Joe Biden

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Off-Message Biden Is Right: US Must Stay on Top

EJ Dionne: Vice president recasts the political debate perfectly

(Newser) - Straying off-message yet again during an interview on the stimulus plan, Joe Biden gave EJ Dionne a new perspective on the Obama agenda. The vice president passionately insisted America will remain the world's most influential country—because of its economy, which needs the stimulus. "So many people have bet...

Biden: US Will Appeal Blackwater Dismissal

Vice president expresses his 'personal regret' for the case's outcome

(Newser) - Joe Biden said today the US will appeal a court decision dismissing manslaughter charges against five Blackwater guards involved in a deadly 2007 Baghdad shooting. Biden expressed his "personal regret" for the shooting and said the Obama administration was disappointed by the dismissal. "A dismissal is not an...

Sarah Palin Chosen Out of 'Desperation'
 Sarah Palin Chosen 
 Out of 'Desperation' 

Sarah Palin Chosen Out of 'Desperation'

Campaign strategist, authors discuss new book Game Change

(Newser) - When Sarah Palin memorably asked Joe Biden, “Can I call you Joe?” during the vice-presidential debate, it was a strategy—but not the strategy everyone assumed. During debate prep, Palin kept referring to Biden as “O’Biden,” campaign strategist Steve Schmidt tells CBS . “When you had...

Joe Biden's Mother Dead at 92
 Joe Biden's Mother Dead at 92 

Joe Biden's Mother Dead at 92

VP says Jean Biden taught family 'the dignity of hard work'

(Newser) - Jean Biden, the mother of VP Joe Biden and a familiar presence on the 2008 campaign trail, died today in WIlmington, Del. She was 92. On her deathbed, she was "surrounded by her children, her grandchildren, her great-grandchildren and many loved ones," Joe Biden said in a statement....

Resolutions for Obama and Co.
 Resolutions for Obama and Co. 
Karl Rove

Resolutions for Obama and Co.

Rove has suggestions for everyone in Washington this new year

(Newser) - With the New Year mere hours away, Karl Rove offers up some 2010 resolutions for the White House in the Wall Street Journal. They go a little something like this:
  • Barack Obama should worry less about making everyone think he agrees with them, and more about meaning what he says.

VP Urges Dems to Unite Behind Senate Health Bill
VP Urges Dems to Unite Behind Senate Health Bill
joe biden

VP Urges Dems to Unite Behind Senate Health Bill

'In Washington big changes never emerge in perfect form,' ex-senator writes

(Newser) - As president of the Senate, Joe Biden has the run of the place, but the vice president takes to the op-ed page of the New York Times to urge fellow Democrats to stop sniping and support the health care bill. "I’ve been around a long time," the...

Obama's Long Road to Afghan Strategy
 Long Road to 
 Afghan Strategy 

Obama's Long Road to Afghan Strategy

Prez was relentless in analyzing every angle

(Newser) - Amid cries of "dithering" and the silent finality of Arlington's rows of white tombstones, President Obama calmly, analytically, and exhaustively reviewed all options in Afghanistan before finally announcing to his team on Nov. 29 that he would send in 30,000 more troops. The New York Times retraces the...

Obamas Light National Christmas Tree

'Technologically challenged' prez pushes right buttons

(Newser) - Surrounded by celebrity performers and characters from the North Pole, the Obama family led a countdown and lighted the National Christmas Tree tonight on the Ellipse, just south of the White House. Michelle Obama and daughters Malia and Sasha helped President Obama press a button to light the tree, an...

Obama Cools to Surge in Afghan Forces

President expected to pare down Afghan role in US plans

(Newser) - Even as President Obama is expected to announce a surge in US troops in Afghanistan tomorrow, the White House has soured on doubling the size of the Afghan army and police, the Wall Street Journal reports. The president plans to scale back a key element of Gen. McChrystal's strategy, the...

Test Your Palin Knowledge
 Test Your Palin Knowledge 

Test Your Palin Knowledge

'Newsweek' goes deep with Sarah trivia

(Newser) - With Sarah Palin fever at its highest point since the 2008 election, Newsweek dares you to test how much you know about the nation's most polarizing politician:
  • What question did Palin and strategists plan for her to ask Joe Biden before the start of their debate?
  • Mat, Court, Zamboni, and

Biden the Second Most Powerful Vice Prez

He's scaling back from Cheney, but a major player in his own right

(Newser) - Joe Biden is surely not as powerful as Dick Cheney was, writes James Traub. But because Cheney so radically expanded the office of vice president, Biden has been able to scale it back and still become arguably the second most powerful VP in history. Biden has no portfolio—he acts...

