
Stories 221 - 240 | << Prev   Next >>

Hurricane Gustav to Hit Haiti
 Hurricane Gustav to Hit Haiti

Hurricane Gustav to Hit Haiti

Expected to make landfall later today

(Newser) - Hurricane Gustav is expected to make landfall in Haiti later today, Bloomberg reports, buffeting a country already hard hit by Tropical Storm Fay earlier this month. Gustav was upgraded from a tropical storm earlier this morning, after strengthening over the Caribbean. The National Hurricane Center said that preparations should “...

US Seeks to Weaken Hurricanes
 US Seeks to Weaken Hurricanes

US Seeks to Weaken Hurricanes

Scientists propose techniques to modify the weather

(Newser) - The Department of Homeland Security is hoping that weather-altering techniques can lessen the devastation caused by hurricanes, the Daily Telegraph reports. A hurricane reduction program likely to begin in October will devote $64 million to efforts such as spreading tiny salt particles in the storms to drain them of much...

Beijing Becomes Obsessed With Rain

Chinese people want some, but not too much, for Olympics

(Newser) - Talking about the weather isn’t just idle conversation in Beijing these days—it’s a national obsession, the Washington Post reports. The country is so anxious for a sunny Olympics—with just enough rain to clear the smog, of course—that changes in the forecast have become front-page news....

Global Warming Didn't Cause New England Tornadoes

Scientists link extreme events to bad weather 'block'

(Newser) - Two tornadoes have ripped through New England in the last few days, killing a New Hampshire woman and doing serious property damage. But don’t blame global warming for the uncharacteristically violent climate: local climatologists tell the Boston Herald equally extreme weather struck the region in the ‘30s and...

Dolly Makes Texas Landfall
 Dolly Makes Texas Landfall 

Dolly Makes Texas Landfall

Rio Grande levees remain intact amid heavy rain, winds topping 100 mph

(Newser) - Hurricane Dolly has come ashore near South Padre Island, Texas, the AP reports, forcing thousands on both sides of the US-Mexico border to forsake their homes for shelters. Heavy winds and rains have already destroyed a building’s roof and cut power for thousands; authorities say levees along the Rio...

Tropical Storm Douglas Forms Off Mexico

Could cause heavy rain, but not expected to hit land

(Newser) - Tropical Storm Douglas formed off Mexico's Pacific coast today, but forecasters say it is not expected to hit land. The storm, located about 245 miles southwest of Manzanillo, will bring rough weather to the southern Baja California Peninsula and could dump heavy rains between Lazaro Cardenas and Puerto Vallarta.

Navy Ship Leaves Port —Without 100 Sailors

USS Ronald Reagan, fleeing typhoon, leaves 100 seamen in Hong Kong

(Newser) - A US aircraft carrier set sail from Hong Kong early Sunday with about 100 of its crew still on shore leave, the AP reports. The USS Ronald Reagan and its support ships left port early because Typhoon Fengshen was bearing down. Officials are scrambling to book flights to reunite the...

West Coast Freezes as East Coast Bakes

Aspen re-opens its slopes and Washington expects 5 inches

(Newser) - As the sun scorches the East Coast, the West is shivering from a brisk few weeks. Areas of Washington are expected to get up to 5 inches of snow, while Aspen, Colo., is re-opening its slopes. There's still an average of 3 feet of white stuff on Aspen Mountain's upper...

Poor Crops Threaten to Worsen Food Crisis

Bad weather in US, Australia threatens harvests amid shortages

(Newser) - Amid fears of looming food shortages around the world, this year’s crops aren’t providing much hope, the New York Times reports. While farmers in America have been hit with too much rain, Australian farmers are battling the effects of drought. US farmers planted 4 million more acres this...

Storms Pummel Midwest, Scare Visitors

Kansas tornadoes smash homes, spook elephants

(Newser) - Severe weather lashed the Great Plains yesterday after forecasters warned of a possible tornado outbreak as bad as the 1974 one that spawned 39 twisters, AP reports. At least four tornadoes touched down in Kansas, causing widespread damage and spooking a pair of runaway circus elephants. Heavy rains caused rivers...

