
Stories 381 - 400 | << Prev   Next >>

Berlusconi Irate Over Pesky Media Questions

Italian PM walks out of interview when asked about teen model

(Newser) - Silvio Berlusconi owns nearly half of Italy’s television stations—but not La Repubblica, the Italian daily that has incensed the PM with questions about his connection to an 18-year-old model, the Guardian reports. When a reporter asked about Berlusconi's appearance at her birthday party, Berlusconi took offense, saying “...

New Newsweek a Lot Like Old Newsweek
 New Newsweek a Lot Like 
 Old Newsweek 

New Newsweek a Lot Like Old Newsweek

(Newser) - Freshly fired by Time, Michael Kinsley checked out the much-ballyhooed Newsweek makeover. Let’s just say he’s less than impressed. In his introductory note, editor John Meacham says, “We are not pretending to be your guide through the chaos of the information age.” Already, Kinsley sees a...

Web Didn't Kill Sportswriting; Lame, Humorless Writers Did

Writers today just don't know how to have fun

(Newser) - When the working day is done, sportswriters just wanna have fun—or at least they did 50 years ago, when hot-type dinosaurs like Gary Cartwright and his gonzo cohorts roamed Dallas in capes and leotards pretending to be Italian acrobats. But today’s mirthless philistines are doing more to butcher...

Don't Sell the Times ... Yet
 Don't Sell the Times... Yet 

Don't Sell the Times... Yet

(Newser) - The New York Times' ruling Ochs-Sulzberger family has a “habit of buying high and selling low,” writes John Gapper of the Financial Times. The clan sold the paper’s old Times Square building at a bargain price and bought back shares near their zenith. Now Arthur Sulzberger Jr....

Washington Can't Take a Joke
 Washington Can't Take a Joke 

Washington Can't Take a Joke

Uproar over Sykes' routine shows we take things too literally

(Newser) - Sure, Wanda Sykes’ controversial jokes at the White House Correspondents’ Association dinner were “over the top,” and they weren’t all that funny, writes Kathleen Parker in the Washington Post. But the uproar they sparked just shows “we take ourselves far too seriously—and literally.” Sykes...

Fawcett: False Tab Reports Add Pain to Cancer

Actress describes sting designed to catch leakers to Enquirer

(Newser) - Farrah Fawcett’s battle with the prying media runs a close second to her battle with cancer. In an August interview with the Los Angeles Times published today, the actress slammed the National Enquirer’s often-inaccurate reporting of her condition and describes a sting she and her doctors designed to...

Hey, Media: US Jails Journos, Too
 Hey, Media: 
 US Jails Journos, Too 

Hey, Media: US Jails Journos, Too

'First duty' of press is to hold own gov't accountable

(Newser) - The American media are celebrating Iran’s release of journalist Roxana Saberi in a case the press doggedly pursued. But today’s back-patting is hypocritical, writes Glenn Greenwald in Salon: the US media have all but ignored foreign journalists imprisoned by our own government, often with little reason. Case in...

Anonymous Briefings Rile White House Press Corps

Members considering staging protest

(Newser) - The White House press corps is fed up with background briefings given by “senior administration officials” whose names can’t be revealed, and journalists are considering a protest, Politico reports. An AP reporter has urged the press to team up against such briefings. But frustrated reporters are still attending...

Obama Brings Down House at Press Dinner

President plays stand-up comic

(Newser) - President Obama slayed his audience with killer jokes last night at the celebrity-studded White House Correspondents' Dinner, reports the Washington Post. Aiming zingers at everyone from Hillary to himself, Obama drew guffaws from the 2500 guests with lines like: "My next 100 days will be so successful. I...

Berlusconi Demands Apology From Wife

Lario slammed PM for surrounding himself 'with children'

(Newser) - Silvio Berlusconi is demanding an apology from his wife for her public complaints over the PM’s appreciation of young women, the Times of London reports. Berlusconi alleged that Veronica Lario had been “put up” to discredit him before June elections by his political enemies. Berlusconi said this marriage...

