Joe Biden

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Assange: Palin, Huckabee 'Inciting People to Murder' Me

When was due process tossed out, he asks in interview

(Newser) - Furious WikiLeaker Julian Assange yesterday slammed critics like Mike Huckabee and Sarah Palin for "inciting people to murder" him. "If we are to have a civil society you cannot have senior people making calls on national TV to go around the judiciary and murder people. That is incitement...

Biden's Way Off on 'Total' Afghanistan Pullout
Biden's Way Off on 'Total' Afghanistan Pullout

Biden's Way Off on 'Total' Afghanistan Pullout

VP claimed departure 'come hell or high water'

(Newser) - Joe Biden was in the spotlight this weekend for saying the US would follow its Iraq model and be “totally” out of Afghanistan by 2014, “come hell or high water.” Well, that’s just wrong, writes Justin Elliott in Salon . For one thing, withdrawal from Iraq hasn’...

Biden: Assange Is a 'High-Tech Terrorist'

WikiLeaks founder shouldn't be considered whistleblower, VP says

(Newser) - Vice President Joe Biden has issued the administration's strongest denunciation yet of Julian Assange. Asked on NBC's Meet The Press whether he thought the WikiLeaks founder was a whistleblower or a "high-tech terrorist," the vice-president said Assange was definitely the latter, and that the administration is actively seeking...

Biden: We Did Go to Mat on Tax Cuts
Biden: We Did Go
to Mat on Tax Cuts

Biden: We Did Go to Mat on Tax Cuts

Meanwhile, back at the New START treaty, time grows short

(Newser) - President Obama's tax-cut compromise took more than a few kicks in the teeth from the left, but Joe Biden has had enough: "We did go to the mat. A total of 130 races, I made this case. We got to the end, we couldn’t get it done, and...

The Worst Prognostications of 2010
Worst Prognostications
of the Year
2010 in review

Worst Prognostications of the Year

Joe Biden and Meghan McCain make the list

(Newser) - A roundup of the year's worst predictions from Joshua Keating at Foreign Policy .
  • Recovery summer: Joe Biden's statement in June that "more people are going to be put to work this summer" puts him atop Keating's list of of know-it-all pundits and pols who ended up with egg on

The Unique (and Growing) Role of Joe Biden

VP fights for White House in Congress, abroad

(Newser) - If it seems like Joe Biden was just waxing poetic about “the first mainstream" black guy who's "bright and clean," then you probably won't recognize the fierce veep who defended the boss last week, shouting at whining Dems, "There's no goddamned way I'm going to stand...

Senate Democrats Warm to Obama's Tax Deal

But Biden makes little progress in the House

(Newser) - Democrats are coming around on the tax cut deal President Obama struck with Republicans—at least in the Senate. Yesterday, the White House was showing off independent forecasts predicting that the concessions Obama won in the deal could create up to 2.2 million jobs, the Washington Post reports. “...

Biden Tries to Quell Democrat Rebellion in House

House Democrats band together to decry deal

(Newser) - Joe Biden will head to Capitol Hill today in an attempt to win over Democrats furious about President Obama’s deal on the Bush tax cuts. Democratic lawmakers discovered a shocking level of consensus when they huddled to discuss the deal yesterday, the Huffington Post reports: Every last speaker agreed...

'Gray Lady' Profiles Onion, Blogosphere Points, Laughs
'Gray Lady' Profiles Onion,
Blogosphere Points, Laughs
media pile-on

'Gray Lady' Profiles Onion, Blogosphere Points, Laughs

Bloggers poke fun of 'NYT' article about Joe Biden parodies

(Newser) - The Onion likes writing parodies about Joe Biden, Biden reportedly likes reading them, and the New York Times takes note of it all with a story today headlined "The Onion Strikes Comic Gold With Biden Spoofs" that you can read here . Or you can read the bewildered reaction from...

