David Letterman

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Top Late-Night Jokes About Bristol Palin

(Newser) - The barbs flying between Sarah Palin and David Letterman over which daughter he’s been making fun of (she says it’s 14-year-old Willow, he says it’s 18-year-old Bristol) moved Daniel Kurtzman, on About.com, to go to the videotape. He found none about Willow and enough about Bristol...

NOW Backs Palin Against Dave—With a 'But'

(Newser) - Sarah Palin has a new ally in her feud with David Letterman: the National Organization for Women. "The sexualization of girls and women in the media is reaching new lows these days," NOW says on its website, taking particular offense at Letterman's remark about Palin looking like a...

Palin: Dave Owes All Women an Apology

Dave still joking, Sarah still furious

(Newser) - David Letterman joked on his show last night that Sarah Palin made nice by inviting him hunting, but their feud showed no sign of letting up this morning when Palin called on him to apologize to young women nationwide on the Today show, the AP reports. Letterman’s joke that...

Scribe Blames Obama for Dave's Palin Jokes

Letterman 'dirty talking' on Obama's behalf: Cupp

(Newser) - A conservative columnist yesterday blamed Barack Obama for David Letterman's cracks about Sarah Palin's "slutty" look and her daughter, reports the Huffington Post. "This is the enduring legacy of the Obama campaign," SE Cupp, who writes for the Washington Post and Politico, told Sean Hannity. "I...

It's Palin Vs. Letterman, Round II

(Newser) - Weren't we just here? Sarah Palin and David Letterman had another go-round today, the Daily News reports. Palin laid into Letterman for what she termed a "sexually perverted joke" about her 14-year-old daughter. Letterman, while admitting "poor taste," said on his show tonight that his remark—"...

Letterman Overtakes Conan's Tonight in Ratings Game

NBC ratings slip under new host

(Newser) - Just over a week after Conan O’Brien took over NBC’s Tonight Show, CBS rival David Letterman has overtaken him in the ratings, the Hollywood Reporter notes. The Late Show is up 13% from last week and 17% from last year; NBC’s ratings have been slipping under O’...

Palin Calls Letterman 'Pathetic' After 'Slutty' Joke

(Newser) - Sniping between Sarah Palin and David Letterman is making the rounds tonight on political blogs. After Letterman joked in his top 10 list last night that Palin had a "slutty flight attendant look," Palin shot back today at his "pathetic" joke, reports Politico. "What a commentary...

Crap, Now Who Do We Watch?
 Crap, Now Who Do We Watch? 

Crap, Now Who Do We Watch?

(Newser) - Late-night TV stops making sense tonight. Letterman and Leno were such opposites that nobody had trouble deciding which to watch. If you’re like Gawker's Cajun Boy, you watched Letterman at 11:35 and Conan at 12:37. Now they’re going head-to-head, leaving him conflicted. “This is like...

Robin, Dave Laugh Off Heart Surgery

Comedians are in "brotherhood of the zipper chests"

(Newser) - Robin Williams was back to being funny yesterday, appearing on the Late Show more than two months after the heart surgery that halted his tour, E! reports. “I have a cow valve, which is great, and the grazing’s been fun," he told David Letterman, a veteran of...

Paris Is, Like, a Total Workaholic

Heiress defends herself against lawsuit, reveals total ignorance of what exec producer does

(Newser) - Paris Hilton is a workaholic who hasn’t taken a day off in years, she and her handlers insisted in a Miami deposition. The heiress is being sued for not sufficiently promoting the DVD of her 2006 film Pledge This, the AP reports. But the truth is, “like I...

Freelance Jokesters Pen Late-Night Laughs

WGA miffed by non-union writers

(Newser) - Late-night hosts don’t get all their gags in-house—scores of wannabe comedy writers bombard the likes of Jay and Dave with their one-liners, the Los Angeles Times reports, then anxiously wait for the show to air "to find out if you got a joke on or not,”...

Letterman Marries Baby Mama
 Letterman Marries 
 Baby Mama 

Letterman Marries Baby Mama

(Newser) - David Letterman got hitched to his longtime girlfriend Regina Lasko, Us reports. The late-night host announced the nuptials during the taping of his CBS Late Show today, saying they married last week in Montana. The couple, together for more than 10 years, have a son, Harry, born in 2003. "...

Letterman on Rush: 'Boneheaded Gangster'

Guest Katie Couric laughs uncomfortably

(Newser) - Dave Letterman made Katie Couric squirm last night when he finished his interview by asking her, “What about this bonehead Rush Limbaugh?” Couric laughed and squealed, “Don’t do this to me!” but Dave plowed on. “He looks like an East European gangster,” he said,...

Phoenix Might Be Losing His Mind: Shrink

Whatever is happening 'isn't funny,' says doc

(Newser) - A Chicago psychiatrist has offered yet another theory for the recent odd behavior of actor Joaquin Phoenix: he might be losing his mind. While bloggers speculate that the zombie-like Phoenix is either hooked on drugs or spoofing his fans with a zoned-out tumble into a laughable rap music career, Dr....

Joaquin: Junkie or New Borat?

increasingly bizarre behavior churns rumor mills

(Newser) - The case of Joaquin Phoenix gets curiouser and curiouser following the actor' shambolic appearance on the David Letterman show. The odd tics and nodding-off behavior that drew Letterman's scathing wrath are typical of a heroin user, Gawker points out. But many speculate that it's all a Borat-like hoax act by...

Dave Shreds Spacy Joaquin
 Dave Shreds Spacy Joaquin 

Dave Shreds Spacy Joaquin

Ex-actor awkward, embarrassing on show

(Newser) - A nearly comatose Joaquin Phoenix appeared on The Late Show last night, and his vacant stares and one-word answers forced David Letterman to resort to openly mocking him, Gawker reports. Phoenix—who may or may not be engaging in an elaborate publicity stunt—at one point stuck his gum underneath...

Blago Makes His Case to Letterman

(Newser) - A little thing like being impeached isn't going to stop Rod Blagojevich from making the media rounds. The ousted Illinois governor showed up on Letterman tonight, and Dave's first question was, "Why exactly are you here, honest to God?" When Blagojevich joked that he's always wanted to be on...

Blago Blitzes TV Again Tomorrow
Blago Blitzes TV Again Tomorrow

Blago Blitzes TV Again Tomorrow

Disgraced guv will start with Today , hit Larry King, van Susteren, and Letterman

(Newser) - Though last week’s TV blitz didn’t save his job, Rod Blagojevich is coming back for another round tomorrow, the AP reports. The ousted Illinois governor will start on NBC’s Today and continue into the evening, for interviews with CNN’s Larry King and Fox News’ Greta Van...

Comedy Shows No Joke for Prez Candidates

110 appearances 4 times higher than candidates last election

(Newser) - This year's presidential candidates made a record 110 late-night comedy show appearances, underlying the programs' importance in the race, AP reports. Half of the appearances occurred during the primaries, when the pack of candidates were vying for precious face-time with voters. Candidates came to prefer the banter—the best of...

Aniston Gives That GQ Tie to Letterman

Late-night host quick to replace his own with one worn by nude Jen

(Newser) - Jennifer Aniston gifted David Letterman her lone wardrobe item from her famously revealing GQ cover shoot—a red, white, and blue necktie—last night. An eager Letterman ripped off his own cravat to make room for Aniston’s “early Christmas gift,” Extra reports. As she helped him put...

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