Tara Reade

19 Stories

4 Takes on the Putin Interview
4 Takes on the
Putin Interview

4 Takes on the Putin Interview

Putin was fully in charge of this encounter

(Newser) - Tucker Carlson asked Vladimir Putin to release American journalist Evan Gershkovich during the interview with the Russian leader that aired Thursday, but he did little else to challenge Putin during a two-hour talk at the Kremlin that began with Putin delivering a very long lecture on Russian history. Four takes...

Biden's Accuser Defects to Russia
Biden's Accuser
Defects to Russia

Biden's Accuser Defects to Russia

Tara Reade says she finally feels 'safe,' 'heard,' and 'respected'

(Newser) - Tara Reade has defected to Russia. The woman who accuses President Biden of sexually assaulting her when she worked in his Senate office in 1993 revealed the move in a Tuesday news conference in Moscow that "lasted several hours," CNN reports. Reade spoke with Russian state media outlets...

What's in a Name? With Kamala, a Whole Culture
Kamala Harris' Stepkids
Have a Fitting Name for Her

Kamala Harris' Stepkids Have a Fitting Name for Her

They call her 'momala'

(Newser) - You'll now know her as Joe Biden's running mate—a role that could soon turn Kamala Harris into the first woman, first African American and first Asian American to claim the role of US vice president. To others, she's known as "Momala" and "Kamala Aunty....

Tara Reade's Attorney Just Made a Big Announcement

Douglas Wigdor is dropping Biden accuser as his client, but he's offering few details

(Newser) - The attorney working with Tara Reade, the former Joe Biden Senate staffer who alleged he sexually assaulted her in the 1990s, said Friday he's no longer representing her, just two weeks after he first began working with her. Douglas Wigdor said the decision wasn't a reflection on the...

PBS Talked to 74 Ex-Biden Staffers About Allegations

Most were women, and none said they experienced any harassment

(Newser) - "I wouldn't vote for me if I believed Tara Reade," Joe Biden said Thursday . The reference, of course, is to allegations from former staffer Reade that he sexually assaulted her in the 1990s. Now the PBS News Hour is out with a report for which it interviewed...

Kamala Harris Seen as VP Frontrunner
Next for Kamala Harris?
She's Looking Beyond VP
the rundown

Next for Kamala Harris? She's Looking Beyond VP

She's a top contender, but attorney general, governor, or longer Senate career also options

(Newser) - Last summer, then-presidential candidate Kamala Harris emerged as Joe Biden's toughest critic in the Democratic primary over his record on race issues. Now, however, Politico reports that the California senator is the favorite to be his running mate. The story says Elizabeth Warren also is in strong contention, but...

After Biden's Denial, His Accuser Gives Interview

Tara Reade tells Megyn Kelly he should quit race

(Newser) - Tara Reade, who has accused Joe Biden of sexually assaulting her in 1993, has been interviewed on camera by Megyn Kelly. The former Fox News host announced the interview Thursday, the same day it took place. "Her story & some tough Q’s in a riveting exchange," Kelly...

Biden Loses Bid to Search for Accuser Complaint

Secretary of the Senate says she can't release information on any documents

(Newser) - Joe Biden's attempt to clear himself of a sexual assault allegation hit a wall Monday when the secretary of the Senate declined to provide any information about a complaint—including whether one exists. Tara Reade said she filed a complaint with a Capitol personnel office in 1993; Biden, who...

Biden Accuser: My Report Didn't Say 'Sexual Assault'

Tara Reade says she 'chickened out' at the last minute

(Newser) - Tara Reade, the former Senate staffer who alleges Joe Biden sexually assaulted her 27 years ago, says she filed a limited report with a congressional personnel office that did not explicitly accuse him of sexual assault or harassment. "I remember talking about him wanting me to serve drinks because...

