
Stories 141 - 160 | << Prev   Next >>

Husband Accidentally Divorces Wife on Skype

Tells clerics he didn't mean it, to no avail

(Newser) - A Qatar man is paying a heavy price for a joke he made in a Skype chat—his marriage. He jokingly wrote "talak, talak, talak" ("I divorce thee, I divorce thee, I divorce thee") to his wife. He then apparently got worried and wrote to Islamic authorities...

US Declares: Islam Is a Religion

Battle over Tennessee mosque gets more heated

(Newser) - In case you weren’t sure: Islam is a religion, not a political movement. The US Department of Justice officially pronounced it so in a Tennessee courtroom, the latest move in the uproar over a proposed Islamic center in that state. The worshipers of a mosque near Murfreesboro have been...

Why the 'War on Islam' Is All Wrong

MSNBC's Dylan Ratigan makes his case after O'Reilly comment

(Newser) - After Bill O’Reilly sparked a furor on the View with his comment that “Muslims killed us on 9/11,” MSNBC's Dylan Ratigan made an impassioned distinction today between Muslims and a Saudi-funded sect that has gone under the public radar, Mediaite reports. “There’s a small group...

Texas Board: Textbooks Have Pro-Islam Bias

Education officials want publishers to fix 'anti-Christian' tone

(Newser) - The Texas Board of Education issued a warning to textbook publishers today: It wants future social studies books to fix what it sees as a pro-Islam and anti-Christian bias, reports the Dallas Morning News . "What we're trying to do is prohibit and send a clear message to the publishers...

Obama's a Secret Muslim: O'Donnell's Old Campaign Chief

A 'commie-influenced Muslim,' even

(Newser) - Another day, another person calling President Obama a secret Muslim —only this time, the person in question has a history with Christine O’Donnell. Jon Moseley, who's described himself as manager of O'Donnell's failed 2008 Senate campaign and also worked as its treasurer, is a longtime activist who's toiled...

Middle School Mosque Field Trip Sparks Outrage

Video shows kids participating in prayers

(Newser) - A Massachusetts school district apologized today, after a video surfaced showing students praying during a class field trip to the Islamic Society of Community Center. The video was shot in May by a parent chaperoning the trip, and then handed over to a group that has long been critical of...

Martin Peretz: I Apologize for Slam on Muslims
Martin Peretz: I Apologize
for Slam on Muslims

Martin Peretz: I Apologize for Slam on Muslims

'I wrote that, but I do not believe that'

(Newser) - New Republic editor Martin Peretz set off a furor earlier this month when he wrote of Muslims: "I wonder whether I need honor these people and pretend they are worthy of the privileges of the First Amendment, which I have in my gut the sense that they will abuse....

Gay Saudi Diplomat Seeks Asylum in US

Says Saudis want to force him home, 'will kill me in broad daylight'

(Newser) - A Saudi Arabian diplomat is seeking political asylum after being outed as gay in his home country, the Daily Mail reports. Ali Ahmad Asseri, the first secretary of the Saudi consulate in LA, said that his government had yanked his diplomatic passport and his job in order to force him...

Islamophobia Is the New McCarthyism
 Islamophobia Is the 
 New McCarthyism 

Islamophobia Is the New McCarthyism

We're going after the 'enemy within'

(Newser) - With anti-Muslim sentiment and racist fears about President Obama at an all-time high, America is experiencing “the worst spasm of paranoia and bigotry of the post-Cold War age,” Peter Beinart writes in the Daily Beast . And we can look to the “red scares” of the last century...

Aussie Lawyer Smokes Koran, Bible

Video pulled from YouTube, man pulled from job

(Newser) - Inspired, perhaps, by the much-hyped antics of Terry Jones, an Australian law professor posted a video of himself burning pages from the Koran—and the Bible. In the video "Bible or Koran—which burns best?," which has since been removed from YouTube, the prof rips, rolls, and smokes...