World 'Knew' About Cyclone, Expert Says

Burma says it warned citizens 5 days before landfall

(Newser) - Burma says it warned its people of Cyclone Nargis 5 days before landfall, when it learned of the storm over news wires—but one expert believes Burma's media outlets were too primitive to spread the message. With Burma's death toll as high as 100,000, Newsweek talked to a global...

March Land Temperatures Hit Record High

But US has average month

(Newser) - This March was the world's warmest ever on record over land surfaces—and the second warmest overall, AP reports. Land temperatures worldwide averaged 40.8 degrees Fahrenheit, 3.2 degrees above the 20th-century average. Over land and sea, only 2002 saw higher temperatures in 129 years of record-keeping, adding to...

Savage Storms Lash the South
 Savage Storms Lash the South 

Savage Storms Lash the South

2-year-old dies in Kentucky; Mississippi and Arkansas battered

(Newser) - Severe storms tore through Southern states yesterday, the AP reports. Homes were damaged and tens of thousands of people had their power knocked out. A 2-year-old Kentucky girl died in surging floodwater and 22 injuries were reported in Mississippi as storms packing possible tornadoes toppled trees, ripped roofs off homes...

Fall Out Boy Misses Historic Gig

Bad weather in Antarctica snarls plan to play on all the continents

(Newser) - MTV faves Fall Out Boy won’t be taking its place alongside champion hand-walkers and fingernail-growers in the Guinness Book of World Records, NME reports: Nasty weather has kept the band from traveling to Antarctica, where it was to become the first group to have played on all seven continents....

Season Springs Forward as Climate Warms Up

Bees are buzzing, trees are flowering, and biologists are worrying

(Newser) - Today is officially the first day of spring, but spring has been gradually shifting into winter, the AP reports. Signs of spring—trees flowering, animals coming out of hibernation—are coming earlier every year. The shifting season has biologists seriously worried. "The alarm clock that all the plants and...

Snowstorm Wallops Greece
Snowstorm Wallops Greece

Snowstorm Wallops Greece

Villages stranded, schools closed, flights canceled

(Newser) - A freak snowstorm stranded as many as 200 Greek villages and halted hundreds of flights yesterday and today in Athens, reports Bloomberg. Power and water supply problems were reported across the country and civil defense authorities were on alert. Up to six inches of snow buried the Greek capital, a...

Solar Lull May Trigger Ice Age
Solar Lull May Trigger Ice Age

Solar Lull May Trigger Ice Age

Global warming still dire despite sluggish sun, study says

(Newser) - Solar activity, which usually runs in 11-year cycles, has been so sluggish of late that space weathermen are worried we might be entering a mini-ice age. They expected to see sunspot activity pick up about last March, to peak in 2012; if the sun stays this sluggish for another year...

Phil Predicts a Longer Winter
Phil Predicts a Longer Winter

Phil Predicts a Longer Winter

Pennsylvania's famed groundhog sees his shadow

(Newser) - Bundle up. Punxsutawney Phil, America's most famous groundhog, saw his shadow this morning and predicted six more weeks of winter, the AP reports. About 30,000 people  descended on the Pennsylvania town to see Phil pulled from his tree stump by members of the Punxsutawney Groundhog Club Inner Circle, clad...

New York Enjoys First Snow-Free Jan. in 75 Years

February also sizing up to be warmer than usual

(Newser) - Barring a freak blizzard later today, this month will go down in history as New York City's first January without snow since 1933, reports LiveScience. Only a tiny dusting of snow, "not enough to measure," has fallen so far.  An expert from the state's climate office says...

China Snow Crisis Turns Deadly
China Snow Crisis Turns Deadly

China Snow Crisis Turns Deadly

Wild weather continues to strand thousands, cripple power supply

(Newser) - China’s record snowstorm has killed at least 25 people when the bus they were riding in careened off a slick mountain road in the southwestern province of Guizhou, reports Reuters. Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao today visited hordes of stranded train passengers in Hunan province, and the government urged migrant...

Stories 221 - 240 | << Prev   Next >>