How Biden's Denial Is Going Over
How Biden's Denial
Is Being Received
the rundown

How Biden's Denial Is Being Received

Former VP wants to put Tara Reade's allegations to rest, but that might not be easy

(Newser) - Joe Biden on Friday strongly denied allegations of sexual assault lodged against him by former aide Tara Reade, first in a statement at Medium and later in a TV interview . A sample of coverage and reaction:
  • Summing up: Here is how the main story in the New York Times characterized

Biden Goes on the Record About Tara Reade Accusation

'No, it's not true'

(Newser) - After what the New York Times says were "intensive discussions" within Joe Biden's campaign on how he should best address former aide Tara Reade's sexual assault allegations against him, the former vice president appeared on MSNBC's Morning Joe program Friday morning to directly speak to the...

Joe Biden to Address Sexual Assault Claim
Biden to Address the
Elephant in the Room

Biden to Address the Elephant in the Room

Democratic presidential candidate will discuss Tara Reade's allegations Friday morning

(Newser) - Joe Biden will finally address the sexual assault allegations lobbied against him by former aide Tara Reade. Politico reports the Democratic presidential contender will appear on MSNBC's Morning Joe Friday to break his silence on the matter. Co-host Mika Brzezinski said he would appear at the top of the...

Biden Allegations a 'Huge Deal That's Not Going Away'

Candidate is under pressure to address Tara Reade's accusation of sexual assault

(Newser) - Joe Biden has yet to personally address a former aide's allegations that he sexually assaulted her in 1993 , and women's rights groups are running out of patience. Several women's groups prepared a letter earlier this month urging the candidate to address Tara Reade's allegations, but they...

For Democrats, This Biden Situation Is a 'Grievous Mess'
In This Biden Mess, 
No Good Way Forward

In This Biden Mess, No Good Way Forward

Rebecca Traister looks at the awful predicament assault allegations have created

(Newser) - The Tara Reade allegations against Joe Biden—that he sexually assaulted her in the 1990s—seem to be gaining credibility by the day, writes Rebecca Traister at the Cut . As a result, Democrats now have a "grievous mess" on their hands. The growing corroboration of the Reade allegations "...

2 Women Come Forward to Back Joe Biden Accuser's Story

Former neighbor, colleague say Tara Reade talked to them about alleged harassment

(Newser) - Two more people have come forward to say Tara Reade , the woman who says Joe Biden sexually assaulted her when she was his aide in 1993, talked to them about the alleged incident at the time. "This happened, and I know it did because I remember talking about it,...

Biden's New Podcast Guest Raises VP Speculation
VP Pick
Democrats' Big
2020 Question
in case you missed it

VP Pick Illustrates Democrats' Big 2020 Question

Politico: Should Democrats focus on white, working class voters or push for minority vote?

(Newser) - For those still keeping track, chalk up another state victory for Joe Biden. The presumptive nominee won Wyoming's mail-in Democratic primary, the party said Sunday. Biden got 72% of the vote to Bernie Sanders' 28%, giving him 10 of the state's pledged delegates to Sanders' four, reports the...

NYT Grilled by NYT Over Biden Allegations

Editor Dean Baquet defends delay in story about alleged sexual misconduct

(Newser) - Allegations of sexual assault against Joe Biden by a former Senate aide, Tara Reade, got mainstream traction over the weekend when the New York Times , the Washington Post , and NBC News joined the outlets reporting on them. But critics (including supporters of Bernie Sanders and of Supreme Court Justice...

Accusations Against Joe Biden Gaining Steam

Tara Reade is talking to more outlets about her sexual assault allegations

(Newser) - More is coming out from the former aide to Joe Biden who has accused the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee of sexually assaulting her during the early 1990s when he was a senator. Biden’s campaign denies the charges. In two recent interviews with the AP , Tara Reade alleged the assault...

Former Aide Makes Harrowing Biden Claim
Ex-Biden Aide Makes
Harrowing Accusation
the rundown

Ex-Biden Aide Makes Harrowing Accusation

Tara Reade has more to tell about her old boss

(Newser) - "You're nothing to me." A former Joe Biden aide says those words are still ringing in her ears after he allegedly sexually assaulted her in 1993, the Huffington Post reports. The accuser, Tara Reade, went on a podcast this week and said Biden kissed her, thrust his...

19 Stories
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