social networking

Stories 761 - 780 | << Prev   Next >>

Audience Disses Zuckerberg SXSWi Interview

Reporter draws heckles, as CEO talks about changing world

(Newser) - Facebook is changing the world. At least, that was a dominant theme during Mark Zuckerberg’s Sunday keynote at the South by Southwest Interactive Festival, during which interviewer Sarah Lacy of BusinessWeek drew heckles from an increasingly impatient audience. Zuckerberg talked about Colombian activists and Lebanese youth using Facebook to...

OMG! Parents Friend Kids on Facebook

Some are cool with it; others horrified

(Newser) - What to do when their father starts talking about “getting poked" is a question many high school and college kids are asking themselves these days. It's a modern-day dilemma: Do teens allow their folks into their friends network on Facebook and grant them access to blogs, photos, and messages?...

Web 2.0 Firms Taking Slower Route to IPOs

The new business model calls for a 'slow and easy' approach to going public

(Newser) - Growing Web 2.0 companies like LinkedIn, Facebook, and Slide are biding their time before going public, making sure to run up their value as much as possible to fetch top dollar with an IPO, reports Business Week. It’s a far different approach than companies took before the dot-com...

Sellers, Fans at Odds Over Scrabulous

Companies debate legal action as 700K play online knock-off daily

(Newser) - Scrabble knock-off Scrabulous is a hit online, but sellers of the original board game have cried piracy and may take their claim to court, the New York Times reports. Tens of thousands of Scrabulous players have threatened to boycott Hasbro and Mattel if they shut down the Facebook-friendly game, which...

Previewing What's Next in Social Networks

NY meeting introduces new services to new media leaders

(Newser) - What’s next for online social networking? A heavy dose of geography, writes David Kirkpatrick in Fortune’s Fast Forward. At a real-life meeting for 100 new-media notables in New York, one hot topic was adding location information to user-driven sites so that “not only will you know what...

Nader Still Buffering ... Buffering ...
Nader Still Buffering ... Buffering ...

Nader Still Buffering ... Buffering ...

Seeing Internet as 'a snare and a delusion' surely won't help independent's candidacy

(Newser) - Ralph Nader might seem like just the crusader to milk the Internet for all its movement-building potential, but, Andrew Rasiej and Micah L. Sifry write in Politico, his “self-defeating attitude” toward the web is likely to keep him on the sidelines. The third-party presidential hopeful claims his “Internet-literate...

17th Youth Dies in Welsh 'Suicide Borough'

Authorities perplexed, send experts to schools

(Newser) - A 16-year-old schoolgirl found hanged in the woods yesterday became the 17th youth suicide in the area of Bridgend, Wales, since early 2007. The rash of suicides has focused intense scrutiny on the town of 39,000 and its surrounding borough, where baffled police have so far failed to unearth...

Facebook Fixes Problems With Its 'Delete' Button

After complaints, networking site figures out how to eliminate ex-users' information

(Newser) - Making a profile on Facebook is easy, but before this weekend, deleting one wasn't: Not even Facebook could do it, the New York Times reports. Frustrated users filled out a form intended to delete their profiles but found bits of info still accessible on the site. Facebook says it has...

Web Connects Mourning NIU Students
Web Connects Mourning NIU Students

Web Connects Mourning NIU Students

With cellphones down, many use Facebook to communicate

(Newser) - With cellphone lines on much of the campus jammed, Northern Illinois University students turned to the Internet to let friends and loved ones know they had survived yesterday’s shooting and to console each other, the Chicago Tribune reports. Most logged on to Facebook, where 10,000 joined a prayer...

Secret Yang Plan to Save Yahoo
Secret Yang Plan to Save Yahoo

Secret Yang Plan to Save Yahoo

Chief exec's hopes to deny Microsoft banking on skunkwork projects

(Newser) - Yahoo chief exec Jerry Yang has secret plans that he hopes will dramatically boost the internet giant's share price, insiders tell Valleywag. Yahoo has turned down Microsoft's $31 per share offer, and while rumor has it that the company's board is holding out for $36, Yang is said to be...

