social networking

Stories 741 - 760 | << Prev   Next >>

Say Hello to Generation Duh
Say Hello
to Generation Duh

Say Hello to Generation Duh

Tech-savvy, yes, but far dumber than age cohorts past

(Newser) - Today's youth are dangerously dumb, Mark Bauerlein writes in his new book, The Dumbest Generation. Here's why:
  1. Check out Jay Leno's "Jaywalking," where "the ignorance is hard to believe."
  2. They boast "a new attitude," taking pride in their illiteracy.

Politics Battles Tech for Soul of Digg

Election pulls big traffic —and big discontent among nerderati

(Newser) - With election season in full swing, the political junkies have come for, making Hillary, Barack, et. al. fixtures on the social news site. That’s been great for traffic, but it’s also angered the tech nerd early adopters who made Digg a success, CNET reports. At a...

Google Making Whole Web Social Network

'This is the evolution of the walled garden to the social Web'

(Newser) - Google is unveiling a new service that could effectively turn the whole Web into a social network, the Washington Post reports. Friend Connect allows visitors to participating sites to meet and interact with others who visit the same site. "Wherever people go on the Web, they want to have...

Zuckerberg Pal Quits as Facebook CTO

Expanding site borrowing $100M for more servers

(Newser) - In a surprise move, Facebook’s Chief Technology Officer is leaving the company, CNET reports. Adam D’Angelo, 23, felt the job no longer suited his skills and interests, sources told BoomTown. But there were also rumors of increasing tension between D’Angelo and Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg, who have...

Facebook Sets Safeguards Against Sexual Predators

Site adds more than 40 new protective measures

(Newser) - Facebook has implemented more than 40 additional measures to protect users from pedophiles and online bullying, the AP reports. The site now limits results for older users searching for minors, and has banned sex offenders from registering. "Building a safe and trusted online experience has been part of Facebook...

MySpace Web's 'Biggest Steal'
MySpace Web's 'Biggest Steal'

MySpace Web's 'Biggest Steal'

Despite missing revenue targets, Mashable scribe not afraid to 'wax poetic'

(Newser) - MySpace fell short of revenue targets in the most recent quarter, but, Adam Ostrow argues in Mashable, it’s still proven a phenomenal deal since Rupert Murdoch’s News Corp. bought it for $580 million in 2005. Revenues from its unit are pulling close to its purchase price and it’...

Soured on Yahoo, Microsoft Made Pass at Facebook

Software giant reportedly expressed interest in buying social networking icon

(Newser) - As its talks with Yahoo began to break down, Microsoft turned its attentions to Facebook as its possible Internet portal solution, reports the Wall Street Journal. Microsoft already has a $240-million stake in the $15-billion company, but it's uncertain if Facebook would consider a full acquisition. The Journal's source says...

Young Teachers Finding Big Trouble Online

Facebook, MySpace pages test boundaries between public, private

(Newser) - Questionable postings and photos on social-networking web pages are becoming an issue with younger US teachers, the Washington Post reports, raising questions about where to draw a line between private expression and standards for public employees. A case in point is a substitute special-education teacher whose page includes a so-called...

Under 35's Break Salary Talk Taboo

Gab helps them navigate workplace and plan nights out

(Newser) - Unlike mom and dad, young Americans are likely to gab about salary with friends, the New York Times reports. To older generations, "it’s very hush-hush," one 22-year-old said. "You don’t talk about money, politics, or religion with friends. But in this generation, it’s important....

Facebook Apps Have Fans, Need Money
Facebook Apps Have Fans,
Need Money

Facebook Apps Have Fans, Need Money

Companies figure out how to profit from widgets

(Newser) - Facebook widgets have been wildly popular, but they haven’t always been wildly profitable. “The fascinating thing about widgets is it turns out that distribution isn't really the challenge,” says the CEO of VideoEgg, the developer behind Scrabulous and Flixster. "The question is how do you monetize...

