GOP debate

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Romney, Perry Tangle at Debate

Santorum also hits Romney on health care

(Newser) - The latest GOP debate has wrapped up, and it's clear Rick Perry had Mitt Romney in his sights. They had a number of nasty exchanges, including one in which Perry resurrected allegations that Romney hired a lawn service that employed illegals:
  • Perry: "You stood here and did not

8 Dos, Don&#39;ts for Tonight&#39;s Debate
 8 Dos, Don'ts for 
 Tonight's Debate 

8 Dos, Don'ts for Tonight's Debate

Cain needs more substance; Perry just needs a better performance: Politico

(Newser) - Tonight’s GOP debate—the last one for three weeks—is one of the few remaining chances for the Republican presidential candidates to change the opinions (for better or worse) of millions of TV viewers before Iowa’s Jan. 3 caucuses . With that in mind, Maggie Haberman offers some advice...

At Tonight's GOP Debate, All Eyes on Herman Cain

While Rick Perry tries to dig out of his hole, Romney tries to get over the hump

(Newser) - Herman Cain’s sudden meteoric rise from political novelty to poll-topping candidate should put him in the spotlight at tonight’s debate—which might be a very dangerous place to be. The big question for Cain is “are you serious?” Politico ’s Reid Epstein writes, noting that Cain...

Ron Paul Unveils Plan to Cut $1T From Budget

Foreign aid and education department would be history

(Newser) - Ron Paul may have turned up the heat on fellow Republican candidates today by unveiling a plan to cut $1 trillion from the federal budget—in a single year, the Washington Post reports. In a Las Vegas speech, Paul said he would:
  • End the Afghanistan and Iraq wars, cut all

GOP Presidential Debates Score Huge Ratings
 New Must-See TV: GOP Debates 

New Must-See TV: GOP Debates

Executives debate the potential reasons

(Newser) - There’s one big difference between this year’s GOP presidential debates and those leading up to the 2008 contest: People are watching them. This September’s Fox News debate, for example, attracted 6.1 million viewers—almost double the 3.2 million that Fox’s September 2007 debate drew,...

Cain: I Was Joking About Killer Electric Border Fence

But that appears less-than-clear

(Newser) - Anyone want to make a bet as to whether this comes up at tomorrow night's GOP debate ? When David Gregory asked Herman Cain yesterday about statements—made as recently as the day before—that he’d build an electrified fence to keep out illegal immigrants, Cain brushed it...

Herman Cain Takes Heat Over 9-9-9 Plan
 Cain Takes 
 Heat Over 
 9-9-9 Plan 


Cain Takes Heat Over 9-9-9 Plan

Says he's killing invisible taxes with a visible one

(Newser) - Sudden GOP frontrunner Herman Cain defended his 9-9-9 tax plan on the talk show circuit today, shooting back at critics who say it would jack taxes for the poor, middle class, and elderly. "There are invisible taxes that are built into everything we buy," said Cain, adding...

Huntsman Boycotting Nevada Debate

He's protesting Nevada's decision to hold caucuses early

(Newser) - Jon Huntsman is skipping next week's debate in Las Vegas to protest Nevada's decision to move up its caucuses to January, reports the Hill . Instead, Huntsman will host a town-hall meeting in New Hampshire. The Huntsman camp accuses Mitt Romney of encouraging the state to shift its caucus...

For Most, Cain's '9-9-9' Plan a Tax Hike

'Washington Post' fact checkers say Cain's plan is misleading

(Newser) - Herman Cain is being dishonest in touting his “9-9-9” plan, positioning it as some kind of tax cut, when “in reality tens of millions of lower income Americans would face tax increases,” Washington Post fact checker Glenn Kessler has concluded, giving Cain three out of four Pinocchios....

Cain No. 1 in National Poll
 Cain No. 1 in National Poll 

Cain No. 1 in National Poll

Gingrich moves into third, but news isn't all bad for Perry

(Newser) - A new Public Policy Polling survey reflects the Herman Cain surge: While it does not take into account last night's debate , in which Cain was front and center, it shows him comfortably atop the latest national poll. Cain has 30%, followed by Mitt Romney (22), Newt Gingrich (15), Rick...

