
Stories 161 - 180 | << Prev   Next >>

Anti-Islamic Ads Turn Up on Chicago Cabs

Pamela Geller says they're against honor killings, not religion

(Newser) - Coming soon to a cab near you: Anti-Islamic ads that suggest it's dangerous for women to leave the religion. They've been showing up on taxis in Chicago this summer, part of a movement called Stop the Islamization of America, reports the Chicago Tribune . Leader Pamela Geller—she's emerged as one...

Billy Graham's Son: Obama 'Born a Muslim'

... because his father was a Muslim, explains Franklin

(Newser) - People are confused about the president's faith because he was "born a Muslim," declares the son of Billy Graham. It's simple: Barack Obama's father was a Muslim, "and the seed is passed through the father," the Rev. Franklin Graham tells CNN in an interview airing tonight....

Nation's First Muslim College Opens Next Week

So far, things have been relatively quiet

(Newser) - So far, so quiet. The nation's first Muslim college opens next week in Berkeley, and Reza Aslan in the Daily Beast is worried it will give the West Coast its very own lightning rod for anti-Islamic fervor. But the founders of Zaytuna College say they've gotten relatively little flak, even...

Florida Church Determined to Burn Korans on 9/11
Florida Church Determined
to Burn Korans on 9/11

Florida Church Determined to Burn Korans on 9/11

City says no, but 'Dove World' just won't listen

(Newser) - A Florida church has vowed to go ahead with its plan to hold a Koran burning on 9/11 , in defiance of a city ruling that states such an act would violate fire codes. The city of Gainesville turned down the Dove World Outreach Center’s application for a burn permit,...

Top Mosque Critic's Motivation? South Park

Pamela Geller explains her reasoning

(Newser) - Pamela Geller, who effectively founded the campaign against the Ground Zero mosque, discusses her reasoning with Talking Points Memo …and South Park has a lot to do with it. Her “most prominent examples” for why she has a problem with the Islamic faith were the death threats leveled...

Poll: 1 in 5 Thinks Obama Is Muslim

Confusion over president's religion is growing

(Newser) - Americans are becoming increasingly confused about their president's religion, polls show. Almost a fifth of Americans incorrectly believe that President Obama is a Muslim, according to a Pew Research Center poll released today. Only 34% got it right and said the president is a Christian, while 43% said they weren't...

These 'Professional Bigots' Thrive on 'Muslim-Baiting'

Writer is glad his immigrant father didn't live to see this day

(Newser) - One of Newt Gingrich's complaints about the proposed mosque near Ground Zero is that no churches or synagogues are allowed in Saudi Arabia. Well yeah, writes Haris Tanin. "But that is precisely the reason so many Muslim immigrants like my father chose not to make a home there or...

Too Bad Obama 'Flinched' on Mosque
 Too Bad Obama 
 'Flinched' on 
opinion roundup

Too Bad Obama 'Flinched' on Mosque

And William Kristol thinks the plan is all but dead

(Newser) - The proposed mosque and Islamic center near Ground Zero continues to dominate pundit-land. Here's a sampling:
  • Richard Cohen, Washington Post : Obama's backtracking was a shame. People will always blame the actions of a few on the many, as they are doing now with Islam. "It is the solemn obligation

Reid Opposes Ground Zero Mosque

Facing re-election challenge, he breaks with Obama

(Newser) - Harry Reid broke with President Obama Monday to voice his opposition to the mosque and Islamic cultural center planned a few blocks from Ground Zero. A spokesman for the Senate majority leader, who faces a tough re-election bid in Nevada, said Reid respects freedom of religion "but thinks that...

Obama Supports Mosque Near Ground Zero

President cites 'commitment to religious freedom'

(Newser) - President Obama tonight forcefully endorsed building a mosque near Ground Zero, saying the country's founding principles demand no less. "As a citizen, and as president, I believe that Muslims have the same right to practice their religion as anyone else in this country," Obama said, weighing in for...

