
Stories 181 - 200 | << Prev   Next >>

Malaysia Swoons Over Hotttest Imam Reality Search

They sing, gather corpses in new program

(Newser) - They're young, tall-ish, dark and handsome and they've captured the hearts of Malyasian TV viewers mesmerized by their quest to be declared the nation's hottest up-and-coming imam. Contestants on the new reality show Young Imam are judged by one man— the former grand mufti of Malaysia's national mosque—and are...

Al-Qaeda Yank Rips 'Snake Obama'

Gadahn skewers 'declining empire' of his homeland

(Newser) - America's homegrown al-Qaeda spokesman blasts "snakelike" Barack Obama in his latest video posted on Islamic web sites. Turbanned Adam Gadahn, born and and raised on the West Coast as Adam Pearlman, rips US "aggression and interference" in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Yemen and Somalia, and accuses the nation of running...

Cleric Defends 'Boobquake' Sermon
Cleric Defends 'Boobquake' Sermon

Cleric Defends 'Boobquake' Sermon

God just doesn't bother with the heathen West, Iranian insists

(Newser) - Take notes, Iranians: Dressing immodestly really will cause earthquakes and bring God's wrath upon you—but only if you're from a pious place like Iran. If you live in the heathen West, God will just let you sin, and you'll go to hell. That's the bulletproof logic Iranian cleric Kazem...

Iran to Arrest Tan Women
 Iran to Arrest 
 Tan Women 

Iran to Arrest Tan Women

Police chief: We must crack down on un-Islamic acts

(Newser) - Sun worship appears to be the latest threat to Iranian security as authorities announce that suntanned women will be imprisoned. "The public expects us to act swiftly if we see any social misbehavior," said Tehran police chief Brig Hossien Sajedinia, who noted that women will be warned before...

South Park Creators Need Protection—and Solidarity

Hollywood should step up with campaign against extremists

(Newser) - Dismissing those who threatened South Park's creators as mere cranks or fringe extremists is a potentially deadly mistake, warns a Dutch politician who received death threats herself after criticizing Islam. The warning from a radical website may not have broken the law, but it still amounts to an "informal...

Graham Cut From Pentagon Pray-In After Muslim Dig

Preacher gets the boot over anti-Islam comments

(Newser) - The Pentagon has decided that a preacher who says Islam is "vile and evil" and that Muslims can only be accepted by God through faith in Jesus isn't an appropriate speaker for an all-faith prayer event. Franklin Graham, son of Billy Graham, has been disinvited from National Day of...

Islamic Site Threatens South Park Creators
 Islamic Site Threatens 
 South Park
that bear is muhammad

Islamic Site Threatens South Park Creators

It's supposedly just a 'warning' for Trey Parker, Matt Stone

(Newser) - Leave it to South Park creators Trey Parker and Matt Stone to figure out a way to be offensive to the point of threats on a radical Islamic website. posted a “warning” after last week’s episode featuring the Prophet Muhammad in a bear costume. “What...

Slutty Women Cause Earthquakes: Iranian Cleric

Scantily clad temptresses lead to adultery, and that leads to seismic trouble

(Newser) - Iran is in one of the most seismically active regions of the globe, atop dozens of fault lines, yet Tehran hasn't suffered a major earthquake since 1830. And when the inevitable happens, it'll be because of immodestly dressed women. Wait, what? "Many women who do not dress modestly ... lead...

Obama Quietly Talks to Muslims
 Obama Quietly Talks to Muslims 

Obama Quietly Talks to Muslims

White House reaches out to neglected constituency

(Newser) - Barack Obama has gone out of his way not to be seen with Muslim or Arab-American leaders, and he's still never set foot in a mosque as president, but behind the scenes, his administration is listening and responding to the concerns of American Muslims. Community leaders have participated in policy...

Radical Islam a Surging Threat in Russia

Tech-savvy dissident ignited movement

(Newser) - In just two years, Alexander Tikhomirov, 27, rose from obscurity to become the face of a fast-growing Islamist insurgency in Russia. Tikhomirov was gunned down last month in the Caucasus, but he lives on as a "digital legend," the Washington Post reports, revered as a martyr by Russia's...