GOP Debate Winner? Either Cain or Romney
 GOP Debate Winner?
 Either Cain or Romney

GOP Debate Winner? Either Cain or Romney

Which isn't good news for Rick Perry: Pundits

(Newser) - The instant analysis from the GOP debate doesn't exactly bode well for Rick Perry, who needed a big night in the eyes of pundits :
  • "Seems to me that it was a pretty good night for Mitt Romney, and for Herman Cain as well. ... Not sure that Rick Perry

Perry Puts US Revolution in Wrong Century

 Perry Puts 
 US Revolution 
 in Wrong 
historical oops

Perry Puts US Revolution in Wrong Century

He tells fraternity about founding fathers' 16th-century fight

(Newser) - George Washington must be rolling over in his grave: Rick Perry blew into a Dartmouth frat house after the debate yesterday and launched into an explanation of his view that the founding fathers fought for state rights during the American Revolution—in the 16th century, notes ABC News . He was...

Gingrich: Throw Democrats in Jail

 Gingrich: Throw 
 in Jail 
GOP Debate

Gingrich: Throw Democrats in Jail

Chris Dodd, Barney Frank should pay for collapse, not Wall Street bigs: Newt

(Newser) - Newt Gingrich has an interesting idea for resolving political conflicts: Jail Democrats. That was the former House speaker's surprising recommendation in last night's GOP debate . The suggestion came up as he expressed sympathy for the Occupy Wall Street movement, saying protesters have every right to be angry. But...

GOP Hopefuls Face Off in 'Well-Mannered' Debate

Herman Cain gets plenty of attention

(Newser) - The latest Republican debate has wrapped up, this one focused mostly on the economy and on the newest darling of the polls, Herman Cain. If Rick Perry was hoping to land a knockout punch on Mitt Romney, it never arrived. In fact, the night was "exceedingly well-mannered," notes...

New Jersey Governor Chris Christie to Endorse Mitt Romney

Christie Endorses Romney

New Jersey governor gives front-runner a big boost

(Newser) - If you needed any further proof that Chris Christie isn't running, here it is: He endorsed Mitt Romney for president today, reports Fox News . "America cannot survive another four years of Barack Obama, and Mitt Romney is the man to lead America," the New Jersey governor said....

ObamaCare Modeled on RomneyCare: Records

NBC News obtains records that are sure to play a part in tonight's debate

(Newser) - As the GOP frontrunner, it's widely expected that Mitt Romney will face a tough time tonight —and it looks like tough might be an understatement. NBC News has obtained White House visitor log records that reveal that ObamaCare doesn't just resemble RomneyCare , it was actually modeled on...

Election 2012: What to Watch for in Tonight's GOP Debate
 For Rick Perry, 
 Tonight Is 
 Do or Die 

For Rick Perry, Tonight Is Do or Die

What to watch for in tonight's GOP debate

(Newser) - The Republican presidential candidates head back to New Hampshire tonight for the Granite State's second debate of the year. What to watch for, courtesy of Politico , the Washington Post , and Reuters :
  • It's now or never for Rick Perry: Following a series of disappointing debate performances, time is running

Obama: Don't Just Sit There When People Boo a Soldier

President fires away at GOP contenters at gay rights fundraiser

(Newser) - Ah, election season—when politicians remember that they once had guts. President Obama swung hard at GOP presidential hopefuls last night, blasting them for not condemning the crowd that booed a gay soldier at a Republican debate on Sept. 22, reports the Hill . "We don’t believe in the...

Jon Stewart: GOP Race Like 'American Idol' Gone Wrong
 Stewart: GOP Like 
 Bizarro American Idol 

Stewart: GOP Like Bizarro American Idol

Adds a new idiot every week

(Newser) - Jon Stewart tackled the latest Republican debate on the Daily Show last night, and the Republicans’ seemingly insatiable desire for more candidates. He summarily dismissed Rick Santorum’s opposition to gays in the military (“What planet do you f***ing live on?”) and joined the dog pile mocking Rick...

Santorum: 'I Condemn' Boos of Gay Soldier

Says he didn't hear them at the time

(Newser) - Rick Santorum looked to bring boo-gate to a halt on Fox News yesterday: "I condemn the people who booed that gay soldier," he said, referring to the handful of jeers during a question at the GOP debate about Don't Ask, Don't Tell. The candidate says he...

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