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High Court Won't Hear Challenge to NY Gun Law

Justices offer no comment

(Newser) - The Supreme Court is staying out of the gun debate for now. The justices today declined to hear a challenge to a strict New York law that makes it difficult for residents to get a license to carry a concealed handgun in public. The court did not comment in turning...

Man Shoots Himself at NRA's NASCAR Race

Alcohol may have been involved

(Newser) - This probably wasn't the kind of visibility the NRA was looking for when it decided to directly sponsor its first NASCAR event. A 42-year-old racing fan shot himself in the head at the NRA 500 Saturday night in Texas, the New York Post reports. Kirk Franklin was in a...

Giffords to Congress: Background Checks. Now.

Misinformation is stalling a no-brainer that everyone wants

(Newser) - "I think about patience every day," says Gabrielle Giffords, as she rehabilitates from being shot in the head two years ago. But as she looks at the gun control dance playing out on Capitol Hill, she finds herself running short of that particular virtue. "What are they...

NRA Study Backs Arming Educators

Every school should have armed personnel, it concludes

(Newser) - Schools across the nation should train selected staff members to carry weapons and should each have at least one armed security officer to allow a quicker response to an attack, the director of an NRA-sponsored study said today. Former Rep. Asa Hutchinson of Arkansas made the remarks as a task...

Newtown Residents Blast 'Insensitive' NRA Robocalls

Calls urged them to oppose gun-control proposals

(Newser) - Some residents in Newtown, Conn., say they're outraged at receiving robocalls from the National Rifle Association only three months after the Sandy Hook Elementary School shootings. Town residents say the automated calls from the NRA began last week and urge people to tell their state legislators to oppose gun-control...

She Has a Protective Order; He Still Has a Gun

'NYT' takes a look at one aspect of the gun-rights battle

(Newser) - Amid the talk of ammunition magazines and background checks , the New York Times susses out a perhaps less obvious element of the gun-control battle: domestic abusers and firearms. As it explains, only a smattering of states require that those with protection orders against them give up their guns. It shares...

Gun Ownership Numbers Way Down
 Gun Ownership 
 Numbers Way Down 
survey says

Gun Ownership Numbers Way Down

National ownership rate falls to 35%: survey

(Newser) - A national survey shows that US gun ownership has fallen steeply since the 1980s, even in the South and Western mountain areas where guns are more popular, the New York Times reports. The national ownership rate hovered around 50% in the 1970s and '80s, but dropped to 43% in...

Pro-Gun Control Dem Wins Ill. Race on Bloomberg Dime

$2M ad blitz fires Kelly to primary victory in 'message' to NRA

(Newser) - A pro-gun control candidate has won the first congressional contest since the Sandy Hook school shooting, reports CNN . Robin Kelly defeated National Rifle Association-approved rival Debbie Halvorson to win the Democratic primary for the Chicago-area House seat vacated by Jesse Jackson Jr . New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg bankrolled a...

Bloomberg Turns Chicago Race Into Test Case on Guns

Politico: $2M ad blitz goes after NRA ally

(Newser) - To gauge how well the Newtown massacre translates into political reality, keep an eye on the special election to fill the congressional seat vacated by Jesse Jackson Jr. in Chicago, reports Politico . Its story says New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg is pouring up to $2 million into the race...

NRA Prisons, 3-Strikes Laws &#39;Gave Us a Headache&#39;
NRA Prisons, 3-Strikes Laws 'Gave Us a Headache'
mother jones

NRA Prisons, 3-Strikes Laws 'Gave Us a Headache'

'Mother Jones' takes CrimeStrike program to task

(Newser) - Wayne LaPierre tossed off a line at the Senate gun-control hearings : "We've supported prison building." In fact, the NRA backed stricter sentencing and more prisons in a perfect storm of lobbying that Mother Jones says led to a larger and harsher culture of incarceration in America. It...

