Joe Biden

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Biden Racks Up Primary Wins
Biden Racks Up Primary Wins

Biden Racks Up Primary Wins

Pennsylvania gave him biggest delegate prize

(Newser) - Joe Biden is on the cusp of formally securing the Democratic presidential nomination after winning hundreds more delegates in primary contests Tuesday that tested the nation's ability to run elections while balancing a pandemic and sweeping social unrest. Biden could lock down the nomination within the next week as...

Big Lines From New Joe Biden Speech
Big Lines
From New
Joe Biden

Big Lines From New Joe Biden Speech

Trump is 'more interested in power than in principle'

(Newser) - Joe Biden is no longer hunkered down in his basement waiting out the pandemic. The presumptive Democratic nominee gave a speech in Philadelphia Tuesday in which he condemned President Trump's presidency in general and his handling of the George Floyd protests in particular. Some big lines, via the AP...

Today Could Be the Day for Joe Biden

Former VP could seal the Democratic nomination Tuesday

(Newser) - Tuesday could be the day that Joe Biden is crowned the official Democratic presidential nominee. There are 479 delegates up for grabs as Indiana (82), Maryland (96), Montana (19), New Mexico (34), Pennsylvania (186), Rhode Island (26), South Dakota (16), and the District of Columbia (20) hold Democratic presidential primaries,...

New Poll Suggests Trouble for Trump

Biden widens lead to 10 points, though effect of George Floyd unrest is still unclear

(Newser) - The last time that an ABC News/Washington Post poll surveyed Americans, Joe Biden held a slim 2-point lead. That was two months ago. In a new poll released Sunday, Biden widened his lead to 10 points, 53% to 43% among voters registered nationally, reports the Post . The big wild card:...

After Weekend of Protest Arrests, a Trump Accusation on Biden

President's allegations appear linked to staffers' donations to group paying bail fees

(Newser) - After a tumultuous weekend of protests across America over the death of George Floyd , police departments nationwide reported multiple arrests . On Monday morning, President Trump made an allegation against his presumptive challenger in November on those people behind bars. "Biden's people are so Radical Left that they are...

George Floyd's Brother: Trump Did All the Talking on Call

Philonise Floyd asked Joe Biden and the president for justice

(Newser) - George Floyd's brother has expressed frustration over his phone conversation with President Trump about the killing in Minneapolis. "He didn't give me an opportunity to even speak," Philonise Floyd told the Rev. Al Sharpton on MSNBC on Saturday. "It was hard. I was trying to...

Biden: Trump Is an 'Absolute Fool' on Masks

2020 candidates go at each other

(Newser) - President Trump and Joe Biden are going at each other over mask use. Biden wore one in his first public appearance since March , and on Monday night, Trump retweeted a tweet from a Fox News analyst appearing to mock Biden's mask-donning. On Tuesday, Biden gave his first in-person interview...

Golf Coverage Prompts New Trump Attacks

Tweets call media 'truly deranged'

(Newser) - After their back-and-forth the past couple of days on the subject, President Trump launched another series of attacks on Joe Biden on Monday in defense of his golfing twice in Virginia over the holiday weekend. The president included former President Barack Obama as a target of criticism, as well as...

Biden Makes First Public Appearance Since March

'I feel great to be out here'

(Newser) - Joe Biden made his first in-person appearance in more than two months on Monday as he marked Memorial Day by laying a wreath at a veterans park near his Delaware home. Since abruptly canceling a March 10 rally in Cleveland at the onset of the coronavirus pandemic, the presumptive Democratic...

Biden, Trump Go After Each Other
Biden, Trump
Attack Each Other

Biden, Trump Attack Each Other

2020 candidates spar over coronavirus, golfing

(Newser) - Joe Biden hopped on the " criticize the president for spending the holiday weekend golfing " bandwagon, tweeting Sunday, "The presidency is about a lot more than tweeting from your golf cart. It requires taking on the ultimate responsibility for the biggest decisions in the world. Donald Trump simply...