Bigger E-Readers Ride In to Save Newspapers
 Bigger E-Readers Ride In
 to Save Newspapers 

Bigger E-Readers Ride In to Save Newspapers

(Newser) - Amazon is set to introduce a tabloid-sized version of the Kindle tailored to display newspapers—just one of many e-readers in the pipe that just might toss a life-preserver to print journalism, the New York Times reports. In fact, Engadget expects the new Kindle to debut Wednesday at a press...

House Trembles When Colbert Comes Calling

Comic shines rare (and rarely flattering) light on representatives

(Newser) - Members of the House generally toil in obscurity—unless they have the fortune, or misfortune, to run afoul of Stephen Colbert. With his would-be 435-part “Better Know a District” segment, Colbert has become, arguably, the only comedian to make the House of Representatives a major part of his act,...

Media Let Specter Off the Hook
 Media Let 
 Specter Off 
 the Hook 

Media Let Specter Off the Hook

Didn't he sort of betray voters?

(Newser) - When the Arlen Specter story broke last week, “most journalists assumed the role of handicappers,” writes Howard Kurtz of the Washington Post. The value-neutral reporting focused on how powerful this would make Democrats, and what it meant for the wilderness-dwelling Republicans. “Little attention was devoted to this...

Press Freedom Declines Worldwide

New report sees losses in all regions for first time ever

(Newser) - Press freedom declined worldwide last year for the seventh year in a row, and for the first time suffered losses in all regions, according to a new report by Freedom House. Slipping from “free” to “partially free” were Israel, Italy and Hong Kong, while Cambodia fell to “...

'Enchanted'? Twitterverse Pounces
'Enchanted'? Twitterverse Pounces

'Enchanted'? Twitterverse Pounces

NYT journo's query on Obama's feelings 'genius,' 'navel-gazing'

(Newser) - One question from last night’s presidential press conference has pundits and Twitterers buzzing: A reporter asked President Obama what “surprised,” “troubled,” “enchanted,” and “humbled” him about the office. “I thought the Miss USA Pageant was *last* week,” read one Tweet...

NYT Readers Brain Dead: WSJ Editor

USA Today also slammed—maybe

(Newser) - Media-to-media relations are starting to resemble reality shows, writes Ryan Tate in Gawker—maybe this will up readership. In a staff memo about circulation growth, the Wall Street Journal managing editor slammed the New York Times, writing “there are two measures of mortality, brain death and the day the...

Obama, Biden Earn A-Minuses
 Obama, Biden Earn A-Minuses 

Obama, Biden Earn A-Minuses

Pundits offer wide-ranging report card

(Newser) - On President Obama’s 100th day in office, Mark Halperin of Time provides a White House report card:
  • Barack Obama: A-. “Instantly comfortable and highly skilled at the hardest job in the world.”
  • Joe Biden: A-: Operates "precisely in the manner he and Obama discussed

Obama Thrives On Disintegrating Media
 Obama Thrives On 
 Disintegrating Media 

Obama Thrives On Disintegrating Media

(Newser) - The White House is watching the old media paradigm disintegrate with just a touch of opportunistic glee, reports Jon Ward of the Washington Times. “There are so many places that are driving the news that, in the end, nothing gets driven,” says press secretary Robert Gibbs. That makes...

New Software Judges Blog Credibility

(Newser) - Software that would automatically rate the credibility of blogs on a scale from highly credible to “little credible” is in the works in Austria, Ars Technica reports. The program analyzes the distribution of words in successive blog posts and also compares topics against stories covered in the mainstream media...

Critic Fights Copycat for Twitter Identity

Lawyers pursue blogger who spoofs restaurant reviewer

(Newser) - A restaurant reviewer and her lawyers are after a man who’s been tweeting and blogging under her name, the New York Times reports. Adam Robb Rucinsky has been spoofing New York Daily News critic Danyelle Freeman, aka Restaurant Girl, imitating her distinctive style in posts using both her monikers....

Stories 381 - 400 | << Prev   Next >>