Ground Zero Mosque Is Sacrilege

 Ground Zero Mosque 
 Is Sacrilege 
Charles Krauthammer

Ground Zero Mosque Is Sacrilege

Some places belong to others

(Newser) - There are some places you just don’t build. Some places are sacred, and Ground Zero is one of them. “It belongs to those who suffered and died there,” writes Charles Krauthammer of the Washington Post . That’s why a commercial viewing tower near Gettysburg was taken down,...

It's Not Just Ground Zero That's Hostile to Mosques

And the fights raise larger issue: Religious freedom

(Newser) - The ruckus over whether to build a mosque near Ground Zero is supposedly centered around the propriety of the proposal, but it's really indicative of a series of not-in-my-backyard fights ranging from not-so-hallowed grounds in Murfreesboro, Tenn., to Sheboygan, Wis., reports the New York Times. But whereas squabbles in the...

Group Sues to Halt Ground Zero Mosque

Pat Robertson law center says current building deserves landmarks protection

(Newser) - The debate over a planned mosque near Ground Zero became a court fight yesterday, as an advocacy group founded by Pat Robertson sued to stop the project. The American Center for Law and Justice claims the city Landmarks Preservation Commission underappreciated the historic value of the building currently on the...

Bin Laden Would Love to Bomb NYC Mosque
Bin Laden Would Love
to Bomb
NYC Mosque

Bin Laden Would Love to Bomb NYC Mosque

Opponents are wrong: He'd hate this project

(Newser) - Those who think Osama bin Laden is laughing at America because of plans to build a mosque at Ground Zero are way off base, writes Jeffrey Goldberg at the Atlantic . Bin Laden would hate this thing and would love to "dispatch a truck bomb to destroy" it if it...

GOP Candidate: Islam a 'Cult' We 'Have to Face'

Tennessee Lt. governor afraid new mosque will spread Sharia law

(Newser) - Tennessee Lt. Gov. Ron Ramsey is mighty ‘afeared of them thar Muslims. In this video, spotted by Politico , of a campaign stop in Chattanooga, Ramsey was asked how he felt about the “presence invading our country from the Muslims.” Ramsey replied that he’d been getting that...

Pastor Plans 'Burn a Koran Day'—September 11

Anti-Islam Florida church also vehemently anti-gay

(Newser) - A Florida pastor whose Bible is apparently missing the page that explains the Golden Rule has big plans for the ninth anniversary of the Sept. 11 attacks—his church will play host to "International Burn a Koran Day." The Dove World Outreach Center, which is known for the...

Palin Compares Herself to Shakespeare
Palin Compares Herself to Shakespeare
bard of wasilla

Palin Compares Herself to Shakespeare

...while asking Muslims to 'refudiate' Ground Zero Mosque on Twitter

(Newser) - "Ground Zero Mosque supporters: doesn't it stab you in the heart, as it does ours throughout the heartland? Peaceful Muslims, pls refudiate," Sarah Palin tweeted yesterday afternoon. Apparently realizing the word refudiate doesn't exist, Palin then pulled down the message and took a second stab, this time misusing...

NBC, CBS Reject Ground Zero Mosque Ad

It decries plan to build 'monstrous' facility

(Newser) - CBS and NBC have declined to air an ad from a conservative group protesting the building of a mosque near the site of the World Trade Center attacks, Politico reports. The ad, sponsored by the National Republican Trust PAC, shows a montage of 9/11 horrors amid Muslims praying. "On...

'Everybody Draw Mohammad' Cartoonist Makes Hit List

Yememi-American jihadist Awlaki targets Molly Norris for death

(Newser) - Anwar al-Awlaki, the US-born jihadist linked to the Fort Hood shootings and the Times Square bomb plot, has drawn a target on Seattle cartoonist Molly Norris, for her "Everybody Draw Mohammed Day" cartoon. Awlaki added her to the execution list, saying her "proper abode is hellfire." The...

Jon Stewart: Fox Is Afraid of Muslims

ABC takes some lumps as well

(Newser) - Do you love to watch Jon Stewart rip on Fox News? Because the Huffington Post sure does. It points out this delightful clip from last night's Daily Show, in which Stewart rakes Fox over the coals for its persistent Islamophobia, highlighting first its over-the-top reaction to NASA's Muslim outreach programs,...

Stories 161 - 180 | << Prev   Next >>