Trump: My Drug Regimen Has Changed

The president talks about his hydroxychloroquine use in a wide-ranging interview

(Newser) - President Trump has apparently said goodbye to hydroxychloroquine. Appearing on the Sinclair Broadcast Group program Full Measure with Sharyl Attkisson, Trump said his regimen on the controversial drug is complete: "Finished, just finished," he said in the interview that aired Sunday, per USA Today . "And by the...

Biden: I Was Too 'Cavalier' With Remarks on Black Voters

'If you have a problem figuring out whether you're for me or Trump, then you ain't black'

(Newser) - Joe Biden made inadvertent headlines during an interview that aired Friday with Charlamagne tha God, co-host of the nationally syndicated radio show The Breakfast Club. The exchange came near the end of the interview , when the African-American host asked Biden to make a return visit because we've "got...

Tara Reade's Attorney Just Made a Big Announcement

Douglas Wigdor is dropping Biden accuser as his client, but he's offering few details

(Newser) - The attorney working with Tara Reade, the former Joe Biden Senate staffer who alleged he sexually assaulted her in the 1990s, said Friday he's no longer representing her, just two weeks after he first began working with her. Douglas Wigdor said the decision wasn't a reflection on the...

'Invasive' Process for VP Vetting Has Apparently Begun

Amy Klobuchar has reportedly been asked to consent to the scrutiny

(Newser) - Joe Biden promised during a primary debate in March that he would pick a woman to be his running mate if he became the Democratic nominee for president. That "invasive" process—Biden's words—is reportedly about to begin in earnest. Sources tell CBS News that Minnesota Sen....

One Trend in the Polls May Be Trouble for Trump
One Trend in the Polls
May Be Trouble for Trump
the rundown

One Trend in the Polls May Be Trouble for Trump

President is losing support among older voters

(Newser) - One aspect of the 2020 race is getting more and more attention: Polls consistently show that President Trump is losing support among older voters amid the pandemic. The upshot of coverage is that Trump has plenty of time to turn things around, but if he fails to do so, Joe...

Barr's 'Obamagate' Prediction May Not Please Trump

Attorney general doesn't expect criminal investigation of Obama, Biden

(Newser) - President Trump has been pushing the "Obamagate" theme of late, but his attorney general just dampened expectations about what Trump and his supporters can expect out of it. William Barr said Monday he doesn't think President Obama or Joe Biden will be investigated over the origins of the...

Trump Jr. Makes an 'Incendiary' Allegation

Joe Biden's camp calls it a 'repulsive, manipulative tactic'

(Newser) - "See you later, alligator" is one thing—"In a while, pedophile" is quite another. But Donald Trump Jr. posted both messages on Instagram along with photos of Joe Biden touching children at public events in what amounts to an "incendiary" accusation, the New York Times reports. Confronted...

PBS Talked to 74 Ex-Biden Staffers About Allegations

Most were women, and none said they experienced any harassment

(Newser) - "I wouldn't vote for me if I believed Tara Reade," Joe Biden said Thursday . The reference, of course, is to allegations from former staffer Reade that he sexually assaulted her in the 1990s. Now the PBS News Hour is out with a report for which it interviewed...

A Pardon for Trump? Not From Joe Biden

Former VP says he wouldn't try to stop any potential investigation into Trump after he leaves office

(Newser) - When Gerald Ford pardoned Richard Nixon, it was seen as a way for the United States to heal and move on from Watergate. So, if Joe Biden became president and Donald Trump faced any charges, would he do the same? That would be a no, as would any attempt to...

After Biden's Denial, His Accuser Gives Interview

Tara Reade tells Megyn Kelly he should quit race

(Newser) - Tara Reade, who has accused Joe Biden of sexually assaulting her in 1993, has been interviewed on camera by Megyn Kelly. The former Fox News host announced the interview Thursday, the same day it took place. "Her story & some tough Q’s in a riveting exchange," Kelly...

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