David Letterman

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'Bleeping' Mac Returns to Letterman

Mac's back but he's not talking about the 'bleeping' campaign

(Newser) - A jovial John McCain last night paid David Letterman his first visit since the election and made it crystal clear he wasn't interested in bringing up the past, AP reports. "I don't want to talk about the bleeping campaign," McCain said, smiling, actually using the word "bleeping....

Paula Almost Loses It on Letterman

Idol judge can't handle stalker questions

(Newser) - Poor, beleaguered Paula Abdul came unglued at the end of her interview with David Letterman last night, Gawker reports. The singer got upset when Letterman brought up her recent allegations that American Idol purposely brought known stalker Paula Goodspeed—who later committed suicide—onto the show. After a few minutes...

This Dude Is Late-Night Comedy Gold
This Dude Is Late-Night Comedy Gold

This Dude Is Late-Night Comedy Gold

Letterman, Stewart, et al, pounce on Blago name, hair, idiocy

(Newser) - America's comics have rushed to mine the vein of comedy gold opened by Rod Blagejovich's arrest on corruption charges, the Chicago Tribune reports. "It's one count of bribery, one count of fraud, and one count of Blagojeviching," David Letterman said. Jon Stewart quipped that the governor "has...

Dave to Jay: I'm Still at 11:35

Late night funnymen still rivals

(Newser) - Jay Leno lobbed a softball when he defended his move to primetime by telling Keith Olbermann, “10:30 is like 11:30 used to be.” And archrival David Letterman knocked it out of the park last night, reports Gawker, reminding viewers in his opening monologue that his show...

Palin's Top 10 Excuses for Ignoring Turkey Slaughter

Letterman clucks about gory farm visit

(Newser) - David Letterman couldn't let news of Sarah Palin's gruesome turkey farm visit fly past him without comment, the Huffington Post notes. Palin pardoned one turkey but was oblivious to others being slaughtered behind her during a TV interview last week. Among Letterman's Top 10 purported excuses for Palin's disregard of...

Interviewers Let Palin Off the Hook: Couric

Couric wonders why Palin wouldn't answer reading question

(Newser) - Sarah Palin’s non-answer to Katie Couric’s question about what periodicals she reads still has the CBS anchor puzzled. Couric visited with David Letterman last night, and he quizzed her about why post-election interviewers haven’t asked the VP wannabe about her non-response, Gawker reports. Meanwhile, Letterman has a...

Election's Media Winners, Losers
 Election's Media 
 Winners, Losers 

Election's Media Winners, Losers

The best and worst in a season about image

(Newser) - This election has been all about image—not just for the candidates, but for media personalities who have jumped into the fray. Scott Collins chooses its biggest success stories and failures in the Los Angeles Times:
  • Rachel Maddow, MSNBC's new commentator, is brainy, funny, and capable.
  • John King, CNN’s

Campaign Heightens Humor's Liberal Bent
 Campaign Heightens 
 Humor's Liberal Bent 

Campaign Heightens Humor's Liberal Bent

Buttoned-up righties may be easier to mock, but some say it's gone a little too car

(Newser) - Comedy is taking a prominent place in the US election, and may be leaning even more leftward than usual, the Boston Globe reports. Tina Fey and David Letterman have brought the highest ratings in years with mockery of Sarah Palin and John McCain. And Jon Stewart, a savage critic of...

Dave's 10 Best Digs at McCain
 Dave's 10 Best Digs at McCain

Dave's 10 Best Digs at McCain

Truce between GOP candidate and late-night host can't erase these swipes

(Newser) - David Letterman has landed some pretty harsh zingers aimed since John McCain skipped out on the Late Show in September. Los Angeles Times reporter Matea Gold put together a Top 10 list of her own; a sampling:
  • "I gave up drinking a while ago, but I started again. And

McCain, Letterman Make Up
 McCain, Letterman Make Up 

McCain, Letterman Make Up

(Newser) - John McCain finally made it back on David Letterman's show, and he promptly issued two apologies—one to Dave and one to Joe the Plumber. In an appearance taped to air tonight, McCain apologized to Letterman for canceling a September appearance at the last minute. "I screwed up,"...