Muslim Names Stall US Travel Visas

Travelers' applications vanish into 'administrative processing'

(Newser) - A student visa for a clean-cut French grad student to attend UC Berkeley sounds like a pretty routine matter—but not when his name is Mohamed Youcef Mami. Mami, who missed both his non-refundable flight and the start of his master's program waiting around in France for his mysteriously delayed...

US Muslim Group Slams 'Inflammatory' Textbooks

Kids' series portrays Muslims as inherent security threats, group charges

(Newser) - A Muslim-American group is planning a public awareness campaign against a series of children's textbooks it says paints an inaccurate and inflammatory picture of their faith. The civil rights director of a chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations says the World of Islam series—found in at least two...

Sheik Issues Fatwa Against Terrorists

Suicide bombers are hell-bound, warns Islamic scholar

(Newser) - An influential Islamic scholar has issued a sweeping and unreserved condemnation of terrorism in all its forms as un-Islamic. "Terrorism is terrorism, violence is violence and it has no place in Islamic teaching and no justification can be provided for it," Sheik Tahir ul-Qadri wrote in his 600-page...

Muslim Women Fight Segregation in DC Mosque

US fights for Muslim women aboard, cops threaten arrest here

(Newser) - In an action they link to Rosa Parks' refusal to give up her seat on a bus in the civil rights movement, American Muslim women are battling against a "men only" prayer section in a DC mosque. Police were called recently to the Islamic Center of Washington when protesting...

Gadhafi Calls for Jihad ... Against Swiss

Libya boss urges Muslims to join holy war against 'infidel nation'

(Newser) - Pious Muslims should avoid cuckoo clocks and Swiss chocolates, and wage a holy war against the "infidel nation" of Switzerland, according to Moammar Gadhafi. "Any Muslim in any part of the world who works with Switzerland is an apostate—is against Muhammad, God and the Koran," the...

43% of Americans Report Bias Against Muslims

Muslims face worst prejudice, most unfavorable view

(Newser) - A whopping 43% of Americans report at least “a little” bias against Muslims, and a majority, 53%, have an unfavorable view of the religion, according to a Gallup poll released today. That makes Islam far and away the most reviled religion in the country; Only 18% reported some prejudice...

Fort Hood Report Doesn't Mention Islam

And barely mentions shooter; critics cry political correctness

(Newser) - The military’s new report on the Fort Hood shooting only once names alleged shooter Nidal Hasan and never discusses his religion, which has critics howling. Several lawmakers want an explanation for those omissions, including Homeland Security Committee chair Joe Lieberman. Lieberman tells Time he’s “disappointed” because the...

Met Yanks Mohammed Art
 Met Yanks Mohammed Art 

Met Yanks Mohammed Art

Is Metropolitan Museum of Art getting jihad jitters?

(Newser) - New York's Metropolitan Museum of Art may be burying its collection of Islamic art, all in the name of political correctness.Three ancient renderings of the prophet Mohammed are no longer on display. “This is typical of the Met—trying to avoid any controversy,” an inside source tells...

At Fort Hood, a Community Troubled by Missed Clues

Hasan left trail of descent toward violence

(Newser) - In retrospect, there were plenty of hints: On the morning of Nov. 5, Nidal Hasan gave away his groceries to one neighbor; left a phone message for another, saying, "Nice knowing you, friend"; and told another that Muslims will "do anything to be closer to God." He...

Indonesia 'Polygamy Club' Boosts Influence

Women's groups seek to have club shut down

(Newser) - A controversial club preaching the benefits of men taking multiple wives is growing fast in Indonesia. Polygamy is legal but tightly controlled in the Muslim nation. Now the "Global Ikhlwan" club aims to make it more mainstream. Members, both male and female, hail the benefits of polygamy and say...

Stories 181 - 200 | << Prev   Next >>