Bloomberg Blasts NRA in Super Bowl Ad

Ad shows footage of LaPierre voicing NRA's support for background checks

(Newser) - More bad news for Wayne LaPierre: Michael Bloomberg's Mayors Against Illegal Guns is going primetime with a gun control ad slated for tonight's Super Bowl, and LaPierre is the unintentional star. The ad features 1999 footage of LaPierre saying the NRA fully supports universal background checks, reports the...

Fox Anchor to NRA&#39;s LaPierre: You&#39;re &#39;Ridiculous&#39;
 Fox Anchor to 
 NRA's LaPierre: 
 You're 'Ridiculous' 

Fox Anchor to NRA's LaPierre: You're 'Ridiculous'

And Paul Krugman calls the NRA 'insane organization'

(Newser) - Wayne LaPierre has got to be feeling a little like he had a bulls-eye on his forehead during this morning's turn on Fox News Sunday, reports Politico . With Mark Kelly renewing his call for stricter gun control, LaPierre even took heat from Fox's Chris Wallace, who blasted LaPierre'...

NRA: We'll Fight Universal Background Checks

Assault-weapons ban odds: 'very, very small'

(Newser) - The NRA plans to oppose mandatory background checks on all gun purchases, its president tells USA Today yesterday, rejecting one of the most popular proposals on gun control: the closure of loopholes allowing gun-show purchases without background checks. If the measure, which polls with 85% support, can't get through,...

Giffords Testifying at Senate Gun Violence Hearing

Where, unfortunately for Lindsey Graham and ted Cruz, there will be no guns

(Newser) - Continuing her campaign against gun violence, Gabrielle Giffords will testify today at a Senate hearing on the issue. The Senate Judiciary Committee hearing—the first on gun violence in 14 months—was already expected to be a dramatic showdown, the Washington Post reports. Giffords is not expected to take questions;...

Aussie Winery Pulls Out of NRA's ... Wine Club?

You can find a nice Merlot and 'defend basic freedoms' at same time

(Newser) - Who knew? The NRA has a wine club, a revelation that surfaced this week when an Australian winery discovered to its dismay that its bottles were sold there, reports the Herald Sun . The owners of Yalumbu say they have no idea how that came to be and promise to get...

Feinstein Unveils Proposed Ban on Assault Weapons

It's more sweeping than the one that expired in 2004

(Newser) - Democrats led by Dianne Feinstein unveiled new legislation to rein in assault weapons today, reports the Washington Post . A few key points:
  • It would ban 157 types of semiautomatic weapons, including the Bushmaster variety used in the Sandy Hook rampage.
  • It would ban ammunition magazines that hold more than 10

NRA's LaPierre Blasts Obama: 2nd Amendment Is Absolute

Says president wants to either tax guns or take them away

(Newser) - One person who was not a fan of President Obama's inaugural address: Wayne LaPierre , executive director of the NRA. Yesterday at a Nevada hunting conference, LaPierre attacked the president's speech, specifically the part where Obama urged Americans not to "mistake absolutism for principle." That was an...

90% Want Gun Background Checks

 90% Want Gun 

90% Want Gun Background Checks

Including NRA members, Republicans

(Newser) - Looks like President Obama was right when he said the majority of Americans support universal background checks for gun buyers—in a huge way. A whopping 90% of the public supports the idea, according to a new New York Times / CBS News poll, including 95% of Independents, 93% of...

Obama&#39;s 23 Executive Orders
 Obama's 23 Executive Orders 

Obama's 23 Executive Orders

Includes having the CDC research gun violence

(Newser) - So just what are the 23 executive orders President Obama signed today as part of his plan to curb gun violence? Dave Weigel at Slate runs them down, and here's a sampling from him and AP :
  • "Require federal agencies to make relevant data available to the federal background

NRA Shooting App No Longer 'Suitable' for 4-Year-Olds

'Practice Range' now for ages 12 and up

(Newser) - The NRA's new shooting app for mobile devices is no longer being described as "suitable for ages 4 and up." The age recommendation for "NRA: Practice Range" was changed to at least 12 years and a warning that the game depicts "intense" and "realistic"...

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