Letterman: Mac May Bring Palin Tonight

... but host says candidate's probably stringing him along

(Newser) - John McCain is scheduled to make his long-awaited return to The Late Show with David Letterman tonight, the Chicago Tribune reports—and may bring his running mate with him. “He hinted when I talked to him … that maybe he’d be bringing Sarah Palin,” Letterman said on...

Letterman Fits McCain Into His Schedule

(Newser) - Three weeks after turning himself into a punch line by blowing off David Letterman, only to surface within hours elsewhere on CBS, John McCain has scheduled a return engagement with the late-night icon. After lengthy negotiations—during which Letterman continued his on-air taunting by saying McCain was being "squirrely"...

Nightline Racks Up Ratings
 Nightline Racks Up Ratings 

Nightline Racks Up Ratings

Current events boost ratings into Leno's neighborhood

(Newser) - Financial and political uncertainty means big ratings for Nightline, which is enjoying its highest numbers since being reformatted in 2005, Media Life magazine reports. Despite being under virtually constant threat of cancellation, Nightline regularly outdraws Late Night With David Letterman and is closer to Jay Leno's Tonight Show than at...

Election Results In: Comedy Wins

Race for the White House proving a comedy goldmine

(Newser) - No matter which candidate ultimately surges ahead, political comedy is emerging as the clear winner in the presidential race, reports the New York Times. Tina Fey's dead-on parody of Sarah Palin has triggered a huge boost in viewership for Saturday Night Live. The Colbert Report and the Daily Show have...

Mac, Dave to Make Up
 Mac, Dave to Make Up 

Mac, Dave to Make Up

Candidate plans Oct. 15 appearance

(Newser) - David Letterman's favorite whipping boy may return to the show next week in a move to make the peace, reports the New York Post. John McCain is in talks for his Late Show redemption on Oct. 15, ending a feud that's dogged the candidate since he ditched Dave for Katie...

Clintons Cool to Obama After Hillary Snub

Insiders say he wouldn't promise her a Supreme Court seat

(Newser) - Bill and Hillary Clinton are doing little to help elect Barack Obama because the Democratic nominee “balked” at promising Hillary a Supreme Court judgeship, insiders tell the New York Post. “Hillary wants an assurance that if she shows loyalty and goes out there like a good soldier, she...

Top 10 Things 'Overheard at Palin Debate Camp'

Late-night host lays into GOP nominee

(Newser) - David Letterman was not kind to the Republican vice presidential candidate last night—his Top 10 list  focused on "Things Overheard at Sarah Palin Debate Camp." Among the highlights:
  • "Any way we can just get Tina Fey to do it?"
  • "Maybe we'll get lucky and there

Diss Letterman at Your Peril
 Diss Letterman at Your Peril 

Diss Letterman at Your Peril

Late-night hosts can shape opinion for networks and their viewers

(Newser) - John McCain is playing with fire if he thinks he can stand up David Letterman and get away with it. "The middle-of-the-road personalities who've dominated network television since its inception do retain one singular power," Gawker Media head honcho Nick Denton, writing for his flagship blog, warns the...

'Ugly Date' Letterman Skewers McCain Again

Stood-up Late Night host proving to be a formidable foe

(Newser) - The David Letterman-John McCain feud continued last night on the Late Show as the host kept hammering the candidate for standing him up, reports the Los Angeles Times. Letterman, whose guests included Paris Hilton—"McCain's first choice as running mate"—said he felt like an "ugly date"...

Letterman Lambasts AWOL McCain
Letterman Lambasts

Letterman Lambasts AWOL McCain

'Metamucil Mac' snubs host to prep for Couric, claims he's off to DC

(Newser) - John McCain was scorched by the full fury of a Letterman scorned after blowing off last night's Late Show an hour before taping, the New York Daily News reports. "This just doesn't smell right. This is not the way a tested hero behaves," Letterman raged. "Somebody's putting...

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