This Way Out? Not Really
This Way Out? Not Really

This Way Out? Not Really

Website won't delete personal info, would-be ex-members grouse

(Newser) - Just when you think you're out, Facebook pulls you back in, say wannabe ex-users who have tried in vain to delete their profiles. The site keeps archives of all profiles, unless they're manually deleted piece by piece, fanning privacy concerns already stoked by the Beacon fiasco. “It’s like...

Advertisers Lukewarm on Social Sites

Networking, video-sharing users not prime marketing targets

(Newser) - Facebook and YouTube are runaway success stories when it comes to attracting Internet users, but they lag in attracting ad dollars, the Wall Street Journal reports. Advertising on social networking and video-sharing sites is relatively new, and therefore most vulnerable if economic worries lead to advertising cutbacks. Firms also worry...

MySpace Opens Doors to Developers
MySpace Opens Doors to Developers

MySpace Opens Doors to Developers

Website joins Facebook, Bebo in offering tools, backing for new applications

(Newser) - MySpace members already customize personal profile pages, but they’ll soon be able to add applications like photo albums, email, and calendars. The News Corp. property plans to open its platform and release developer tools, reports the New York Times. Third-party developers will be allowed to create and make money...

Sex Convicts May Face Internet Ban
Sex Convicts May Face Internet Ban

Sex Convicts May Face Internet Ban

NY bill aims to keep 25K offenders off social websites

(Newser) - New York's 25,000 convicted sex criminals will be banned from Facebook and MySpace if a bill unveiled today becomes law, CNET reports. Dubbed E-Stop, the legislation requires sex convicts to submit online identities and screen names so participating sites can block them. Those who committed a sex crime over...

UK Social Network Badoo Gets $30M to Enter Russia

Ad-free service was Google's second-fastest rising search term in '07

(Newser) - UK social networking site Badoo has received $30 million to build its service in Russia from Russian investor Finam, giving Finam a 10% stake in the company. The network will face competition from several Russian sites and from the local version of MySpace, which launched last week, reports TechCrunch. Badoo...

Is MySpace Murdoch's Top Investment?

Maybe, says Google CEO, as site rolls out initiatives in bid to remain in front

(Newser) - Two years after Rupert Murdoch’s News Corp. bought MySpace, and shortly after its two founders signed up for another couple of fabulously well-paid years at the helm, the site is expanding and evolving. Despite challenges (read: Facebook), MySpace represents an impressive return for Murdoch. “He may find that...

Jamba Founders Buy Stake In Facebook
Jamba Founders Buy Stake In Facebook

Jamba Founders Buy Stake In Facebook

Samwer brothers join Microsoft in social networking venture

(Newser) - Brothers Alexander, Marc and Oliver Samwer, founders of ring tone company Jamba, have just joined Microsoft and Hong Kong billionaire Li Ka Shing as major investors in US based social networking company Facebook. Though the Samwers' haven't disclosed the exact size of their investment, they told Der Spiegel  it was...

MySpace Adds Anti-Predator Measures
MySpace Adds Anti-Predator Measures

MySpace Adds Anti-Predator Measures

Networking site reaches agreement with states to protect teens

(Newser) - MySpace will add protections to prevent abuse by sexual predators, officials of several states said today. The social networking company reached an agreement with 49 states over concerns about predators contacting children through its popular site. MySpace will also join a working group aimed at developing new technologies, such as...

Colleges Turn to New Media to Recruit Students

Recruiters using blogs, social networking, even text messages

(Newser) - If MySpace and Facebook are where the high school kids are, then that’s where college recruiters are headed. Schools competing for today’s tech-savvy teens are reaching out to them through podcasts, online videos, virtual campus tours, live chats, blogs, and social networking profiles, reports the Boston Globe—and...

IBM Launches Social Mapping Biz Tool

'Atlas' analyzes individuals' business statistics, relationships

(Newser) - IBM has released a software tool named 'Atlas' that aims to track and analyze statistical relationships among individuals in a corporate setting, MIT Technology Review reports. Employees are given the opportunity to partake in business-adapted online practices—blogging, social grouping, bookmarking, organizing projects—and Atlas creates a "social graph"...

Stories 761 - 780 | << Prev   Next >>