Reid 'Optimistic' About 60 Votes

Majority leader thinks he's got the support to send bill to the floor

(Newser) - Harry Reid is “cautiously optimistic” about the success of his frantic attempts to unite the 60 votes of his caucus behind the Senate health care reform bill. “I think we’re together,” he says. But the majority leader was positively voluble about the bill itself, notes the...

Biden Yuks It Up With Stewart
 Biden Yuks It Up With Stewart 

Biden Yuks It Up With Stewart

Jon quizzes Joe on the state of the economy and more

(Newser) - Joe Biden discussed his transition to vice president, the economy, and Amtrak with Jon Stewart on The Daily Show last night. “The Republican Party has nothing but hardcore conservatives. There’s no moderates left. The Democratic Party has moderates, liberals, and conservative Democrats,” Biden said. “And Communists,...

En Route to Daily Show , a Not-So-Funny Incident
En Route to Daily Show,
a Not-So-Funny Incident

En Route to Daily Show, a Not-So-Funny Incident

3 injured in Biden motorcade wreck

(Newser) - Three people were injured tonight when New York police clearing the way for Vice President Joe Biden’s appearance on The Daily Show with Jon Stewart collided with a livery cab trying to skirt the stopped traffic. “They T-boned him,” a witness told the Post of the incident,...

Palin Not Fit for Presidency: Poll
 Palin Not Fit for Presidency: Poll
survey says

Palin Not Fit for Presidency: Poll

Voters think Hillary Clinton would be swell, though

(Newser) - With a blockbuster memoir and national tour, Sarah Palin is again grabbing headlines. But does she have what it takes for a 2012 presidential bid? The answer is a resounding “no,” according a CNN and Opinion Research poll. Only 28% believe she’s qualified for the nation’s...

Limbaugh 'Handpicked' Hoffman: Biden
 Hoffman: Biden 
NY-23 circus

Limbaugh 'Handpicked' Hoffman: Biden

Limbaugh: VP should 'reacquaint himself' with Constitution

(Newser) - Joe Biden took aim at a variety of GOP and conservative opponents today at a rally for New York congressional candidate Bill Owens. The VP said Conservative candidate Douglas Hoffman was “handpicked” by Rush Limbaugh, adding that Hoffman is in line with conservatives like Sarah Palin who “will...

Is Biden Really Less Popular Than Cheney?
Is Biden Really Less Popular Than Cheney?
Marc Ambinder

Is Biden Really Less Popular Than Cheney?

Nope! Recent Gallup numbers don't give whole picture

(Newser) - The latest Gallup numbers look bad for Joe Biden. His approval rating has sunk to 42%, which seems to put him way below the 55% Al Gore averaged in his first year, and way, way below the 65% Cheney averaged in his. Say it ain’t so! “OK, it...

City-Focused Afghan Plan Winning Support

Emerging strategy fuses McChrystal, Biden competing plans

(Newser) - A plan one official describes as "McChrystal for the city, Biden for the country," is emerging as the administration continues to hammer out its Afghan strategy. The plan would concentrate US forces in population centers, while maintaining pressure on insurgents elsewhere with drone strikes and targeted attacks from...

Obama Leans to Modified McChrystal Plan

Not buying Biden strategy as sufficient, without some troops

(Newser) - Gen. Stanley McChrystal looks less and less likely to walk away empty handed, the Wall Street Journal predicts, as President Obama moves towards a "hybrid" strategy in Afghanistan that would combine troop increases with the special ops approach supported by the vice president. One scenario would see 10,000...

Biden on Cheney's Afghan Bluster: 'Who Cares?'

In Europe, VP calls predecessor's review of conflict 'irrelevant'

(Newser) - Joe Biden’s in Europe, but his latest opinion of Dick Cheney’s continued attacks on President Obama isn’t getting lost in translation. Asked about Cheney’s criticism that Obama is “dithering” on Afghanistan, Biden replied: “Who cares?” Biden added that a review of the conflict late...

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