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Pediatrician's Child Rape Trial Over in a Day

Graphic testimony heard at Earl Bradley trial

(Newser) - The trial of former Delaware pediatrician Earl Bradley, accused of committing monstrous sex crimes against scores of young patients, lasted four hours. Several people fled the courtroom as investigators described how Bradley, 58, had recorded hundreds of hours of video of himself abusing a total of 86 victims, all but...

And the Least-Stressed US State Is...

Hawaii, Wyoming top list

(Newser) - America is about as stressed as it was last year, a recent poll finds: Some 39.4% of 352,840 respondents called themselves stressed “a lot of the day,” compared to 39.9% last year. The year before was just a little more relaxed, with 38.8% saying...

Civil Unions Now Legal in Delaware

Governor Jack Markell signs bill in party-like ceremony

(Newser) - Governor Jack Markell signed a law granting same-sex couples the right to form civil unions in Delaware last night, in a packed and celebratory event at the Queen Theatre in Wilmington. “Tonight, we say to loving and committed couples across the state … ‘Your love is equally valid...

Biden Shows Up for Jury Duty in Delaware

No word yet on whether he'll be seated on a case

(Newser) - What is the vice president up to today? Why, fulfilling his civic duty, thank you very much. Joe Biden reported this morning for jury duty in Delaware, along with about 100 other prospective jurors. He (and his Secret Service agents, of course) arrived around 9:30am for roll call at...

Man Breaks Into House, Gets Too Drunk to Climb Out

He calls police to help

(Newser) - Time to add another notch in the long list of astonishingly dumb criminals —a Delaware man climbed in a rear window of a house to rob it, and got so drunk inside he was unable to climb back out, say police. His inspired solution? Call 911. The burglar stayed...

O'Donnell: Establishment Is Out to Get Me

Both parties want to 'stop Tea Party in its tracks,' she says

(Newser) - Erstwhile Delaware Senate candidate Christine O'Donnell blasted reports of a federal investigation into alleged campaign finance fraud as an "establishment trick." We’ve "been warned by multiple high-ranking Democrat insiders that the Delaware Democrat and Republican political establishment is jointly planning to pull out all the stops...

Christine O'Donnell Signs Book Deal

She wants it to be a 'catalyst' for revolution

(Newser) - Christine O'Donnell is again following the lead of her political heroine Sarah Palin. She's signed a deal with St. Martin's Press for a book that she tweets will "set the record straight" on the election, reports the Huffington Post . A separate statement from her has larger ambitions: "The...

Station 'Forgets' to Air O'Donnell Infomercial

24-minute spot only shown online

(Newser) - Following the lead of President Obama's 2008 campaign, Christine O’Donnell has made a 24-minute campaign ad to show on the eve of the election—but the Delaware cable station her campaign paid to run it hasn’t done so, the Huffington Post reports. “The campaign bought the time...

Gawker: O'Donnell's a Hypocrite Prude

Site defends candidate sex romp story

(Newser) - Gawker has launched a spirited defense of its decision to print a controversial story about a booze-fueled near-sex romp by "reborn virgin" Christine O'Donnell. The wanna-be Delaware senator's personal life is legitimate fodder for media scrutiny because O'Donnell "lies about who she is," and "tells that...

O'Donnell: Constitution Separates Church, State?

Delaware Tea Partier doesn't know the First Amendment

(Newser) - Christine O'Donnell apparently doesn't subscribe to the view that the Constitution guarantees the separation of church and state, CBS News reports. "Where in the Constitution is (that)?" she asked Senate candidate Chris Coons during a debate over whether schools should be allowed to teach intelligent design. It prompted laughs...

Meghan McCain: O'Donnell's a 'Nut Job'

And her campaign 'scares me,' says Meg

(Newser) - Whoa! Meghan McCain takedown! The battle of the GOP fems got ugly yesterday when McCain blasted Tea Party Senate candidate Christine O'Donnell as a scary nut job. "Christine O'Donnell is making a mockery of running for public office," McCain said yesterday on ABC's This Week. "She has...

O'Donnell Ad: 'I'm Not a Witch'

'I'm you,' candidate says in first TV ad

(Newser) - Christine O'Donnell wants Delaware voters to know that she's not a witch. The GOP Senate candidate addressed negative publicity head-on in her first TV ad, the Washington Post reports. "I am not a witch," announced O'Donnell, who told Bill Maher she had "dabbled in witchcraft" in a...

Christine O’Donnell Is MIA in Delaware

Tea Party belle proves that in 2010, all politics is national

(Newser) - You know that old saw, “all politics is local”? Well these days it seems that all politics is national, Matt Bai of the New York Times observes. Just look at Christine O’Donnell. She’s appeared on every national conservative media outlet that will have her, but has...

O'Donnell Fudged Calif. University Credential, Too

Claremont Graduate University has no record of her

(Newser) - Oxford isn't the only school Delaware senate candidate Christine O'Donnell didn't attend, no matter how many times she might say that she did. "Claremont Graduate University has no student or education record for an individual named Christine O'Donnell," says a unequivocal statement from the school in answer to...

Christine O'Donnell Fudges Claim About Oxford

She didn't attend, but she did take a course in a building owned by the university

(Newser) - Christine O'Donnell seems to have falsely embellished her education record on her LinkedIn bio, reports the Plum Line blog of the Washington Post . The bio says she attended Oxford and studied Post-Modernism in the New Millennium, "but it turns out that was just a course conducted by an institution...

Witches Furious With O'Donnell
 Witches Furious With O'Donnell 

Witches Furious With O'Donnell

Don't count on the Wiccan vote in Delaware, Christine

(Newser) - Senate candidate Christine O'Donnell apparently didn't realize she was risking votes when she denounced her witchcraft-dabbling past as a brief fling with "questionable" people. Now witches are furious. "She is defaming Wiccans," High Priestess Selena Fox told the Huffington Post . "America needs to be a place...

O'Donnell Dodges News Shows
 O'Donnell Dodges News Shows 

O'Donnell Dodges News Shows

She denies vanishing act has anything to do with 'witchcraft'

(Newser) - Christine O'Donnell dodged news shows yesterday as critics held the Delaware Senate candidate's feet to the fire over her witchcraft dabbling. But she couldn't keep her reasons straight for why she was a last-minute no-show. O'Donnell handlers told Fox News Sunday she was "exhausted," but the candidate later...

O'Donnell Thought Biden Was Tapping Her Phone: Ex-Aide

Former workers describe nutty candidate

(Newser) - No one is more mystified by Christine O'Donnell's victory in Delaware than her former campaign workers, Politico reports. The Tea Party warrior is unrecognizable to staff members from her 2008 Senate bid—during which O'Donnell thought her opponent, Joe Biden, was tapping her phone. She was also fixated on TV...

Christine O'Donnell Raises $850K Online

Donations pour in after win

(Newser) - Funny what a little publicity can do. Christine O'Donnell's campaign has raked in $850,000 since Tuesday's win, ABC News reports . "We're at 99% of our $1,000,000 goal," O'Donnell herself tweeted this afternoon. "Help push us over the top." And even if that math...

Castle: I Lost Because of Limbaugh's 'Lies'

Defeated congressman blames conservative media for loss to O'Donnell

(Newser) - Mike Castle lashed out at the conservative media yesterday, blaming it in part for his loss to Christine O’Donnell. “I hope journalists check their facts,” the Delaware Republican said in an interview with Fox News . “I think the misrepresentations and the lies of Sean Hannity...

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