Levi Johnston Playgirl

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Levi Johnston Mans Up, Pays $21K in Back Child Support

Money for infant Tripp 'came out of his pocket'

(Newser) - Levi Johnston has complied with a judge’s order to pay overdue child support to Bristol Palin, with a lawyer for Johnston babymama/daughter of former Alaska governor Sarah Palin telling TMZ that a $21,561.12 check has indeed cleared. Asked where Johnston, 19 and coming off an appearance in...

Kathy Griffin Swipes at Palin in Alaska Show
 Kathy Griffin 
 Swipes at Palin 
 in Alaska Show 

Kathy Griffin Swipes at Palin in Alaska Show

Levi Johnston escorts comic onstage

(Newser) - Comedian Kathy Griffin brought her Life on the D-List show to Sarah Palin's backyard yesterday, skewering the former Alaska governor at a raucous show in Anchorage. Griffin was escorted onstage by Playgirl model and Palin babydaddy Levi Johnston, who was in a "serious, committed relationship," er, publicity stunt,...

Bristol: Tightwad Levi Is Lying About Money

She subpoenas pay records from CNN, Playgirl for kid support

(Newser) - Bristol Palin is demanding pay stubs to Levi Johnston from CNN, Playgirl, the National Enquirer, Star magazine, and Entertainment Tonight, claiming her baby daddy is falsely crying poverty to duck his responsibility to support their child. Johnston has argued in a court battle over child support payments that he can't...

Finally, Levi's Playgirl Cover Is Out

Johnston bares all, or almost all, on magazine cover

(Newser) - If this doesn't take away your Monday blues, nothing will: Levi Johnston's long-awaited Playgirl cover has been unveiled. The issue will be the first of Playgirl's print re-launch, and hits stands Feb. 22, People reports.

Bristol Seeks Full Custody of Tripp

Levi slams 'vindictive' Sarah

(Newser) - Bristol Palin has sued for full custody of her out-of-wedlock son, charging that daddy Levi Johnston "is not ready for the demands of parenthood," and that his primary source of income has been a "risqué" photo spread in Playgirl and selling stories about his now year-old...

Levi Likes Being a Gay Icon

Gays are 'people, too,' sez Bristol's babydaddy

(Newser) - Despite his conservative, small-town upbringing, Levi Johnston feels at home being a gay icon. Though he says he "never saw" a gay guy on the streets of Wasilla, Alaska, the hockey player-turned-Playgirl model appreciates fans—gay or straight. Gays "are people, too," he tells Joy Behar . "...

Experts Slam Levi's Hairy Pits

Critics weigh in on Johnston's modeling debut

(Newser) - Levi Johnston's Playgirl photos have been out since Saturday, giving experts in the nude male form time to review the 19-year-old's debut. Us collects their responses:
  • "The only problem—his hairy armpits!" says a Chippendales dancer. "He should also focus on his diet to help him get

Levi, You're the Buffoon of My Dreams

Meghan Daum on why 'Sex on Skates' is an important media figure

(Newser) - Levi Johnston may be an “opportunistic buffoon” and a “grammatically challenged, Playgirl-posing, pistachio-shilling media pawn,” but he’s also a guilty pleasure. He’s hot, he’s cute, and his "unverifiable claims" about Sarah Palin are fascinating, writes Meghan Daum of the Los Angeles Times . Listening...

Levi Johnston Gets Steamy for Playgirl

Sarah Palin's almost-son-in-law poses in the shower

(Newser) - So you might not get to see a full-frontal shot of Levi Johnston in Playgirl, but at least you can get up close and personal with his armpit hair in this teaser image. The nudie mag released the shower shot yesterday, the New York Daily News reports. View it in...

Sorry Playgirls, Levi Dodges Full-Frontal

Hunky Alaskan's full assets left to imagination in Playgirl

(Newser) - Gawker has tracked down the truth about Levi Johnston's Playgirl photos and there's less of the hunky Alaskan on display than promised. Though Levi's manager Tank Jones promised full-frontal nudity, Johnston tucked the object of everyone's curiosity mostly out of sight. "We're thrilled with the photos we got,...

