
Stories 361 - 380 | << Prev   Next >>

Congressman Apologizes for Winehouse Tweet

Missouri's Billy Long drew connection to debt ceiling debate

(Newser) - Ah, the Amy Winehouse-debt ceiling connection. Don't see it? Missouri GOP Congressman Billy Long thought it was obvious: ""No one could reach #AmyWinehouse before it was too late. Can anyone reach Washington before it's too late? Both addicted - same fate???" he tweeted. Now he's...

MSNBC Suspends Halperin for 'D**k' Remark

Commentator calls move 'totally appropriate'

(Newser) - MSNBC has suspended Mark Halperin indefinitely after he called President Obama a “dick” on Morning Joe. “Mark Halperin's comments this morning were completely inappropriate and unacceptable. We apologize to the president, the White House, and all of our viewers,” the network said in a statement. “...

Karzai: No More NATO Airstrikes on Houses

Warns of unilateral move to stop attacks

(Newser) - Hamid Karzai has called on NATO to cease all airstrikes on civilian homes, warning that Afghanistan could unilaterally intervene to stop any continued attacks. The Afghan president spoke at a televised press conference following a US airstrike that killed some 12 women and children . “The Afghan people can no...

Rush Limbaugh: Obama Owes Us an Osama Apology

It's Bush's policies that led us to bin Laden, says radio host

(Newser) - The Obama administration shouldn’t be patting itself on the back for finding Osama bin Laden—it should be apologizing, says Rush Limbaugh. And so should the entire “American Left” for "taking every opportunity to undermine" the Bush-era policies that ultimately led to bin Laden's death. “...

Biden Aide to Journo: Sorry We Put You in the Closet

Blogosphere erupts over reporter's hour-long wait

(Newser) - A rep for Joe Biden has apologized to a reporter for his lengthy stay in a storage closet on Wednesday, where he waited to cover a fundraiser, reports Fox News . “This was the unfortunate mistake of an inexperienced staffer and the vice president's office has made sure it will...

Gates: After 2014, US Should Stay Involved in Afghanistan

Officials agree on engagement beyond deadline, says defense secretary

(Newser) - Both the US and Afghanistan agree that the US military should maintain its involvement with Afghanistan past 2014 by continuing to train and advise Afghan troops, said Defense Secretary Robert Gates. “Obviously it would be a small fraction of the presence that we have today, but I think we're...

Kanye: Lauer Used Me

 Kanye West: 
 Matt Lauer 
 Used Me 


Kanye West: Matt Lauer Used Me

Rapper rants on Twitter; feels 'alone,' 'used'

(Newser) - First Kanye West called George Bush a racist. Then Bush called the moment “disgusting.” Then Kanye accepted the blame. The latest in the Bush/Kanye mess, brought to you by Matt Lauer and Twitter:
  • Kanye West told Lauer he understood Bush’s feelings.
  • Then the rapper went on a

Olbermann to MSNBC: I Want an Apology

'Keith sees himself as the star,' says an insider

(Newser) - As Keith Olbermann prepares to return to MSNBC tomorrow, it’s the network, not the host, that’s reportedly apologizing. Olbermann “insisted that MSNBC bosses apologize to him before he would agree to return,” a network insider tells PopEater . “Keith sees himself as the star of MSNBC,...

US Apologizes to Pakistan for Errant Strike

Move could pave way for reopening of supply route

(Newser) - The US apologized today for a recent helicopter attack that killed two Pakistani soldiers at an outpost near the Afghan border, saying American pilots mistook the soldiers for insurgents they were pursuing. The apology, which came after a joint investigation, could pave the way for Pakistan to reopen a key...

Martin Peretz: I Apologize for Slam on Muslims
Martin Peretz: I Apologize
for Slam on Muslims

Martin Peretz: I Apologize for Slam on Muslims

'I wrote that, but I do not believe that'

(Newser) - New Republic editor Martin Peretz set off a furor earlier this month when he wrote of Muslims: "I wonder whether I need honor these people and pretend they are worthy of the privileges of the First Amendment, which I have in my gut the sense that they will abuse....

