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UN Envoy Worried After Talks With Assad

Brahimi doesn't appear to be making progress

(Newser) - The international envoy tasked with pushing to end Syria's civil war emerged from talks with Bashar al-Assad today saying that the situation was "worrying," and giving no indication of progress toward a negotiated solution to the conflict. "We hope that all the parties will go toward...

Boehner's New Offer: No Fight Over Debt Ceiling

Dems see progress in fiscal-cliff negotiations

(Newser) - John Boehner has made another big offer in the fiscal-cliff debate : He's willing to delay any battle over the debt ceiling for a year. With a new debt-ceiling showdown expected in the coming months, Boehner's offer to let the ceiling rise means giving up a key bargaining chip...

Even Washington Bored by Fiscal Cliff
 Even Washington 
 Bored by Fiscal Cliff 
howard kurtz

Even Washington Bored by Fiscal Cliff

Ultimately, stakes aren't that high: Howard Kurtz

(Newser) - Last year's debt-ceiling debate had Beltway insiders on the edge of their seats—but just like the rest of the US, Howard Kurtz thinks that even those in Washington have little passion for fiscal-cliff negotiations. The fact is that "the country won’t plunge into a recession on...

Obama, Boehner Hold White House Face-to-Face

'We're not reading out details of the conversation'

(Newser) - Barack Obama and John Boehner rolled up their sleeves and personally dove into fiscal cliff talks today, meeting face-to-face at the White House for the first time in 23 days, Politico reports. Both sides issued identical statements on the meeting, saying, "We're not reading out details of the...

On Fiscal Cliff, Dems and GOP Closer Than They Look

But mortgage interest deduction might be a casualty

(Newser) - Depending on who you ask, the fiscal cliff confrontation in Washington is either a massive standoff, or a massive mirage. "It is not going to happen soon," John Barrasso, the Senate's fourth-ranking Republican said yesterday. But top officials tell Politico that behind the scenes John Boehner and...

US, Iran Agree to 1st Direct Nuclear Talks

But negotiations are fraught with election-year politics

(Newser) - Tehran and Washington have agreed to the first-ever direct talks about Iran's nuclear program, but only after Nov. 6—because Iran insists on meeting with a newly elected president, the New York Times reports. The plan could easily fall through, however—either because Iran is bluffing to ease international...

Greek Coalition Talks Drag Into 9th Day

Europe warns: Euro exit no longer inconceivable

(Newser) - Marathon efforts to break Greece's post-electoral paralysis are lurching into a ninth day amid the country's worst crisis in decades, with fractious party leaders summoned to a yet another emergency meeting tomorrow that could see the reins of government surrendered to non-politicians. The hectic haggling in Athens cast...

US, South Korea Refuse Talks With North

They say it'd be rewarding the Kims for bad behavior

(Newser) - The US, South Korea, and Japan are saying “thanks, but no thanks” to China’s request for emergency talks with North Korea, arguing that talks would only reward the rogue regime for its recent aggression. “The United States and a host of others, I don’t think, are...

Time Warner May Drop Fox, Says Fox
 Time Warner May Drop 
 Fox, Says Fox 

Time Warner May Drop Fox, Says Fox

Negotiations tense as network demands $1 per subscriber

(Newser) - Fox brought its testy negotiations with Time Warner out into the open today, publicly warning that it was “very likely” it would pull its programming from the cable provider. Fox wants $1 per subscriber for its free-to-air broadcast network, a price Time Warner has balked at, saying the 25-to-50-cent...

Saab Veering Toward Junkyard
 Saab Veering Toward Junkyard 

Saab Veering Toward Junkyard

GM's failed bid to unload Swedish automaker may spell its doom

(Newser) - GM’s bid to sell its Saab unit to a small Swedish automaker has fallen through after Koenigsegg pulled out yesterday, citing costly delays in the closing process. Saab’s managing director tells the Wall Street Journal it’s “premature” to write the employer of 4,000 off, but...

Palestinians' Abbas May Not Seek Reelection

Move could be a feint to jump-start peace negotiations

(Newser) - Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas will not seek reelection next year, insiders say. Abbas has seen his credibility with Palestinians damaged during peace negotiations with the US and Israel, now stalled. “The president insists on not running in the upcoming election,” an official tells the Guardian, though some believe...

Karzai Foe Set to Pull Out of Afghan Runoff

Talks have broken down between Abdullah, president

(Newser) - Talks between Afghan President Hamid Karzai and challenger Abdullah Abdullah have broken down, and Abdullah is likely to pull out of next week's presidential runoff, a person with knowledge of the talks said today. An announcement could come as early as Saturday but more likely Sunday, the person said.

Iran Waffles on Nuke Deal
 Iran Waffles on Nuke Deal 

Iran Waffles on Nuke Deal

Talks begin today as state news hints out-of-country enrichment deal won't fly

(Newser) - State news reports coming out of Iran suggest that country is backpedaling on a possible deal to enrich partially processed uranium in Russia or France for use in nuclear power plants. State-run television reports that the government is in fact opposed to shipping partially enriched nuclear fuel outside of the...

Iran, Western Powers Schedule More Nuclear Talks

Inspector may visit Qom site within weeks

(Newser) - Talks in Geneva today over Iran’s nuclear program ended with a firmer commitment from Tehran to allow international inspectors into the newly disclosed enrichment site at Qom and an agreement to continue negotiations by the end of the month. The EU’s foreign policy representative said inspectors may be...

US, Iranian Diplomats Talk One-on-One

Lunch meeting could signal Washington's willingness to reach out

(Newser) - The US says senior American and Iranian delegates have met one-on-one on the sidelines of a high-stakes gathering on Tehran's nuclear program. US Under Secretary of State William Burns met with Saeed Jalili, Tehran's chief negotiator during a lunch break today in seven-nation talks in Geneva today. 

Studios, YouTube Talk Movie Rentals

(Newser) - YouTube is in talks with big Hollywood studios about making movies available for rent on the popular video-sharing site, the Wall Street Journal reports—a rare move toward making YouTube users actually pay for content. Lions Gate, Warner Brothers and Sony are among the studios that could make titles available,...

Obama to Moderate Abbas-Netanyahu Meeting: Peres

Israeli prez says settlement issue isn't settled, yet

(Newser) - President Obama will play moderator to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas in a meeting at the UN before the end of next month, Israeli President Shimon Peres tells Fox News. “I think they will meet by the end of September,” he says. "...

Taliban Peace Talks Dominate Afghan Race

(Newser) - As Afghans prepare to vote on Thursday, the top issue for all the leading presidential candidates remains whether and how to negotiate with the Taliban. Hamid Karzai, still predicted to win, has made vocal calls for negotiations but has done little so far in office, and Taliban insurgents are imperiling...

Bolton: Israel May Strike Iran by December
Bolton: Israel May Strike Iran by December

Bolton: Israel May Strike Iran by December

Jerusalem gets what Obama doesn't, writes ex-UN ambassador

(Newser) - Defense Secretary Robert Gates was in Jerusalem recently to dissuade Israel from attacking Iran, but according to John Bolton, "relations between the US and Israel are more strained now than at any time since the 1956 Suez Canal crisis." Israel understands what the Obama administration does not—...

Honduras Crisis Talks Collapse
 Honduras Crisis Talks Collapse 

Honduras Crisis Talks Collapse

(Newser) - Talks to end the political crisis in Honduras collapsed last night, raising the prospect of violence in the Central American nation if ousted president Manuel Zelaya fulfills his promise to return with or without a deal. Pro-Zelaya protesters are marching in the capital today after the interim government rejected a...

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