Levi Picking 'Porn' Over Baby: Palin

Sarah tells Oprah Johnston is too busy to see his son

(Newser) - So much for not slamming Levi Johnston during her Oprah interview: Sarah Palin told Winfrey that her daughter’s babydaddy is too busy doing “porn” to visit his child. “Some of the things that he is doing is kind of heartbreaking,” Palin said when asked about Johnston’...

Johnston Stiffs Page 6, Sparks Beef

 Stiffs Page 6,
 Sparks Beef 
honeymoon over?

Johnston Stiffs Page 6, Sparks Beef

Palin babydaddy insulted by story about penis anxieties

(Newser) - Page Six wasn’t allowed access to Levi Johnston when he was honored at Wednesday’s Fleshbot Awards, the New York Post whines today, adding that Johnston should fire his manager. In a behind-the-scenes look at Johnston’s night, Gawker explains the reason for the beef: Johnston’s team is...

Levi Gets Off Scot-Free in Palin Book

Not a word after Johnston threatens to spill Sarah dirt

(Newser) - Sarah Palin rips up John McCain and his campaign team in her new book, but retracts her claws when it comes to her near-son-in-law. In fact, her 413-page tome doesn't include a single reference to the daddy of her born-out-of-wedlock grandson, according to AP . Palin has repeatedly skewered Playgirl model...

Levi Gets Naked for Shoot
 Levi Gets Naked for Shoot 
full moon over alaska

Levi Gets Naked for Shoot

He poses in the buff with a hockey stick

(Newser) - It's the Levi Johnston update the world's been waiting on: He does indeed get naked for Playgirl. Writes Brian Moylan at Gawker: "We have confirmation from the set of Levi's Playgirl shoot that he has just posed naked with a hockey stick." The source relays that "his...

Johnston Nervous About His Johnson in Playgirl

Levi concerned about how it will look—especially in an ice rink

(Newser) - Levi Johnston has stopped bragging about his upcoming Playgirl shoot and started worrying about it. He’s concerned about how his privates will appear in the pictures, sources tell the New York Post , and the fact that he’ll be shooting in an ice rink isn’t helping. Manager Tank...

Levi Going 'Full Johnson' for Playgirl

He'll take it all off in a variety of sports-related settings

(Newser) - As if it's not fantastic enough that Levi Johnston is taking it all off for his upcoming Playgirl shoot, his ever-poetic manager confirmed it with the following statement: "Everything's gonna hang out. We're talking full johnson." The shoot just happens to fall on the same day Sarah Palin...

Palin Lashes 'Mean' Exhibitionist Levi

Trig is an 'angel,' not 'retarded,' she says

(Newser) - Sarah Palin has lashed out against Levi Johnston for his digs against her, calling him "mean-spirited" as well as "desperate" because he's appearing in Playgirl. "We are appalled at the inflammatory statements," Palin said yesterday through her spokeswoman. She said Levi's comments on CBS yesterday that...

Levi: Getting Naked Is What I Do
 Naked Is 
 What I Do 

Levi: Getting Naked Is What I Do

Johnston, manager discuss—yes, again—upcoming Playgirl spread

(Newser) - God help him, Levi Johnston just cannot shut up about getting naked. Manager Tank Jones tells Us Levi's Playgirl shoot will definitely include full-frontal views—yesterday's report gave only a 90% chance! Joy!—and adds that the shoot will be "tasteful" because, of course, "this is art....

In Time for Xmas: Naked Levi!
 In Time for Xmas: Naked Levi! 
No Ho Ho

In Time for Xmas: Naked Levi!

Johnston's Playgirl shoot sure to be the highlight of the holiday season

(Newser) - Your Christmas shopping just got a whole lot easier: Naked Levi for everyone! Bristol Palin’s babydaddy is moving forward with his Playgirl shoot in mid-November “in order to get the pictures out for the holidays,” a magazine rep tells the New York Post, further promising that readers...

Levi Gets Buff for Playgirl
 Levi Gets Buff for Playgirl 

Levi Gets Buff for Playgirl

Annoying babydaddy still squeezing Palin ties for everything they're worth

(Newser) - Good news, ladies (or, at least for the ladies who are able to read this without any eye-rolling): Levi Johnston is taking his upcoming Playgirl appearance quite seriously. The entire “Team Levi” is preparing for the shoot, his lawyer tells Us. “He is in the gym six days...

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