Levi Ashamed He Apologized to Palin

Wanna-be mayor 'recants'

(Newser) - Babydaddy Levi Johnston is ashamed he apologized to his almost-mother-in-law Sarah Palin. Johnston says he "never lied about anything" ... even though he apologized to the Palins early this summer for telling lies about the former Alaska guv. Now he wishes he had kept his mouth shut. "The only...

Sorry About That Donation: Target CEO
 Sorry About 
 That Donation: 
 Target CEO 
mea culpa

Sorry About That Donation: Target CEO

Gregg Steinhafel apologizes, but doesn't renounce donation

(Newser) - Responding to the boycott of his company , Target CEO Gregg Steinhafel apologized to employees for donating to political group MN Forward, which supports right-wing politician Tom Emmer. The intent “was to support economic growth and job creation,” he wrote , but the “decision affected many of you in...

O'Reilly Apologizes to Sherrod...Sorta

More criticism is quick to follow

(Newser) - Bill O’Reilly actually apologized to Shirley Sherrod last night…and then promptly concluded she still shouldn’t get her job back. Though O’Reilly acknowledged that when he called for Sherrod’s resignation he hadn’t done his “homework,” he went on to make a case for...

White House Apologizes to Shirley Sherrod

It's still unclear whether she'll be back at work for USDA

(Newser) - The White House has apologized to Shirley Sherrod for its hasty firing of her over an out-of-context video. "Without a doubt, Miss Sherrod is owed an apology," said Robert Gibbs at his afternoon press conference. "I would do so on behalf of this administration." But will...

Miami Heat Star Compares Losing Streaks to 9/11

Dwyane Wade backtracks, apologizes

(Newser) - Dwyane Wade of the Miami Heat is scrambling to apologize after he said a losing streak by the newly LeBron James-enhanced team would "be like the World Trade is coming down again." The original source no longer includes quite that wording, New York notes, and Fanhouse is blaming...

Sen. Vitter Apologizes to Maddow Over Radio Insult

Looked like a woman a 'long time ago'

(Newser) - David Vitter has apologized to Rachel Maddow for a joke that fell closer to the plane of high school sophomore than US senator. During an appearance on a conservative radio show, the hosts mentioned Maddow's high school yearbook photo (see it here on BuzzFeed), in which she has long blond...

Joe Barton's Office Deletes Triumphant Tweet

An aide takes blame; senator keeps committee post

(Newser) - Joe Barton found himself having to backtrack again today, but this time it seems an aide is to blame. The chain of events goes like this: Barton apologized to fellow Republicans for his BP apology mess, then learned he'd get to keep his spot as ranking Republican on a plum...

GOP Leaders Ordered Barton to Apologize, 'Immediately'

Boehner, Cantor laid down the law

(Newser) - So what prompted Joe Barton's quick retraction of his apology to BP ? A sincere change of heart, maybe. Or it could have been the meeting with House GOP leaders John Boehner and Eric Cantor, who told him, "Apologize, immediately. Or you will lose your (committee) position, immediately,"...

Kristen Stewart: Sorry for That 'Rape' Quote

'Twilight' star tries to remove foot from mouth

(Newser) - Kristen Stewart has made a habit of saying annoying things in interviews, but this time she’s actually apologizing for her choice of words. When she compared paparazzi photos of herself to pictures of someone being raped, she “made an enormous mistake—clearly and obviously. I'm really sorry about...

BP's Hayward Apologizes for 'I'd Like My Life Back'

He calls it 'hurtful and thoughtless'

(Newser) - British Petroleum CEO Tony Hayward has been roundly bashed for his unfortunate "I'd like my life back" comment—lots of fishermen and coastal residents want their lives back, too, not to mention relatives of the 11 men killed in the initial explosion. Today, Hayward apologized, reports the Huffington Post...

Stories 361 - 380 | << Prev   Next >>