
Stories 341 - 360 | << Prev   Next >>

Senators Clash With CIA Nominee Over Torture

Udall demands classified report

(Newser) - The Senate Intelligence Committee has formally requested a classified internal CIA study on its torture program, which lawmakers believe is deeply unflattering, the New York Times reports. Mark Udall revealed the existence of the report yesterday during a prickly hearing with Caroline Krass, President Obama's nominee for CIA general...

GOP Joins as Budget Clears 1st Senate Vote, 67-33

Deal should pass Senate no later than tomorrow

(Newser) - Conservatives still don't love the bipartisan budget deal passed by the House last week , but as expected, it advanced in the Senate today after a number of Republican senators declared their support. In some cases, their quite tepid support: The deal "isn’t everything I’d hoped it...

Senate OKs New Homeland Security Chief

Jeh C. Johnson confirmed with help from new filibuster rules

(Newser) - Democrats used their newly initiated lower threshold for defeating filibusters yesterday to win Senate confirmation of President Obama's nomination of former top Pentagon lawyer Jeh C. Johnson to be secretary of Homeland Security. On a 57-37 vote, Democrats broke a GOP blockade against Johnson before the Senate minutes later...

Filibuster Vote Makes This a Momentous Congress
Filibuster Vote Makes This
a Momentous Congress

Filibuster Vote Makes This a Momentous Congress

Ezra Klein says it was necessary in age of polarization, but not all agree

(Newser) - Today's vote in the Senate to curb the use of the filibuster has turned what was shaping up to be an "inconsequential" Congress into exactly the opposite, writes Ezra Klein at the Washington Post . "Indeed, this might prove to be one of the most significant congresses in...

Reid Passes 'Nuclear Option,' Changes Rules on Filibuster

Historic vote means presidential nominees need simple majority

(Newser) - The so-called "nuclear option" just happened: The Senate voted to weaken filibusters and make it all but impossible for Republicans to block confirmation of the president's nominees for judges and other top posts, reports the AP . While the filibuster can't be used on those nominations, it's...

Senate OKs Gay Rights Bill
 Senate OKs Gay Rights Bill 

Senate OKs Gay Rights Bill

But ENDA faces a tough fight in the House

(Newser) - It's the second big win for gay rights this week: The Senate passed what the Hill characterizes as "historic" legislation to forbid discrimination in the workplace based on sexual identity or gender. The vote was 64-32, with 10 Republicans joining all the Democrats in favor. One big caveat...

GOP Blocks 2 Obama Picks, Sets Up Senate Fight

Democrats threaten to change rules requiring 60 votes

(Newser) - Senate Republicans today blocked President Obama's picks for a powerful federal court and a housing regulatory agency, prompting Democrats to threaten curtailing the GOP's ability to derail nominations. "Something has to change, and I hope we can make the changes necessary through cooperation," Harry Reid said...

Graham: I'll Bar Appointees Until I Get Benghazi Testimony

Senator thinks White House told survivors to keep mouth shut

(Newser) - He's not shutting down the government, but Lindsey Graham plans to use another procedural method to get the administration to open up on Benghazi. The GOP senator tweets that he'll block "every appointment in the US Senate" until the survivors of the Libya attack "are made...

It's Over: House Passes Senate-Backed Deal

Obama signs bill: We need to stop 'governing by crisis'

(Newser) - Federal workers, prepare to rejoin the morning commute. The Senate tonight passed its bill to end the government shutdown and raise the debt ceiling by a vote of 81-18, the AP reports; the House backed the bill 285-144, just hours before the Treasury would have lost its authority to borrow...

Cory Booker Wins Senate Seat for NJ

Democrat to replace Frank Lautenberg for 15 months

(Newser) - Newark mayor Cory Booker has won a special election to represent New Jersey in the Senate, giving the rising Democratic star a bigger political stage after a race against conservative Steve Lonegan, a former small-town mayor. Booker, 44, will become the first black senator from New Jersey. A vegetarian with...

