. President Bush's plan would simplify the much-derided bureaucratic program, providing a reliable source of legal workers to replace illegal immigrants. But anti-immigration groups say the changes will cost...

Immigrants Facing Epic Citizenship Delays

Rush to beat fee hike has wait at 18 months

(Newser) - Over one million immigrants will have to wait up to 18 months before become US citizens due to a massive bureaucratic backlog nationwide. Applications surged last summer ahead of a fee increase of nearly 75%, the Boston Globe reports, helping create the paper jam. Before the increase, the average immigrant...

Martinez Quits Top RNC Post After 10 Months

Fla. senator bucked party on immigration, won't be replaced

(Newser) - Mel Martinez has quit as RNC general chairman after only 10 months in the post. The US  Senator from Florida, a Cuban refugee, publicly split with GOP hardliners over immigration reform. Martinez was also left to explain why the party’s presidential hopefuls were no-shows at a bilingual forum, the...

SoCal Illegals Sent Packing in Massive Sweep

Feds nab 1,300+ in biggest-ever roundup of immigrants

(Newser) - Feds have arrested more than 1,300 immigrants in Southern California over the last two weeks, in what Immigrations and Customs Enforcement is calling its biggest roundup ever. Ninety percent have criminal records or standing deportation orders, and 600 have already been deported, reports the LA Times. “Where these...

Dems' Miami Debate Makes Foray Into Spanish

First presidential debate translated live on Univision

(Newser) - Democratic hopefuls took part in a Spanish-language debate in Miami yesterday, having questions translated UN-style from Spanish to English, and answers back again into Spanish. Though he'd agreed to the ground rules, bilingual contender Bill Richardson couldn't resist  asking in Spanish if he could continue in Spanish, and Sen. Chris...

Immigrant Activist Deported
Immigrant Activist Deported

Immigrant Activist Deported

Woman lived in Chicago church for a year, in bid to stay with son

(Newser) - An illegal immigrant  who held a vigil of sorts in a Chicago church for almost a year to publicize the plight of  of divided families has been deported back to Mexico. Elvira Arellano, who left the sanctuary of the church last week to push for immigration reform, had just spoken...

McCain Switches Gears on Immigration

Supports crackdown without guest workers, path to citizenship

(Newser) - White House hopeful John McCain has pulled a U-turn on immigration reform—backing a new bill which cracks down on illegal immigration and offers no path to citizenship for illegal immigrants already here. McCain had been a champion of a guest worker program and citizenship for many of the 12...

Immigration Busts Have Whiff of Politics

Raids on the rise, as White House tries to impress conservatives

(Newser) - Massive workplace raids, conducted by armed federal agents and targeting illegal immigrants, are on the rise, and the reason, critics charge, is that the White House wants to curry favor with conservatives. In the first five months of '07, Salon reports, 3,226 undocumented workers were arrested in these expensive...

Judge Tosses Anti-immigrant Town Law
Judge Tosses Anti-immigrant Town Law

Judge Tosses Anti-immigrant Town Law

Says ‘zealous’ xenophobia is over the line

(Newser) - A set of city ordinances intended to check illegal immigration was ruled unconstitutional by a federal judge yesterday,  the AP reports.  The measures had imposed fines on businesses that hired illegal workers and required rental tenants to register with the city and buy permits.

More Legal Immigrants Seek US Citizenship

Tougher laws, rising fees drive increase in demand

(Newser) - A burgeoning number of legal immigrants are applying for US citizenship—115,000 in May, compared with 65,782 last December. The Times reports immigrants are worried about tougher citizenship tests, rising processing fees, and insecurity in the wake of the furor over the federal immigration bill.

Bush 0 for 4 on 2nd-Term Goals
Bush 0 for 4 on 2nd-Term Goals

Bush 0 for 4 on 2nd-Term Goals

With the death of the latest immigration bill, the president may have lost his last chance at a domestic legacy

(Newser) - The immigration bill that died in the Senate yesterday was President Bush's last hope to salvage any one of his four domestic policy goals for the second term, the Washington Post reports. The goals laid out after 2004 reelection included Social Security and tax overhauls,  a curb upon "...

Senate Revives Immigration Bill
Senate Revives Immigration Bill

Senate Revives Immigration Bill

Debate on controversial measure, numerous amendments to resume after 2-week hiatus

(Newser) - The Senate breathed new life into the stalled immigration bill today, voting to resume debate on the signature legislation of President Bush's second term. With a slew of amendments waiting in the wings, passage is hardly a sure thing, the Times reports, but the bipartisan coalition that crafted the measure...

Immigration Bill Fans, Foes Take to Airwaves

Senators launch PR offensive in run-up to crucial vote

(Newser) - This week's debate over the immigration bill, which is headed for a nail-bitingly close Senate vote, started on the Sunday talk shows. The improbable coalition behind the legislation—which President Bush supports—faces a tough job, Jeff Sessions made clear. The Alabama Republican vowed to "use every effort to...

Immigration Bill Brings Out 'Best,' 'Worst' of America

New Republic warns 'draconian' measures will follow if compromise fails

(Newser) - Calling the immigration bill currently fighting its way through the Senate "the best that liberals are likely to get," the New Republic's editors tepidly endorsed the legislation that would bring 12M laborers closer to US citizenship even as they condemned the implications of the bill's proposed guest-worker program.

Bush Lobbies for Immigration Bill
Bush Lobbies for Immigration Bill

Bush Lobbies for Immigration Bill

President pushes fellow Republicans to push legislation

(Newser) - President Bush took the unusual step of climbing Capitol Hill today to pressure members of his own party on the stalled immigration bill. After a lunch meeting with GOP senators, CNN reports, the president warned that passing the signature legislation of his second term will take "a lot of...

Stories 141 - 160 | << Prev   Next >>