MySpace Cuts Distribution Deal for Its Video Content

Social network labels itself 'digital playground'

(Newser) - MySpace has signed with a British production firm for international distribution of video content it develops, in a sign that News Corp's social network aims to be a breeding ground for small-screen programming. Indeed, in revealing the deal with the Shine Group—whose CEO is News Corp chairman Rupert Murdoch’...

Post to YouTube, Facebook, Twitter In One Shot

Startups look to combine social network feeds

(Newser) - Several new services join personal Internet feeds into a single space, meaning you don’t have to re-post the same new information to YouTube, Facebook, and Twitter. The CEO of Seesmic, a video-conversation service, says it’s frustrating to pick through 10 different social networks—and his company has just...

Chat Rooms Return&mdash;in 3-D
 Chat Rooms Return—in 3-D 

Chat Rooms Return—in 3-D

New companies try to bring real-time socializing back to web

(Newser) - A group of Silicon Valley startups is looking to bring the "social" back into social-networking and other popular websites, the New York Times reports. Vivaty is developing 3-D virtual chat rooms users can embed in web pages—including social-networking profiles—and will begin Facebook testing this week. And Meebo’...

Yahoo Joins Google Social Network Alliance

Facebook, Microsoft on other side in battle for software developers

(Newser) - Yahoo will join Google in developing the latter's open social networking framework OpenSocial, the company announced yesterday. The two giants, along with other partners, also announced the creation of a foundation to oversee the effort. Neither Facebook nor Microsoft, which have an advertising agreement, are part of OpenSocial; Facebook on...

Sports Stars Endorse Little League Facebook

Youth sports social site has big-time friends

(Newser) - Want to see Peyton Manning’s Pop Warner games? Derek Jeter playing Little League? They’ll be on, alongside some game film from a lot of other not-yet-famous players. WePlay, which is launching today, is a youth sports social-networking site—a kind of little league Facebook. Athletes, coaches,...

War Game Takes Colleges by Storm
War Game
Takes Colleges
by Storm

War Game Takes Colleges by Storm

CoCrossCampus blends online play with real life interaction

(Newser) - Somewhere, Harvard is plotting an assault on Yale, while Cornell forges an alliance with Princeton. Such mass maneuvers are routine in GoCrossCampus, a Risk-like online war game in which teams of hundreds of players move armies across virtual versions of real campus locations. But it’s the real-world interaction, as...

Starbucks Rolls Out Customer-Focused Changes

Loyalty card, new machines headline plans to jolt coffee giant

(Newser) - A customer-loyalty card, a new website and upgraded brewing machines highlighted changes in store at Starbucks, the Wall Street Journal reports, with CEO Howard Schultz using today's annual meeting to re-focus the firm on quality of customer experience. The card will offer rewards for regulars at the coffee giant, which...

Facebook to Users: Sell Stuff, Get Paid

If their friends buy recommended products, they get a commission

(Newser) - Facebook has rolled out a new service that encourages users to recommend products to their friends and make a little money in the process, AP reports. Called Market Lodge, the program allows users to set up personal stores on their Facebook pages and hawk a variety of products from a...

Web Demands Could Cause Gridlock by 2011

High-grade apps could slow Internet to crawl, watchers say

(Newser) - The Internet's growing data richness could lead to major web traffic jams within a few years. Some research predicts that user demands—with the high-bandwidth needs of video clips, social networks, and online games—could top network capacity in short order. YouTube alone used more bandwidth in 2007 than the...

AOL Goes Social, Buys Bebo
 AOL Goes Social, Buys Bebo 

AOL Goes Social, Buys Bebo

$850M acquisition for a company struggling to change roles

(Newser) - AOL will buy for $850 million in an attempt to enter the social networking market, the Wall Street Journal reports. Bebo has 22 million unique visitors a month, well behind MySpace's 109 million, but the site’s strong European presence will give AOL access to key youth demographics...

Stories 741 - 760 | << Prev   Next >>