Boehner, Obama Done Talking; All Eyes on Senate

Speaker tells Republicans that House negotiations have ended

(Newser) - The last few days have seen the focus of the shutdown/debt ceiling talks shift toward the Senate, and this morning's developments make that shift complete: John Boehner told his troops that House Republican negotiations with the White House are finished because the two sides couldn't strike a deal,...

Senate Chaplain's Prayer: 'Deliver Us From Hypocrisy'

Barry C. Black holds nothing back in daily invocations

(Newser) - For at least one minute every morning, the Senate has to listen to Barry C. Black, the Senate chaplain, as he offers up his daily prayer. And Black, a former Navy rear admiral, has been taking advantage of that fact. For the past week, as the government shutdown has dragged...

Shutdown Nears as House Votes to Delay ObamaCare

Measure goes to Senate, which isn't meeting Sunday

(Newser) - The Republican-controlled House approved legislation early today imposing a one-year delay on key parts of ObamaCare and repealing a tax on medical devices as the price for avoiding a partial government shutdown at 12:01am Tuesday. The measure now goes back to the Senate, which is not scheduled to meet...

Tick, Tick, Tick: Senate Re-Funds ObamaCare; Back to House

It's anybody's guess what happens next ahead of shutdown

(Newser) - Your move, John Boehner. As expected, the Senate today passed a bill that keeps the government running and funds ObamaCare, reports the AP . The vote was 54-44. Now House Republicans must decide whether to accept it—Boehner already has suggested he won't —or run the risk of a...

House GOP Rejects Senate Plan as Shutdown Looms

Boehner still says shutdown unlikely

(Newser) - Word yesterday was that Republicans might attach the ObamaCare battle to the debt-ceiling debate, averting a government shutdown; today, that's looking less likely. Asked whether the House would accept a bill to fund the government after the Senate removes anti-ObamaCare measures, as it is expected to do , John Boehner...

Ted Cruz Wraps Up After 21-Plus Hours

His anti-ObamaCare speech ends; Senate moves ahead with debate on House bill

(Newser) - Ted Cruz managed to keep up his anti-ObamaCare crusade on the Senate floor for nearly a full day, but he finally relented about noon today, reports Politico . Cruz began speaking at 2:41pm Eastern yesterday and got some breaks from peers including Rand Paul and Mike Lee. But Cruz had...

Cruz Vows to Speak Until 'No Longer Able to Stand'

Texas senator rails against ObamaCare, but can't actually delay vote

(Newser) - It's filibuster-y, but apparently not a filibuster. Sen. Ted Cruz took the Senate floor about 2:40pm Eastern today and promised to speak against ObamaCare until he is "no longer able to stand," reports AP . It sounds like an "old-fashioned talking filibuster," says the Washington ...

Cruz Asking Republicans to Block Bill They Support

He's trying to keep Senate from restoring ObamaCare funding as shutdown looms

(Newser) - The political theater in DC in regard to the looming government shutdown and the fight over ObamaCare has resulted in this weird logic: Ted Cruz wants his fellow Republicans in the Senate to block a bill they support. Politico and New York lay it out: The House has sent to...

Rand Paul Says He Won't Stage Syria Filibuster

He blames media for 'misinterpretation'

(Newser) - Rand Paul wants the US to steer clear of Syria, but he says he's not planning any filibusters to make that happen, reports the Huffington Post . Paul today blamed reports to the contrary on a "misrepresentation from the media." Here's the quote from yesterday, via the...

Senate to Set 90-Day Limit, Bar Ground Troops

Panel votes on Syria resolution tomorrow

(Newser) - Ninety days max and no ground troops: The Senate resolution authorizing President Obama to use military force against Syria will require those two conditions. The AP obtained a copy of the draft resolution that the Foreign Relations Committee will vote on tomorrow. It sets a time limit of 60 days...

Stories 341 - 360 | << Prev   Next >>