Joe Biden

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Clinton Lands Starring Role at Convention

He'll place Obama's name into nomination

(Newser) - He's back. Bill Clinton will play a major role in the upcoming Democratic National Convention, and will be the one to place Barack Obama's name into nomination after an address hammering home an economic argument for the president's reelection, reports the New York Times . Clinton is expected...

Biden Demands Twitter Embargo

Veep doesn't want press talking about comments until conference over

(Newser) - Veep Joe Biden has added an unusual new embargo for his on-the-record press calls: No publishing anything about the call until it's over, reports Politico . Call it a reaction to the Twitter age, as reporters increasingly try to get out information as it is happening. The White House apparently...

Biden to NAACP: GOP Attacks Civil Rights

Veep: 'This ain't your father's Republican party'

(Newser) - Joe Biden's reception at Houston's NAACP convention was a far cry from Mitt Romney's . Amid much audience enthusiasm, Biden warned the crowd that today's GOP is threatening the very thing the NAACP was created to protect: civil rights. "Remember what this (group), at its core,...

Dem' Latest Campaign Lure: Coffee With Joe Biden

$3 donation earns a chance for trip

(Newser) - Three dollars is about what your average Starbucks latte costs, but in the Obama re-election campaign, that same $3 might just get you a cup of coffee with Joe Biden—not to mention airfare and a hotel room for the trip, reports USA Today . Called, unsurprisingly, "A Cup of...

White House Squabbles Cost Us in Afghanistan

Key adviser trampled by opponents within administration

(Newser) - A new book gives an in-depth look at the Obama White House as officials made momentous choices about the war in Afghanistan—and author Rajiv Chandrasekaran sees some major missteps. Among them: Despite former top Afghanistan adviser Richard Holbrooke's expertise on ending wars—he played a role in peace...

Voters Know Nothing About Romney's VP Candidates

No opinion on Rob Portman, Marco Rubio

(Newser) - What do voters think of Rob Portman? They don't, a poll finds. Some 51% don't have an opinion on the man currently most likely to join Mitt Romney's ticket, the highest "no opinion" figure about pretty much anything in a Washington Post -ABC poll since September....

Joe Biden Daughter Gets Married

Ashley Biden marries Howard Krein in Delaware

(Newser) - Now this is a really big deal for Joe Biden: The veep's only daughter, Ashley Biden, yesterday married Dr. Howard Krein in the same Delaware church in which she was baptized, reports People . The 30-year-old bride wore Vera Wang, and dad was ready for the waterworks: "I kept...

Michelle Tells Stewart About 'Post-Dope' Obama

Obama 'realized he could do more with his life,' she says

(Newser) - Michelle Obama capped a media blitz that included visits to Good Morning America and the View with an appearance on the Daily Show last night. The first lady, ostensibly promoting her new cookbook, didn't take the bait when Jon Stewart asked about her husband's pot-smoking high school years,...

Obamas&#39; Assets: Up to $8.3M
 Obamas' Assets: Up to $8.3M 

Obamas' Assets: Up to $8.3M

Presidential books still paying off

(Newser) - Barack and Michelle Obama's personal finances are in sound shape: The first couple today reported total assets of between $2.6 million and $8.3 million last year, reports the Washington Post . (The imprecision is because of the broad ranges on reporting forms.) President Obama is still collecting...

Biden Apologized to Obama on Gay Marriage

White House: VP said he didn't mean to overstep boundaries

(Newser) - Skeptics may think Joe Biden's public comments on gay marriage were carefully orchestrated, but the White House insists it was just Joe being Joe. In fact, Biden apologized to the president the first time the two spoke afterward, reports the New York Times and Washington Post . (Both cite anonymous...

Joe Biden Suddenly a Liberal Hero

His gay-marriage comments 'sped up history': Steve Kornacki

(Newser) - Liberals are celebrating a hero in the White House, and his name is ... Joe Biden. The vice president's comments on Sunday in support of gay marriage clearly "sped up history," writes Steve Kornacki at Salon , and gave President Obama "no choice but to say what he’...

Behind Obama's Gay-Marriage Nod: Biden

VP's comments forced the president's hand sooner rather than later

(Newser) - If the United States of America had a nickel for every time its current vice president opened his mouth and inserted foot, we'd all get a trip to Disneyland. But Joe Biden's comments Sunday instead got us President Obama's personal endorsement of gay marriage —yesterday, not...

Joe Biden's Gay Marriage Motive: the 2016 Election

'Meet the Press' interview did touch on presidential run

(Newser) - Joe Biden's support for gay marriage may not have been a political "trial balloon" or a typically Bidenesque case of loose lips. "No one knows quite what to make of Joe Biden’s apparent endorsement of same-sex marriage on Sunday," writes Steve Kornacki at Salon . But...

Arne Duncan: I Support Gay Marriage

He's the second Obama secretary to say so, not counting Biden

(Newser) - Joe Biden's not the only one in the Obama administration comfortable with same-sex marriage . On Morning Joe today, Mark Halperin asked Education Secretary Arne Duncan if he supported same-sex marriage, and Duncan didn't equivocate at all. "Yes, I do," he replied. Asked if he'd ever...

White House Backs Off Biden's Support of Gay Marriage

Joe Biden makes waves with Meet the Press comments

(Newser) - Moments after Joe Biden offered his candid support for gay marriage yesterday, the White House rushed to clarify its position. "The vice president was saying what the president has said previously—that committed and loving same-sex couples deserve the same rights and protections enjoyed by all Americans and that...

McCain to Mitt: Pick a VP You Trust
 McCain to Mitt: 
 Pick a VP You Trust 

McCain to Mitt: Pick a VP You Trust

Gingrich says it's 'inconceivable' that he'll be the pick

(Newser) - And on the seventh day, inquiring Republicans again debated who Mitt Romney will pick to run for vice president: John McCain, a person who knows a little something about picking a veep, said qualifications reign supreme —and that Sarah Palin's won her the No. 2 spot on his...

Joe Biden 'Comfortable' With Gay Marriage

Vice president endorses same-sex unions on 'Meet the Press'

(Newser) - President Obama's views may be "evolving" on gay marriage , but Joe Biden's are characteristically blunt: The vice president, though making clear his views were his own, told Meet the Press this morning that he's "absolutely comfortable" with gays tying the knot, saying that the concept...

Bin Laden Anniversary: Is Obama Gloating?

Critics think White House is out of bounds with emphasis on raid

(Newser) - With the May 1 anniversary of Osama bin Laden's killing upon us, the White House is going to great lengths to remind everyone all about it. For starters, there's Joe Biden's new stock phrase : "Bin Laden is dead, and General Motors is alive." Then there'...

Biden: 'I Promise You, the President Has a Big Stick'

VP was talking foreign policy, but...

(Newser) - Joe Biden went after Mitt Romney today as "out of touch" on foreign policy and used the new Obama 2012 catchphrase—"Osama bin Laden is dead and General Motors is alive"—to make his point, notes Politico . "If Governor Romney had been president, could he have...

Biden: Obama Hot Mic Oops Was &#39;Stating the Obvious&#39;
Biden: Obama Hot Mic Oops Was 'Stating the Obvious'

Biden: Obama Hot Mic Oops Was 'Stating the Obvious'

The VP tackles contraception debate, Romney, ObamaCare

(Newser) - President Obama wasn't caving to the Russians or engaging in back-door politics in last week's "hot mic" moment with Dimitry Medvedev , he was just "stating the obvious," the veep charged this morning on Face the Nation. “The idea that in this election year we'...

Stories 761 - 780 | << Prev   Next >>