Israel Plans New Settlements
Israel Plans New Settlements

Israel Plans New Settlements

Controversial announcement for 1,000 homes made as Netanyahu visits DC

(Newser) - Plans for 1,000 new homes to be built in East Jerusalem were published in Israeli newspapers just as Benjamin Netanyahu participated in negotiations in Washington, DC, the New York Times reports. The announcements fly in the face of American and Palestinian requests for a settlement freeze in the interest...

Biden: Obama Asked Me to Run Again

He will be on 2012 ticket, he assures us

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton already squashed rumors that she’ll replace Joe Biden as vice president on the 2012 ticket, and now Biden himself is doing the same. “I tell you what, there’s real trust, that’s why he’s asked me to run again,” he tells the New ...

Clinton Squashes VP Rumors

Says she has 'absolutely no interest'

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton forcefully dismissed the bubbling rumors that she would replace Joe Biden as Barack Obama’s running mate in 2012. Time magazine’s CEO asked Clinton about the rumors at a professional women’s conference today, according to Andrea Mitchell of NBC . Clinton replied that Biden was doing “...

Woodward: Clinton May Move to VP

It's 'on the table' he tells John King

(Newser) - Rumors have been swirling around the Beltway that Hillary Clinton might replace Joe Biden on the 2012 ticket, and Bob Woodward gave them a little stir last night on CNN . Asked by John King if he thought Clinton would step in, Woodward readily replied, “It’s on the table....

Biden Tells Dems 'Stop Whining'

Lefties don't take the advice so well

(Newser) - Joe Biden, long known for his propensity for sticking his foot in, among other things, his own mouth, had another less-than-diplomatic moment today. Speaking in New Hampshire, the vice president said his party's faithful should get over their beef with the Obama White House's performance, and start pounding the pavement....

White House Torn Apart By Afghan War

Bob Woodward book reveals deep fault lines over war policy

(Newser) - The Obama White House is a simmering pot of anger and disagreement, with too many bickering chefs handling of the war in Afghanistan, according to a new book by Bob Woodward that exposes deep rifts in the administration. Here, via the New York Times , are some of the juicy bits...

O'Donnell Thought Biden Was Tapping Her Phone: Ex-Aide

Former workers describe nutty candidate

(Newser) - No one is more mystified by Christine O'Donnell's victory in Delaware than her former campaign workers, Politico reports. The Tea Party warrior is unrecognizable to staff members from her 2008 Senate bid—during which O'Donnell thought her opponent, Joe Biden, was tapping her phone. She was also fixated on TV...

Stewart Mocks Biden's 'Summer of Recovery'

'Summer of bedbugs' might have been more accurate

(Newser) - America had a summer of bedbugs and mosque controversy instead of the "summer of recovery" Joe Biden promised, complains Jon Stewart. The Daily Show host, pointing to dismal jobs numbers and the sagging stock market, says "summer of recovery" is about as accurate as calling last summer the...

Joe Biden: Hot Dog Guy to the Troops
 Joe Biden: 
 Hot Dog Guy 
 to the Troops 
Colbert Stunt

Joe Biden: Hot Dog Guy to the Troops

Vice president makes Colbert show appearance

(Newser) - Stephen Colbert celebrated the nominal end of the Iraq war last night in front of an audience full of military personnel. Determined to give them all the comforts of home, Colbert lined the rows with grass, served them beer, and wheeled out a hot dog cart manned by none other...

Biden Visits Iraq to Mark End of US Combat Ops

VP to discuss security with al-Maliki

(Newser) - Joe Biden returned to Iraq for the sixth time today to mark this week's formal end to US combat operations, and will preside over Wednesday's military change-of-command ceremony. Officials said Biden will also make a new appeal to Iraqi leaders to end a six-month post-election stalemate blocking formation of a...

Overlooked Part of the Stimulus: A Green Revolution

Joe Biden: 'Now the fun stuff starts'

(Newser) - President Obama's stimulus package has so far been debated in narrow terms of how many jobs it may or may not have saved or created, writes Michael Grunwald in Time. Lost in the rhetoric are the many profound and long-term ways it can change America—first and foremost in creating...

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