It's Time for Us to Reject Hatred
 It's Time for Us to Reject Hatred 
kathleen parker

It's Time for Us to Reject Hatred

Kathleen Parker apologizes to the 'Muslim World'

(Newser) - Kathleen Parker pens a letter to the “Muslim World” in the Washington Post , calling herself “an American citizen who is deeply embarrassed by current events in my country.” When it comes to “so-called pastor” Terry Jones , “please ignore” him. “What we hope you understand...

Mosque Supporters Rally at Ground Zero

Quiet rally on eve of September 11

(Newser) - Candlelight, songs, and prayers drifted near Ground Zero last night, reports the Washington Post, as hundreds rallied not to remember those lost nine years ago today, but in support of the proposed mosque two blocks away. Organizers said they staged the event on September 10 so as not to detract...

First Muslim College in US Opens

Zaytuna is located in Berkeley

(Newser) - The first Muslim college in America quietly began classes this week, amid the continued fervor over the proposed Islamic center near Ground Zero and a certain pastor bent on burning Korans. The location of Zaytuna College in Berkeley probably explains its relatively untroubled beginnings, though some conservatives have attacked the...

Two-Thirds of Americans Oppose Mosque

And nearly half have a negative view of Islam

(Newser) - The proposed Islamic center near Ground Zero—and the entire religion of Islam, for that matter—get little love in a new Washington Post-ABC poll :
  • Two-thirds oppose the construction of the center and mosque, with most of those (82%) saying it's because of the location.
  • 49% have an unfavorable view

Ground Zero Evangelist: Glenn Beck a 'False Prophet'

Bill Kellar rages against Islam, says Ghandi's in hell

(Newser) - Internet Evangelist Bill Keller held the first meeting for his “9/11 Christian Center at Ground Zero” yesterday, slamming Glenn Beck, Imam Feisal Rauf, and … Ghandi? Keller wants to build a church near Ground Zero as a counterpoint to the proposed Islamic Community Center, which he has called "...

Fear Drives Anti-Muslim Sentiment
 We Once Feared 
 Catholics, Jews, Too 
Nick Kristof

We Once Feared Catholics, Jews, Too

It also fed campaigns against Catholics, Germans, and Jews

(Newser) - The Islamophobic sentiment shaking America is rooted in fear, not bigotry, writes Nick Kristof for the New York Times . The "well-meaning worriers" of the " Not-at-Ground-Zero Mosque " movement genuinely believe Muslims "don’t share their values, don’t believe in democracy, and may harm innocent Americans."...

52% of GOP Thinks Obama Supports Spread of Islamic Law

And 24% of Americans still think he's a Muslim

(Newser) - More than half of Republicans surveyed in a new Newsweek poll believe that President Obama supports the proliferation of Islamic law worldwide: 14% of Republicans said Obama definitely "sympathizes with the goals of Islamic fundamentalists who want to impose Islamic law around the world," while an additional 38%...

Gadhafi to Hot Italian Women: Convert!
 Gadhafi to Hot Italian 
 Women: Convert! 

Gadhafi to Hot Italian Women: Convert!

Dictator again pays women to listen to religious lecture

(Newser) - Moammar Gadhafi is paying hot Italian women once again —to sit and listen to him lecture about Islam and why they should convert, reports the AP. As the Libyan dictator jetted to Italy for the fourth time in a year, he again rounded up a few hundred women recruited...

Is 'Sharia' Evil?
 Is 'Sharia' Evil? 

Is 'Sharia' Evil?

Muslims say word being unfairly vilified

(Newser) - The word “sharia” has become almost a slur in conservative discourse recently. Protesters at Ground Zero wave signs showing the word in blood. A pamphlet at a recent tea party event asked, “Why do Muslims want to take over the world and place us under Shariah law?” And...

Ban Glenn Beck From Ground Zero
Ban Glenn Beck From
Ground Zero 

Ban Glenn Beck From Ground Zero

Fox host said in 2005 he 'hated' 9/11 families

(Newser) - The argument against the Park51 project—the so-called Ground Zero mosque—hinges on the idea that an Islamic symbol near the site of the 9/11 attacks is offensive to the families of the victims. One of the loudest voices opposing the project has been Glenn Beck, writes Cenk Uygur for...

Stories 141 - 160 | << Prev   Next >>